White kids can make something look “cute” which, if done by a non-white kid, would be condemned as “gross” or “tacky” or “triflant.”
Watch the clip below. Instant viral-video stardom for Sarah Palin’s youngest daughter! (Which likely will redound to John McCain’s benefit.)
Oh, and another fucking thing about white people: When a black guy gets one, all of a sudden they make a Harvard Law degree something to sneer at? That’s a disqualifier for leadership? Now it’s all about public schools and the PTA?
CNulan tried to tell my dumb ass that the Palin pick was a straight-up GOP “identity politics” move. He saw it right away. It took me until last night.
That’s when I saw a Republican delegate (older white female) tell NBC’s Ann Curry just why she liked Sarah Palin so much: “She’s an American woman. ... I think she's had all the experiences that we’ve had. And she knows what it’s like to live in America.”
I swear... to even keep up with all the race/class/gender shit going on this election season, you have to be world-class good at three- dimensional chess.
Black kids are condemned as "gross" or "tacky" for being kids? FU. Kids are kids.
And Kerry got attacked for being a Yale elite too, in case you weren't paying attention. Unless being French looking means that you don't consider him white.
And Kerry got attacked for being a Yale elite too, in case you weren't paying attention.
I remember him being attacked as a windsurfing elitist... I don't remember Yale being part of it. And how the hell did the GOP make that one stick? Kerry and Bush are both Skull and Bones!
Black kids are condemned as "gross" or "tacky" for being kids?
Exercise your fucking imagination, Phelps. Imagine Barack Obama giving his acceptance speech in Denver. Imagine a cutaway shot to 7-year-old Sasha Obama... digging in her ear with her finger, then licking the wax.
You think people would be all, "Kids will be kids"? Or would they be all, "Who is raising those triflin' creatures?"
“She’s an American woman. ... I think she's had all the experiences that we’ve had. And she knows what it’s like to live in America.”
I heard this this morning, and boy, did it stand out in my mind as did this from Palin's speech:
"We grow good people in our small towns, with honesty, sincerity, and dignity." I know just the kind of people that writer had in mind when he praised Harry Truman.
I grew up with those people.
They are the ones who do some of the hardest work in America ... who grow our food, run our factories, and fight our wars.
They love their country, in good times and bad, and they're always proud of America. "
Phelps, I'm not done with you.
Do you even understand the conundrum being discussed here? Do you see the game that's being played before your very eyes?
If Michelle Obama made a big deal of being a PTA mom, white women would be like, "So what?"
But when Michelle achieves the ultimate American dream -- class mobility through education -- the "hockey mom" crowd is like, "I can't relate to her. She doesn't speak to me or for me. She's not one of us."
The conundrum is: No matter what Michelle did with her life, she would not be accepted as "one of us."
Meanwhile, by this point, there's nothing Sarah Palin could do to not be embraced as "one of us." Even if she did fuck her husband's business partner.
Sarah Palin's candidacy is an appeal to race.
"They love their country, in good times and bad, and they're always proud of America."
That's the game being played at the deepest level. And if Obama felt like resting on his laurels, he'd better snap to.
Do you even understand the conundrum being discussed here? Do you see the game that's being played before your very eyes?
Yeah. You think that white people hate you, so it must be ok to hate them back.
Got it.
That is so nasty. My friend, who is white, thinks it's adorable.
That is naaaaaaasty.
Yeah. You think that white people hate you, so it must be ok to hate them back.
Got it.
phelps is a metastasizing purveyor of metamorphic identity politics..,
^ You said it.
He's hip to more than he lets on.
You're absolutely right. It's an anti-black confection, with a creamy filling of survivalist, black-helicopter (pro-AKIP, anti-elitist) paranoia, some nutty anti-semitic nougat, all in a glossy pro-life wrapper.
I have a question, though.
Does "defining deviancy down" only apply to black folks? Remember that term?
