The new ad (embedded below) tries to paint McCain as “out of touch” because he doesn’t send emails... or even know how to use a computer keyboard.
At first I thought this was a weak line of attack. It even plays into the whole “elitism” thing. Like teasing somebody for not having a plasma-screen TV or knowing how to program his cell phone.
Also, the ad can be seen as a swipe at McCain’s age (“Aww, look at Grandpa. He can’t work the remote!”), but not in any effectively damaging way.
Then I saw all the “outraged” reactions at pro-McCain blogs:
“... it turns out McCain can’t type because of the damage inflicted upon him while he was a POW.”
“John McCain, because of the torture he endured as a prisoner of war, cannot use a computer keyboard. John McCain can’t even comb his own hair.”
“McCain can’t type on keyboards. He can’t tie his shoes. He can’t comb his hair. And he can’t throw a ball. This is all thanks to those ... [who] held him captive in North Vietnam.”

“If Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin or John McCain had made such a cruel mistake, the TV news coverage would be relentless and condemning,” blogged SusanUnPC at No Quarter.
But what if it’s not a mistake? What if it is a clever jiu jitsu move?
Who benefits from an extended Web-wide discussion of John McCain’s physical incapacities – McCain or Obama? I mean, what else can’t John McCain do? Can he not use a cell phone? Can he not feed himself with a knife and fork?
Karl Rove used to say: “You don’t attack an opponent’s weakness. You attack his strength. That’s how you win.” And McCain’s strength has always been his POW status... his tragic, heroic personal story. How could one possibly turn that strength against the man?
Well, one could lie and say that McCain collaborated with his Communist captors and sold his country out... as the Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain are doing.
Or one could gin up a whispering campaign about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or other lingering psychological effects of 5½ years of torture. But there’s no evidence that McCain is mentally ill.
Or one can stick with the facts as they are known: John McCain is physically disabled. He cannot comb his own hair.
And to have McCain’s own supporters reminding everybody about this... well, that’s the best part. That’s Karl Rove good. That’s Lee-Atwater- with-a-black-rapist-on-parole good.

On a subliminal level, do the American people want a president who can’t tie his own shoelaces?
Boy, I hope this controversy stays cooking until Monday. I would love to see the cable-news talk shows dwelling on McCain’s infirmities.
The Republican spin machine might’ve turned Obama’s rock-star charisma and Ivy-League smarts into negatives. Let’s see if they can hit this knuckleball.
"But there’s no evidence that McCain is mentally ill."
If Stephen Hawkings, who can only blink his eyes, can use a computer, so can McCain. It's about desire not ability.
McCain could hold a pencil in his hand and tap out messages. Heck, there are people who blow into a straw to type and use a cursor.
These pro-McCain people shouldn't harp on this one. I'm sure that there are many wounded soldiers from the Iraq war - that McCain so fervently supports - who'd love to show how they use a computer with their prosthetic hands.
there is a very logical OTHER explanation--not that BO fucked up, but that the mcCain people are lying. and please, it's elitist to use a computer and email?!
man, you are so quick to say BO is doing stuff wrong without considering the alternative....
also, are you not aware of the lies, lies, lies in mCain's ads, in sarah palin's background? i heard a mcCain in tv saying he (BO) was going to raise taxes on all americans, when that is the EXACT opposite of what we all heard him say with our own ears at the convention.
and what about this?
you saw you are all about fairness, but when was the last time you said the obama campaign did anything right and gave an example?
Interesting analysis UBM. I had the first impressions too until someone told me more seniors are on computers now than ever before to keep up with their grandkids.
What the hell does raising your arms have to do with using a computer? I've never been required to lift my arms to my ears to go online.
They need an ad that says McCain doesn't raise his right hand when he recites the pledge of allegiance.
Good observation, UBM.
The cripple card plays to the Pubbie base. Those older, less tech savvy folks would vote for McCain anyway.
Young independents will have to ask themselves a question. Is this a man we want running the show? Wouldn't a man like this be better suited for a senior statesman role?
FDR was disabled too. Has no bearing on his ability to do the job.
