First thing I wanna say is: The state of Kansas is 89 percent white. The state of Kansas is giving Barack Obama 71 percent of the Democratic caucus vote (as of now).
Keep that in mind when you hear that blonde bim over at Fox News go on and on about how blacks in Delaware went 9-to-1 for Obama. ...
7:18 p.m. – Watching Mike Huckabee. I kinda like Mike Huckabee. He has a lot of charm. And a real sense of humor.
It’s great to see him do well today, because the talking heads been kicking him to the curb for the past week. Not only had they reduced the GOP contest to a two-man race, they were fitting McCain for a crown.
But how could McCain win a general election if the South ain’t with him? ...
7:34 p.m. – Mitt Romney looks like he’s been crying. ...
7:55 p.m. – The polls close in California in a few minutes. Let me try to prognosticate:
Obama beats Clinton by 5 percentage points. ...
8:23 p.m. – Amy Holmes on CNN is adorable. I’m not the only one who thinks so (see here and here). ...
8:55 p.m. – Wow, Missouri is tighter than Dick’s hatband. But it looks like Hillary’s gonna take it, 49 percent to 48 percent. I don’t know how they divide up the delegates... but it would’ve been a great morale booster if Obama could’ve won the Missouri popular vote. ...
8:58 p.m. – Well, I gotta call bullshit on Barack Obama. In his speech, he just said that Republicans “talk about a hundred-year war in Iraq.”
Uhhh... no, they don’t. McCain talked about a hundred-year presence in Iraq, just like we’ve had a 50-year presence in Korea. I mean, fair is fair. ...
9:17 p.m. – Well, MSNBC has called California for Clinton. That’s what I get for guessing.
But that won’t stop me for making a different kind of guess. You know Hillary Clinton’s latest thing is, she wants to debate Obama once a week for the next four weeks. She seems to believe that the more she goes toe-to-toe with Barack, the more she takes the air out of his “magic” balloon.
But after tonight, with Clinton solidifying her front-runner status, I predict: Obama will decide it’s in his interest to go ahead and debate Hillary once a week... but that Hillary will switch up and back off the proposal, so it won’t happen. ...
9:28 p.m. – Missouri update: With 97 percent of precincts reporting, Obama has squeaked ahead in the popular vote – 48.9 percent to Hillary’s 48.3 percent! Yet Politico is still projecting Hillary the winner. Tight as a tick, this race. ...
9:35 p.m. – Woo-hoo! Fox News just called Missouri for Obama! A morale booster indeed! Surely takes some of the sting out of getting ass-whupped in California. ...
9:40 p.m. – Wow, Mitt Romney finished in third place in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Missouri and Tennessee. Not good. He’s toast. ...
10:05 p.m. – Keith Olbermann thinks he’s so damn clever. The new pop-culture reference he’s beating into the ground is: “I drink your milkshake! I drink it up!” ...
11:00 p.m. – I’m done for the night. See you tomorrow.
What do we do if we're not watching Fox News? Are the any other bims we can substitute? Chris Matthews pretends to be a blonde, does he count?
UBM since Obama has won Alabama I think I will go to bed in shock. I wonderful surprised.
JJ: Sleep well tonight. It's an amazing day for the state of Alabama!
Chris Matthews pretends to be a blonde, does he count?
Well, he can sure be an airhead, mon-sewer. Earlier today he asked the governor of Massachusetts: "Who do you think has the best coffee -- Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks?"
Absolutely true! They paid for satellite time for that.
Jesse Jackson won Alabama in 1988 - not a surprise at all historically. More of an unusual victory there because Alabama's black elected officials were behind Clinton.
Kansas, Utah, North Dakota, Connecticut - those are surprises.
I gotta admit I'm totally disenchanted with this primary. More of the same with exception of a woman and brotha being front-runners. But even they are corporate candidates.
I couldn't participate in the Colorado Caucus I found out when I showed up because I wasn't affiliated with a party. Political education can occur even when you're 44 and think you understand the process. Couldn't quickly register as a Democrat. Oh well, that's my point about the process.
I prefer the Super Bowl to Super Duper Tuesday.
I like a Nader/McKinney ticket. Because they have something valid to say about the process aside from their politics.
This two-party system has got ta go.
Money drives popularity and whether you're "viable" enough to enter the debate.
A lotta voices get ignored.
And in the immortal warning of Public Enemy, I don't believe the hype about either Hillary or Barack when I hear so much of the same rhetoric. Even if it's clouded by fluff of "change." Example: health care plans. Both plans require insurance coverage. How about guaranteed health care if you're sick. How about guaranteed health care if you want to exercise preventive care so that you don't get sick and require a doctor to help you get over a medically catastrophic event.
And Dave, I can't believe you've embraced cigs, my brotha. I quit because of my blood pressure. Admittedly, I might occasionally smoke other thangs and drink. So I have to eliminate the hypocrisy factor.
Obama is ahead in the delegate count.
Loved the Huckabee line (paraphrasing) - "They've been saying it's a two man race; I agree, and we're in it." Take THAT, Mitt!
Jesse Jackson won Alabama in 1988 - not a surprise at all historically.
Yeah, but keep in mind, Eric... Jesse didn't win with a majority in '88. He won with a plurality, as the white vote was split between Gore and Dukakis.
