I regret now the need to mention Mr. Jackson in the context of Misidentified Black People.
The New York Times will print a correction in tomorrow’s paper. The correction is already up online. Here’s what it says:
“Because of an editing error, a picture caption on Friday with an obituary about Pervis Jackson, a founding member of the singing group the Spinners, misidentified Mr. Jackson in some copies. In the photograph showing the five Spinners, he was second from the right, not second from the left. (That was Bobby Smith.)”
Here is the photograph in question:

Wow. I didn't know Pervis Jackson died! (Guess this wasn't as big a news story as the passing of Isaac Hayes and Bernie Mac.) He was kinda sexy!
R.I.P. Mr. Jackson.
Sorry to piggy back, but I just saw that actor Julius Carry III died from pancreatic cancer on 8/19. He was 56 years old. Fortunately, the New York Times didn't post a picture. :rolleyes:
R.I.P. "Sho Nuff"...the Shogun of Harlem.
^ Checking out other black blogs, I realize I'm the only Negro who never saw "The Last Dragon."
^Uh.... You DO know Vanity's in it, right? :D
^ That could explain it right there.
Wasn't the Last Dragon the movie with the fortune cookie factory called Sum Dum Goy?
^ Take your time.
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