The following is from a Forbes Magazine article from 2000:
In certain ways, McCain was a natural Web candidate. Chairman of the Senate Telecommunications Subcommittee and regarded as the U.S. Senate's savviest technologist, McCain is an inveterate devotee of email. His nightly ritual is to read his email together with his wife, Cindy. The injuries he incurred as a Vietnam POW make it painful for McCain to type. Instead, he dictates responses that his wife types on a laptop. "She's a whiz on the keyboard, and I'm so laborious," McCain admits.
Here is the link http://www.forbes.com/asap/2000/0529/053_print.html
Heh! When Obama can land a fighter jet on a carrier deck ....
With regards to the "crippled" meme (and in the same vein as Sam Johnson's classic kicking of a stone,) "I refute it thus!"
Dan S
FDR ....and JFK, who had severe back problems and was on addictive painkillers most of the time.
The controversy over this ad will just make people think "what does raising your arm above your shoulder have to do with being President?"
they will also wonder what a facility with typing emails has to do with being president. It looks like micromanaging, not being able to see the forest for the trees. Most of your time is spent in cabinet meetings and highly publicized meetings with foreign dignitaries and figuring out complex problems at your desk and speechmaking. You need savvy and good judgment and people skills for all that, not nerdliness.
The ad is showing that McCain is 20 years behind the times,hence the brick phone, disco ball and rubik's cube. And not being able to raise his arms over his head didn't stop him from lowering Cindy into bed while he was still married to another woman. Seems to me, if he was all that crippled from his time as a POW, he might have spent more time in physical therapy and less time chasing women.
If he were alive, FDR would stand and applaud your reasoning .... or, um ... maybe he wouldn't. Even if Biden asked him too.
UBM you should stop if he can't comb his hair, I wonder who do that comb over thing for him?
"What if it is a clever jiu jitsu move?"
On the other hand, what if it reveals Obama to be a racist against people who have handicaps?
I think that the ad is very revealing. It reveals that Obama doesn't know the first thing about John F. Kennedy, who had crippling disabilities and yet managed to be Obama's hero. I wonder if Teddy Kennedy approves of his candidates bashing of handicapped people. (Well, I guess since Teddy's brain is all mush now ... thankfully he can't comprehend what his candidate is doing.)
It reveals that Obama doesn't know the first thing about Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was confined to a wheelchair, yet, enjoys the distinction of being the only President in history who served three terms.
It reveals that the Democrats are desparate to talk about anything except what Obama might be for. Or his friendship with the American Terrorist and Pentagon bomber Bill Ayers.
Or why he continues to use his Muslim name, despite claiming to have rejected Islam for Christianity. (Is it acceptable in Islam, if you are really a Muslim, to hide that fact from people?)
So, maybe it wasn't a brilliant move.
Maybe it reveals him to be your average dumb ass.
Mccain can use a keyboard despite Boston globe lies
the ad did not say he send emails so slow but not at all
How can the Dems, who love the "handicapped" (aka differently-abled), the Special Olympics, the Paralympics (discussed on NPR last night) etc., all-of-a-sudden decide that full shoulder function is a requirement for present? IIRC, neither Ghandi, FDR, nor Che were big e-mail users. Hell, Ghandi showed his connection to his people by weaving with a hand loom.
UBM, great take. I wouldn't have caught that on my own, but I think you're on to something. What's nice is that there's a clear, defensible link to the overt themes in this ad from Obama's acceptance speech last month. And your comment thread is beginning the prove your point.
Maria, did you read the post?
geneva girl and Kellybelle --- I was thinking the same thing about McCain's physical ailments --- it's all about where he puts priority.
Why does everybody keep mentioning "BO"? Who has "Body Odor"? Or is it code for something else?
so McCain doesn't send emails, who cares? Bill Clinton sent 2 his entire Presidency. Mac was only the head of the Senate Telecommunications Sub committee so, yeah, he must be an ignoramus compared to the Messiah, who can probably take a picture with his cell phone. Look for Big Mac's ad touting that experience.
The ad makes him look mean and petty, which more and more he is proving every day that he is.
Hey, why didnt Barry O stop the hurricane from hitting TX? All I can think of is it is a Red State.
