The blogger wrote: “Is there some way to apply pressure to CNBC to stop selling this misogynist crap? If you have any ideas, leave them in the comments.”
Ever since, Hillary supporters have invoked this novelty nutcracker as proof that Sen. Clinton’s race for the presidency was undone by rampant and vicious sexism.
“No sexism?” wrote one No Quarter commenter last month. “What about all of the Bumper stickers and T-Shirts that used the ‘B’ word? The Hillary Clinton nutcracker? ... What more do you need to hear or see to be convinced????”
“That Hillary nutcracker doll was enough to turn my stomach,” wrote a (male) commenter on Taylor Marsh’s blog.
Two weeks ago, someone at the Count Us Out blog commented about a horrific encounter at her daughter’s high school. Turns out a teacher had the Hillary nutcracker on his desk. A female assistant principal tried to laugh it off, but the irate mom set her straight: “Well, you see the nutcracker represents an image that Hillary Clinton is a ball buster and cracks men’s balls and that is sexist!”

I bet No Quarter won’t remove that widget. With 1,000 visitors per hour, NoQuarter probably rakes in a pretty penny from Amazon ads.
Wildly inappropriate contextual ads seem to be a pretty common pitfall for ad-supported blogs.
One of my favorites was an ad attached to a NY Times story during the worst stages of the Katrina evacuee crisis: "Great vacation deals to Baton Rouge!"
I've also seen a lot of mail-order bride ads on feminist blogs.
^ Yeah, I like when that happens.
I once saw an ad for Rush Limbaugh's show on Bossip.
Could this be the innocuous Obama equivalent?
I think the nutcracker is better than the Hillary toilet brush. (Thanks Thembi.)
With gas just under $4 and lousy teacher salaries, I want to know what bozo teacher can afford a stupid $20 nutcracker. It's also a sad commentary on who is teaching kids.
Hearing anything coming out of Clinton’s supporters seems to be an exercise in the pot calling the kettle black.
I am so glad that we dodged the bullet and that she didn’t get the nomination.
I find it funny that for a group of supporters who seem to scream the loudest about the ideas of equality, they are the worst practitioners of the double standard.
If we are to listen to them, Hillary is the official leader of all women. That anyone who disagrees with her must be anti-woman. No, we’re not anti-woman, we’re anti-Hillary.
During their campaign they have repeatedly tried to change the rules after the game was over, they have questioned the honor and intelligence of anyone who didn’t worship the ground she walked on, and they have displayed a pettiness unfitting for anyone who would be President of the United States.
And now that their candidate didn’t win the nomination, they want to throw a tantrum like a spoiled little child. They’re going to take their ball and go home. Their candidate didn’t win so they’re going to vote for someone who (by their own words), represents everything they are against (McCain).
I’m sure that when many of us were youngsters, our parents never would have allowed us to throw a fit in public. It amazes me that so many grown men and woman would act in a way that would be intolerable for a six year old.
I, for one, am glad at the report released today indicating that Obama never even considered her for the VP spot.
I was less concerned about the existence of the Hillary nutcracker as the fact that a teacher had it on her desk. It makes you wonder if the principal of the school knew about it, and, if so, was okay with it.
Just to give this unknown teacher the benefit of the doubt... the class was an Advanced Placement Government class.
Doesn't make it right. But maybe it served a pedagogical purpose. Or maybe the guy was just a smart-ass.
Hello Sweet Undercover Black Man. So, we meet again. Rather disingenuous to allow your readers to assume the comment you're referring to was written or agreed to by Count Us Out. The truth of the matter, as you well know, is that it was a comment left by one of our readers. Good try again: )
See ya in Denver.
^ The who in the what now? I said someone "commented"... which means it was a comment. And I linked for all who want to see the comment in full.
And it wasn't even disparaging.
Off topic: Guess what I'm listening to? Esperanza Spalding. I love her. Grazie for the introduction
Me too. I am mesmerized by her music AND her...
lmao@"So, we meet again."
They've got your number, UBM...
^ If only I knew who-da-flunk it was, Thembi. I'd never even visited that blog before.
Oh but they know you! Watch ya back...
By the way, your prose has been especially sparkly lately.
^ Thank you!
The teeth, the lever action, SNAP!!! Just the sight of that nutcracker has my scrotum aching.
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