Obama just took 'Bama with 56 percent of the vote. The state is 27 percent black. (Don't know how much of the Democratic electorate is black.)
Is it just me or does Hillary point and smile an awful lot when she's rocking a podium?
^ Funny. I actually noticed her doing that "Hey, you" move tonight.
Amy Holmes is indeed cute. But I prefer Alison Stewart on MSNBC.
I would get behind a Nader/McKinney ticket. Nader = great man.
^ I was waiting on someone to sign on, sj. thank you.
Nader is a baad dude whose public service record is unmatched by any mainstream politician.
It just sickens me to see another Clinton presidency. Fuck female candidate. It ain't the female that's the problem. It's the policy. More of the same.
Head-in-the-Sand Nation.
Re: Clinton in big states. I posted in an earlier thread that she's got major machine going in large states with a lotta delegates. Don't EVER sleep on the Clintons - especially when they have Carville in their corner.
Earlier today he asked the governor of Massachusetts: "Who do you think has the best coffee -- Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks?"
That's a question for Rachel Ray.
And in the immortal warning of Public Enemy, I don't believe the hype about either Hillary or Barack when I hear so much of the same rhetoric. Even if it's clouded by fluff of "change."
Have you seen the "Hope" posters for Obama? Apparently, he's the new MLK Jr.
Can't agree with ya on Clinton, though, Deangelo. Go, Hillary :-)
^ That's a question for Rachel Ray.
I sure as hell would not vote for a Rachel Ray/Paula Dean ticket.
dez, disagreement is the reason we all get a vote, right? Hopefully, there're no Karl Roves around to fuck that up.
For McCain supporters, check the February 4 edition of democracynow regarding the mythology of him. democracynow.org and check the February 4, 2008 show. Don't have Dave's technological skills to post the link.
It ain't the female that's the problem. It's the policy. More of the same.
Yep, DeAngelo... even Hillary's stump rhetoric is looking backwards. She said in her speech tonight something about "I won't let them swift-boat us...," against the Republicans.
Her whole strategy seems to be to fire up the Democratic "base" by talking about some four-year-old bullshit (and older). Meanwhile, Obama's pitching his message to new voters, young voters, independents, Republicans...
What does Hillary have to say to them? Not much.
check the February 4 edition of democracynow regarding the mythology of [McCain]. ... Don't have Dave's technological skills to post the link.
dez, disagreement is the reason we all get a vote, right? Hopefully, there're no Karl Roves around to fuck that up.
Karl Roves are everywhere. I can’t even take a bath without six or seven Roves jumping in with me. They’re in my shirt cupboard and Cheney and Rumsfeld are in the kitchen now eating my wife’s jam. Oh, they are cutting off my legs! I can see them peeping out of my wife’s blouse! Why doesn’t Hillary do something about it before it is too late? Ohhhh, God!
Sorry, it's Fat Tuesday and I just ate a shitload of Cheez-Its before I give them up for Lent.
Dave, you's a muthafucka!
dez, finished 1984 last night. I think your girl, Hillary, is part of Big Brother. As Barack might get sucked into via the lure of money.
Beginning Brave New World tomorrow morning during my pre-shower routine. Ssshh, Dave. :))))
dez, sounds like it's more than Cheez-Its
^More like the Monty Python up in my brain :-)
dez, Monty Python? good one. I was gonna suggest cheeba rather cheez-its. lol!
I'm out. I can't take the suspense anymore. Plantation in the back of the brain.
A pack of cigs and a cup of green tea? Make up your mind! They cancel each other out.
BOOOOOOOOO 8:23 posting hot-linkers.
Make up your mind! They cancel each other out.
That's how I rolls, genevagirl. Eat a donut and an apple and let them fight it out.
That chick on Fox News is a bimbo. I had to turn her off. Delaware black vote helped Obama? It's fuckin' Delaware lady.
If I was a dude, I'd take Amy Holmes over Alison Stewart. Do you know that Alison Stewart is married to that goofy guy at the end of Tucker who brings the celebrity/odd news of the day?
Also David, leave Keith Olbermann alone. Sure he can be a little too serious and has a homoerotic fascination with Bill Orielly (it is returned), but he's handsome and that's all that really matters. :)
GO OBAMA! Edging out the Ice Queen in Missouri! See how every vote counts?!
UBM, I think you nailed the folks backing Obama's play: it's going to be young voters, new voters, Republicans, etc. A lot of staunch Democrats in the "blue states" are voting for Clinton while Obama does well in "red states", picking up Republicans and youth as he goes (except in Oklahoma and Tennessee). So, the pundits are just wasting breath, tracking votes based on race or gender. Instead, you have a serious split in the Democratic party with half the voters going for "new hotness" and the other half for "old and busted".
I admit, I kinda liked James Wolcott's reasons for voting Hillary, but I'm not a Yankee so I don't care really who gets in.
Eat a donut and an apple and let them fight it out.
[singing] There's a party in my tummy! So yummy! So yummy! [/singing]
I have *got* to stop watching "Yo Gabba Gabba!"
Olbermann is a disgusting churl. And his hair in pin-striped.
^ Yes! You drank his milkshake... You drank it up!
I'm finished....
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