Welcome to the Instapunditeers. The keg's on the back porch.
One of you wrote: "Hell, Ghandi showed his connection to his people by weaving with a hand loom."
McCain can't do that either!
... but when was the last time you said the obama campaign did anything right and gave an example?
You want cheerleading, maria? Or do you wanna hear what's on my mind?
One of the problems with political discourse on the Internet is everybody's pushing their own biases. Not a lot of clearheaded, straight-dealing analysis.
The ad makes him look mean and petty, which more and more he is proving every day that he is.
The McCain campaign has set the bar quite low for petty, sneering attacks. McCain's not worried about how mean his attack ads make him look.
If they work in defining the opponent, then they work.
And if this new time-released capsule of an attack works in defining John McCain as crippled, as physically unable to perform simple daily tasks... it will have done its job.
umb is too smart for me. ok, i am reading the post a second time.
so, you think BO knew that this would cause a discussion about McCain's physical handicaps, but that this would first backfire on BO, and then be used to BO's advantage as everyone begins to talk about them?
i think 1)he can type but the fact that he has others do it shows a life of privilege and $$$...i mean, did bob dole do this with his pen arm issue??
2)i think it will make BO look like he attacked a war hero's war wounds
3)what i hope is that it makes people think what it says literally--he's a man out of touch with today's world.
who the fuck knows. guess i should have spent more time talking to rove that time.
FDR was disabled too. Has no bearing on his ability to do the job.
This is my point, though, Dick. This campaign isn't about actual abilities any more. That went out the window with Sarah Palin... which was an appeal to the subliminal.
FDR didn't campaign as the candidate who beat polio. And McCain doesn't wanna run as the guy who can't tie his own shoes. Because of image.
Who benefits from an extended Web-wide discussion of John McCain’s physical incapacities – McCain or Obama?
Obama cynically appealing to the worst in people by running against the disabled the way that George Wallace ran against blacks?
Maybe, though this episode seems, like Lipstickgate, to be just another sign of meltdown in the flailing Obama campaign.
The HuffPost rebuttal to "can't type" shows McCain thumbing mobile devices and discusses how he uses e-mail, surfs, and watches videos online.
In other words, Obama's ad is factually untrue.
Do you really think "Obama can type faster" works to Obama's advantage?
2)i think it will make BO look like he attacked a war hero's war wounds
But Obama has plausibility deniability, you see? Of course he couldn't have made an overt issue of McCain's disabilities. This way, he can say, "No, we're just talking about being behind the times."
3)what i hope is that it makes people think what it says literally--he's a man out of touch with today's world.
Now that's a weak message. It only appeals to the urban elites who are already for Obama. It does nothing to cut into McCain's mythic appeal as a man.
Obama cynically appealing to the worst in people by running against the disabled the way that George Wallace ran against blacks?
McCain started us down the cynicism road. I'm sure you'd rather Obama bring a pillow to a knife fight. But McCain has already been dog-whistling Obama as the racial "other"... with ads mocking him as uppity, and convention speeches scorning "community organizers."
If McCain would've keep the discussion on the issues, he wouldn't have to worry about his physical disabilities being an issue.
But McCain can't do that... because on the issues, given how badly Bush has governed for the past 8 years, the Republican candidate will lose.
Do you really think "Obama can type faster" works to Obama's advantage?
No. But "Obama: He Can Tie His Own Shoes"... that could work.
Do a little research if your arrogance permits.
McCain is probably more computer/internet literate than Barry O.
Start here:
http://pajamasmedia.com/instapundit"the 2000 McCain campaign actually pioneered the insurgent Web tactics that Obama used in the 2008 primary"
And here:
McCain's Web Explosion
it's not a weak message.
it goes to we don't want "more of the same," as in an out of touch president mcCain following an out of touch president bush.
you see the nytimes today on palin? calls her a "shockingly irresponsible" choice for VP.
The Huffington Post has several photos of McCain holding a cell phone to his ear. If he can do that, he can use a computer keyboard. This whole "can't raise his arms" thing is a total fabrication. Yes, he has some limitations, but he could use a computer if he really wanted to.
