I point you to it for entertainment purposes only... not because I endorse its message. Because O’Reilly is cool by me. He’s an amusing loudmouth and a gifted broadcaster.
Sean Hannity is the one who should be slow-tortured. He is a straight- out character assassin, and he uses Nazi propaganda techniques.
Now guess what? Barack Obama is gonna be on “The O’Reilly Factor” tomorrow night!
O’Reilly was tickled pink when he announced it last night. He has been begging Obama for months to come on his show and validate him as a serious interviewer.
Obama, in a slick judo move, will use Fox News to upstage John McCain on the night of McCain’s big speech at the Republican National Convention. Brilliant!
Anyway, click here to hear the “clean” version of “Kill Bill O’Reilly.” To download it, click the track title below.

why would Obama go on such a show?
How and why did this happen?
O'Reilly's show is nothing more than a glorified op-ed, self-righteous insult-fest.
In a way, Obama is giving O'Reilly legitimacy. It's bad enough that the American public has trouble discerning the difference between reporting and op-ed nowadays...and I would certainly feel the same way if Obama went on Olberman's show.... he's just as bad a O'Reilly.
Regardless, I shamefully admit I will be tuning into this one, with the hopes of seeing Obama wipe the floor with Papa Bear's giant ego using nothing more than his intellect and a strong command of the facts.
But Obama should be gearing up for serious debates with McCain.... not some self righteous blowhard who's best debating tactic is to yell louder.
I have the interview on TiVo, but I'm sure it will be an easy interview. O'Reilly is not tough at all on his guests. I wonder if he gets a tingle down his leg like Chris Matthews...
[Obama, in a slick judo move, will use Fox News to upstage John McCain on the night of McCain’s big speech at the Republican National Convention. Brilliant!]
This is kind of funny though. I think Palin's speech was watched by nearly the same amount as those who watched Obama and is it true more people watched McCain than Obama?
^ Shocked the hell out of me. Someone spun that that's because the Giants-Redskins game had just ended, sending millions of viewers straight into McCainland.
I wonder how many who watched McCain's speech were underwhelmed by it.
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