Okay... whew. Twenty-four hours later, it
still doesn’t make any sense. But I am grateful John McCain went this route, because I think his selection of Sarah Palin will be an epic fail.
I’ve heard all the chattering heads. The Buchananite wing of the GOP just loves this “gal.” Mainstream Republicans are sticking to their talking points like good infantry.
And partisan Democrats are running wild with a license to keep repeating: “John McCain is 72 years old! John McCain has had cancer four times!”
There it is. Tactically, this takes John McCain right out of his aggressive offensive game. (You know... the one that had him running neck-and-neck with Obama at the start of the Democratic National Convention.)
McCain is now on defense... quite literally. Because he has to defend a decision that seems so wrong on its face.
Does Sarah Palin look like a president? Sound like a president? The Republicans have two months to convince the American people that she could credibly fill that role.

Meanwhile, a reporter said last week that the upcoming Republican National Convention would be a four-day prosecution of Barack Obama, sledgehammering arguments that Obama isn’t ready to be commander-in-chief... that voting for him is too risky.
Think they’ll talk that crap now? With Sarah Palin wandering through the convention hall like Cinderella?
(Hey... I like that. Some bloggers call Sen. Obama
“Prince Barack.” Let’s start our own Internet meme: Sarah Palin is Cinderella! At least Obama has been out there
working for it the last 19 months. Palin’s foot just happened to fit the glass slipper.
(By the way... if I were writing this movie? Obama and Palin would fuck. Hotly.)
Now recall: One month ago, the McCain campaign put out the notorious
“Celeb” ad, comparing Obama’s popularity to that of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, ridiculing him as a man of no substance.

Well, voters... say hello to
America’s Hottest Governor! A runner-up in the Miss Alaska pageant of 1984!
Advantage, Obama. Because this campaign is no longer about “readiness.” It’s back to being about “judgement.”
And I hope Democrats focus hard on the nature of McCain’s decision- making process.
All the talk yesterday was about how John McCain “goes with his gut.” He chose as his running mate a woman he’d met only once... because he “goes with his gut.”
Really? Okay. But do we want this man “going with his gut” on Iran? (And they call
Obama risky?)
Give me Barack Obama, whose campaign for president has demonstrated managerial competence, strategic wisdom and tactical discipline.
UPDATE (08/30/08): In 1988 – the year Barack Obama entered Harvard Law School – Sarah Palin (then Sarah Heath) was a TV sportscaster in Anchorage. Below, you can see her in action. (Hat-tip:
Huffington Post.)