That said, I'm not sure how effective the ad is. Mostly it seems a way of highlighting McCain's age, not his computer literacy. While that has some merit (particularly with Palin as his VP) I would prefer Obama focus on the complete fraud McCain has come since 2000.
The Huffington Post has several photos of McCain holding a cell phone to his ear.
But have you ever seen a photo of McCain holding a knife and fork?
Sarah Palin might have to spoon-feed him if they get elected!
sure, there could be a feeding station for bristol baby X, palin baby trig and mccain. mommy dearest can feed them all.
heaven help us all. this cannot happen.
No. But "Obama: He Can Tie His Own Shoes"... that could work.
that is why I wear loafers
This is my point, though, Dick. This campaign isn't about actual abilities any more. That went out the window with Sarah Palin... which was an appeal to the subliminal.
lately, when has any campaign actually been about abilities, or issues for that matter.
ads mocking him as uppity
The celebrity ads merely played to the existing public perception of Obama's elitism (arugula, anyone?) and arrogance ("She's likable enough") which is why they were so devastatingly effective.
and convention speeches scorning "community organizers."
Crocodile tears. As detailed in Judis' TNR piece, Obama rejected community organizing and the Alinsky principles two decades ago after his failure as an organizer on Chicago's south side.
given how badly Bush has governed for the past 8 years
McCain portrays himself as the anti-Bush; not a stretch since they've been personal and political enemies for eight years. Obama can tie McCain to Bush on Iraq, but only if Obama campaigns against victory in Iraq.
Much respeck David.
I had no idea that you even owned a straight razor, that you keep it tucked in your sock, and that when you take a mind to it, you know how to cut a muhphukka so cleanly and deftly....,
put this together with the jocking at the end of the Bill'O interview - where a friendly jibe about some one-on-one to a score of eleven - showed Baraka agreeing to spot the 73 year old Bill'O ten points to make it sporting.
by jove, I really DO think you're onto something. of course we already know that the big bad wolf Vladimir is a vigorous and virile competitive athlete.
granpaw grumpy fittin to get served by the magnum cum laude ivy league educated Black baller..., now THAT shit works in America!!!
Sir David:
Have you seen this one on McCain yet ?
i love this post.
Just to put things in historical perspective (because I'm a Presidential history nerd)--FDR's disability was masterfully hidden from the general public. The press corps knew, but that was back in the days of the honor code, i.e. the press made the decision that the issues were more important. Same with JFK. It was years after their deaths that the general public learned about their physical challenges as well as their "indiscretions."
I just saw this on "thinkprogress"....check this shit out!!! What the hell is wrong with this world. http://obamawaffles.typepad.com/obama_daily_waffles/2008/09/lou-dobbs-my-wi.html
Please, please, please keep running this ad. It shows the sensitivity of the One, and the new politics he espouses. The fact that his wife types his email for him clearly renders him unfit for high office. Keep it up, because America needs to be able to judge Obama's fitness for command by judging the way he runs his campaign. Maybe he can explain why, whether he was clueless about the reason for McCain not typing his emails, or whether he was deliberately highlighting that fact, in either event this demonstrates his fitness to lead.
I want Obama to go full Rove: attack his strength, ie instead of giving him respect for being a war hero, just say what a lot of veterans say about McCain - only losers get captured by the enemy.
Keep it up, because America needs to be able to judge Obama's fitness for command by judging the way he runs his campaign.
Peddle that horseshit elsewhere, Mr. Spade. You may want Obama to stand there and take it (like Kerry) while the Republicans mock him, belittle him, distort his record, and send coded messages to working-class whites.
Me? I'm hoping Obama learned a few things about the "Chicago Way" from Mayor Daley. "They send one of yours to the hospital, you send one of theirs to the morgue."
Thanks, cnulan.
Obama ,the political jui-jitsu master, is even now brilliantly plotting to lose the upcoming election so as to reveal what a terrible president John McCain will be . How cleaver, how devious.
Wow. Just ... wow.
I came over to see what the Dem's are thinking these days. And what I find on this occasion is morally repugnant bile.
