First things first: This is my
1,000th post on this blog! One thousand. I didn’t know I could stick with it this long.
Thanks to all who’ve ever stopped by here and read my stuff. Extra thanks to all who have commented.
Now, the polls are still open in Pennsylvania, but MSNBC has kicked in with its marathon coverage. That’s where I’ll be spending most of my time... with Chuck Todd, Rachel Maddow, Pat Buchanan, Tim Russert, Gene Robinson, and hopefully Joe Scarborough and Tucker Carlson somewhere in the mix.
Plus, of course, the ringmasters: Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann.
I’ll jump over to CNN and Fox News from time to time... try and catch a glimpse of Amy Holmes, ya dig?... but MSNBC is the place to be.
More to come... especially after the polls close in 102 minutes...
4:53 p.m. (Pacific Time) – MSNBC has smartly paired former Congressman
Harold Ford, Jr. with former Congressman Joe Scarborough for a commentary block labeled “The Insiders.”

With minutes still to go before the polls close, there’s a stench of defeat in the air for Barack Obama. “Clearly something is not working,” Harold Ford said.
He just now said that if Obama loses by 8 to 10 percent of the popular vote, “There are legitimate questions to be raised about Barack.”
Ford added that, if he were advising the Obama campaign tomorrow, he would say: “You’ve gotta get out there, you’ve gotta get in touch with these blue-collar workers.” ...
5:37 p.m. – It just got feisty over on CNN...
Republican Bill Bennett used his seat at CNN's partisans’ roundtable to wage guilt-by-association warfare against Obama... especially hammering the “Weather Underground” connection.
Then Democrat Donna Brazile jumped in Bill Bennett’s shit.

Brazile said if we question all of Barack Obama’s associations, we need to question all of Clinton’s and McCain’s associations too. Bennett shot back: Not
all of Obama’s associations should be questioned... just associations with former terrorists.
Oh... and Bennett is rocking a flag pin on his lapel. But so is (Clintonite) Paul Begala. Accident? Coincidence? No way, Jose. ...
5:51 p.m. – Meanwhile, over on Fox News,
Megyn Kelly’s lip gloss be poppin’...
6:03 p.m. – The TV networks are officially projecting Hillary Clinton the winner. And MSNBC analyst Howard Fineman just said: “The arms are being twisted right now.”
He said phone calls have gone out to six members of Congress... six undeclared superdelegates... to convince them it’s time to stand up for Hillary.
Fineman said the Clinton campaign now must convert this victory into a bunch of new fundraising and some new superdelegates. (As the snarky folks say, “Good luck with that.”) ...
6:15 p.m. – Harold Ford, Jr. on MSNBC: “My message to my friend Barack Obama is very clear:
You have got to win Indiana.”
7:33 p.m. – Hillary just rocked her victory speech. “I might stumble and I might get knocked down,” she said. “But as long as you’ll stand with me, I will always get right back up.”
All of that
I’m-a-fighter stuff she’s been talking for months is finally starting to make sense to me. ...
8:18 p.m. – Chris Matthews: “I think Barack Obama has a problem with working white people.”
I think that will be a dominant media meme in the coming days.
Before Barack Obama made his concession speech, Tim Russert said: “The next two weeks are going to be incredible.” He thinks the lesson Hillary will take from her Pennsylvania victory is to ratchet up her say-anything, do-anything tactics.
So... in the face of a momentum shift, with a different tone in the media regarding Obama’s strength as a candidate and with Hillary Clinton pumped up and confident, the “delegate math” doesn’t seem so determinative tonight.
The next two weeks will, indeed, be incredible.
10:44 p.m. – Before I say good night, I just want to mention something. Hillary’s victory tonight brings to mind a phrase. Perhaps you’ve heard it.
“Fake it till you make it.”In this context, it means that months of talking about how “tough” she is... what a “fighter” she is... while getting her ass whipped at the polls... it’s finally turning into genuine toughness, a confident fighting spirit.

Here’s a message posted tonight on the
Hillary for President website, over Sen. Clinton’s signature:
“Thanks to you, we won a critically important victory tonight in Pennsylvania. It’s a giant step forward that will transform the landscape of the presidential race. And it couldn’t have happened without your generous support.
“There will be much more to do beginning tomorrow. But tonight, let’s just celebrate the fact that you and I are part of a remarkable community of people tough enough, passionate enough, and determined enough to win big when everything is on the line.”
Fake it till you make it.
Now... if you’re an Obama supporter,
whatchu gonna do?Good night.