From upthread: "Seems to me, if he was all that crippled from his time as a POW, he might have spent more time in physical therapy and less time chasing women." You just spout without thinking.
The actual facts: "After Vietnam, McCain had Ann Lawrence, a physical therapist, help him regain flexibility in his leg, which had been frozen in an extended position by a shattered knee. It was the only way he could hope to resume his career as a Navy flier, but Lawrence said the treatment, taken twice a week for six months, was excruciatingly painful. "He endured it, he wouldn't settle for less," said Lawrence, who rejoiced with McCain when he passed the Navy physical. "I have never seen such toughness and resolve."
Yeah, he really should have worked harder at his physical therapy. Because then, you know, slamming the man because he has a hard time typing an email wouldn't be quite so repugnant.
You really don't grasp how utterly ugly that is, do you? With a divorce in his past that he caused, (he's on very good terms with the woman he wronged, btw), with all kinds of issues to disagree with him about, THIS is what you folks come after McCain about?
If Obama loses this fall, this will be why. The Left has lost any sense of decency. You've made an inexperienced governor into the most valuable Vice Presidential candidate in American history. You're right, Sarah Palin isn't all that and a bag of chips. But PEOPLE LIKE YOU made her into McCain's biggest asset by going after her kids, her "every-woman" background, even with transparently ludicrous "concern" about how she can balance career and family.
Decent people loathe that kind of thing. Please, keep it up. Go after McCain for his war wounds. Smack him around some like a bully pounding on the skinny kid for his lunch money. You'll ensure this election ends up looking like 1972, 1980, or 1984.
As an alternative, you might consider asking yourselves how you let your political views become more important than simple, basic human decency.
Because then, you know, slamming the man because he has a hard time typing an email wouldn't be quite so repugnant.
I thought the point was that McCain didn't type, not that he couldn't. But now that you mention it, is it really so?
moot, you make a good point. But tell me something, my friend. If McCain can't comb his hair, that must mean he also can't scratch his head if it itches, right?
I mean, damn... what does John McCain do when his head itches? My head itches every day. If I couldn't scratch it... wow, talk about torture!
But PEOPLE LIKE YOU made her into McCain's biggest asset by going after her kids, her "every-woman" background, even with transparently ludicrous "concern" about how she can balance career and family.
Actually, you know, the money started flowing in the instant her candidacy was announced. A lot of people find her attractive because she seems familiar and accessible to them. That has value to people with interests to protect, and they're willing to put money behind her because they figure she's a patsy that they can use for their own ends. Judging by her floundering performance as governor of Alaska (cookie-cutter management if ever there was), they're right. And they don't play nice.
If this election goes south, so to speak, it won't be because the supporters of Barack Obama were insufficiently ingratiating. Like the man said, you don't bring a pillow to a knife fight.
"I thought the point was that McCain didn't type, not that he couldn't. But now that you mention it, is it really so?"
Yes, it's really so. If you read articles about him from the 2000 primaries at the Boston Globe and Forbes, apparently it's not physically impossible for him to type, but it's difficult. He can't raise his arms above his shoulders. When he speaks, you'll also notice he doesn't use his arms and hands as fluidly and with the same range of motion other public speakers do. He took some serious physical damage in that POW camp, and gets to live with it every day. I can't imagine it gets any better as the years go by either.
But yes, the ad from the Obama campaign makes fun of him for never sending email. It's inaccurate (read the Globe piece ... at least 8 years ago, he'd read his email, and his wife would type for him.) And if they mean he never personally sends email, well, why not mock the blind for not reading the newspaper? That ad is not just a political cheap shot. Those happen, sad to say. It's despicable. Either the campaign didn't know why he doesn't type -- which means they can't use Google and know nothing about their opponent. Or else they did know why he doesn't type, which makes them beneath contempt -- mocking a man for wounds he got fighting for the nation.
Considering McCain's 2000 campaign was the first webroots campaign in history, the larger meme that McCain "doesn't get the Intarwebs" is also just plain wrong.
Yeah, UBM, it would really, really suck not to be able to scratch your head. I'm willing to bet he's borrowed the edge of a door or something to get one when he was alone in his office or wherever.
"If this election goes south, so to speak, it won't be because the supporters of Barack Obama were insufficiently ingratiating. Like the man said, you don't bring a pillow to a knife fight." I didn't say "ingratiating." I simply ask, from across the aisle, is it possible to get back to the point where it's political cheap shots instead of contemptible mockery of physical disability, Downs syndrome, and teenage pregnancy? If you can't do it out of a sense of decency, can you at least do it out of political self-interest? You're destroying yourselves in the polls with this crap.
For my part, nothing in what I've written, anywhere, ever, in any context has touched on Downs syndrome or teenage pregnancy. I'm not going to start now, spit with deep concern though you will.
m00tpoint's unseemly whining about "basic decency" sounds exactly like that satisfying yelp you get when you throw a rock into a pack of dogs.
sounds to me like this is a vein of childish cruelty (like all the shit thrown at Barack here to date) that needs to be cut, over, and over, and over again.
the ethnonationalist bullies just can stand it when you hit their exemplars where they live....,
Mmmm, yeah...
Piss off all veterans and those respect veterans.
Piss off all disabled people and those who care about them.
And then you lefty commenters, question the actuality and extent of his disability.
Its the SMART thing to do.
Of course to be fair to you idiot lefties, there is a cultural issue here. Most disabled people will say "can't" when they literally mean "ridiculously difficult or painful." So, for instance, most paraplegics (paralyzed from the waist down) will say they can't climb stairs, but they could. They could pull themselves out of hte chair and up the stairs. But such a thing is so inefficient to make it so it isn't worth it no matter what is up there. Reading the forbes article, one has to suspect the actual answer is it is painful, not that he can't.
So pointing toward Hawkings is a bad example. Without his computer, he is helpless. Pointing toward voice recognition programs is also misplaced. Such programs are okay, but a well-trained human is always better. So he uses the option that is best for him.
You can't quite say "no two handicapped people are alike," but to pretend there is a standard cookie cutter solution to all of life's disabilities is downright ignorant. It would only be said by someone who has never dealt with disabled people. Or a partisan hack.
Well, uhhh, good luck with that.
And then you lefty commenters, question the actuality and extent of his disability.
Well, anonymous stranger, don't blame the people. Obviously we're dealing with an information vaccuum here. Not enough is widely known about the extent of McCain's disability.
Given that we've heard time and again the details of his ill treatment by the Communists -- we heard it at Saddleback, we heard it by proxy at the Republican National Convention, and from McCain's own lips during his acceptance speech -- shouldn't John McCain be asked about the extent of his disability?
How much pain is he in on a daily basis? Does he take pain medication? What kind, how strong? And how does he keep Cindy away from it?
What other daily tasks can't McCain perform? Can he button his own shirt? Can he wipe his own ass? Can he eat with a knife and fork?
Has McCain received psychological counseling to help him deal with the crippling effects of his war wounds?
Not that I'm trying to get all in his personal business. But this man wants to be President of the United States... and he's using his torture years as a character credential. The American people have a right to know -- indeed, we must deamand -- full disclosure about his physical incapacities.
can he wipe his own ass?
granpaw stumpy has to wipe his arse with a rag on a stick....,
eth·no·na·tion·al·ist [ èthnō náshən'l ist, èthnō náshnəlist ]
proud of ethnicity and nation: combining ethnic pride and cohesiveness with strong nationalism
Thanks, Craig...
I like this phrase. I think I'll sign up for this group. Sure beats being a cracker and the white demon...
And I do not drink beer, PBR or otherwise.
Thanks, Craig...
I like this phrase. I think I'll sign up for this group. Sure beats being a cracker and the white demon...
Anytime Vince...,
With Paling as your exemplar, however, it's all synonymous. Good luck with that.
I am sure VP candidate Pairacans has ass wiping duty when Cindy is not on the stump.
Hey, UBM, did you see Tina Fey do her Palin impression on SNL? It was dead-on and damn funny (Amy Poehler was also excellent, as usual, as Hillary).
^ Perfect timing, dez. I just posted the Hulu clip.
Tina rules.
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