I'm white. And the teen baby daddy on stage leaves me speechless. Imagine same shoe, different feet.
here's what i see as a mom...that child, who is all of 7, is acting like a mom...she's grooming that baby like a mom would. there are 7 years between her and that baby.
who do you think is raising those palin children?
they are raising each other! clearly sarah was completely AWOL or in denial while her daughter was having pre-marital sex AND getting pregnant!
that 17 year old wasn't just holding the baby to hide her own belly--i am sure she has been more of a mom to her brother than her own mother has. and maybe she thought, hey, i can do this...and i want my own baby.
i'd also like to raise another point speaking as a mom: that baby was on something...bendryl...something. it didn't even seem alive.
it is an abomination to be pushing those kids in the limelight like that after saying the media is doing it!
and lucky sperm boy gets to be a dad and husband at 18 and live his entire life under a microscope? his life is ruined because he fucked the wrong girl.
aside to phelps--can you and vince go form your own blog, please? thanks.
they are raising each other! clearly sarah was completely AWOL or in denial while her daughter was having pre-marital sex AND getting pregnant!
precisely what I meant by regression to the mean - the psychosocial manipulation in effect here is waaaaaay beyond anything that McStain could've devised on his own.
I'm white. And the teen baby daddy on stage leaves me speechless.
Some conservatives are aghast as well. Including the inimitable Lawrence Auster, who, in all seriousness, has been blogging his buns off about Sarah Palin... making an unflinching traditionalist argument against her as vice president.
Rush Limbaugh is absolutely gushing about the *authenticity and true substance* of what Pale-In represents...,
he's got a caller on right now wetting his pants about the baby licking and plastering the hair of the infant.
next caller mad about being identified with the *trailer-trash* exemplar - and so it'll go - on and on until November because issues have been completely taken off the table.
the architects of this hot-mess are just a tad less clever than Leni Riefenstahl who did much the same thing but without the benefit of such obvious cinematic precedents to draw upon..,
... the psychosocial manipulation in effect here is waaaaaay beyond anything that McStain could've devised on his own.
To me, that's seeming just about as likely right now as McCain being the world's luckiest Irishman whose pick-'em skills could earn him a fortune in Vegas.
But even if Lee Atwater himself rose from the dead to do this deal... how the hell could he have known it would work? Even for a career puppetmaster, this is some audacious, high-risk shit.
(Plus, I'm still saying the wild card is the media frenzy. And my two-to-three-week timetable for The Other Shoe To Drop is still in effect.)
For a middle American hockey mom, Palin sure gave her kids hippie names...Bristol, Willow, Piper, Track, Trig...it sounds like the deck crew on some '60s sci fi series.
^ Zing!
how the hell could he have known it would work?
one need only be a careful student of history brah..., besides, it's a contingency plan - I don't believe anyone has quite yet thrown in the towel on the gradual absolute capitalist camp's exemplar - it's just that the violent absolute capitalist camp has now very strongly hedged its bets and is making a far more serious play at extending its 8 year run at the poker table.
it is an abomination to be pushing those kids in the limelight like that after saying the media is doing it!
And even if the media's doing it... who gets to run a major-party campaign for president without knowing how the media behave?
Maybe that was factored into the equation, and the media pile-on can be spun into the same anti-elite, regular-folks narrative.
Either way, the Palins' dirty laundry is about to go global.
Because you know another wonderful thing about small-town America? Everybody knows your business... and they gossip about it. Especially when the National Enquirer gets to cutting checks.
Especially when the National Enquirer gets to cutting checks.
The MSM has fallen in line and gone to gushing. So let's hope that the Enquirer and lumpenproletarians with intertube connections can make this happen.
"Some conservatives are aghast as well. Including the inimitable Lawrence Auster..."
Yikes! Not sure I like the company. But I'm just amazed at how effortlessly the GOP is putting the Palins' home life on the street. Must be intentional, to drum up sympathy against the evil media.
Musn't it?
But even if Lee Atwater himself rose from the dead to do this deal... how the hell could he have known it would work?
it hasn't worked. i have yet to hear one undecided voter suddenly going for the ticket based on palin.
the jury is still very much out...election day isn't here yet.
it hasn't worked
oh yes it has!
McStain had no ground game to speak of this time last week. Now he has the fully energized base which has comprised the entirety of the GOP's ground game for ~15 years or so.
Without the theoconservative fundaligionists, he was dead in the water. Now he has a decidedly real fighting chance.
Every brain trust has to have legs. McStain's campaign just harnessed the Pale horse for the little war hero to ride.
no it hasn't. he needs more than his "base." there are more registered democrats in the US than republicans.
this is going to blow over, or blow up. media attention does not equal votes.
read for yourself:
When McCain's speech is over, there will be 62 days left in what has been a remarkable and surprising presidential election cycle. He also knows the odds are against him, given political dynamics that significantly favor the Democrats and Barack Obama.
Another gem, not quite the lady from the convention, more the naive girl: the Iraq war was God's will.
Sarah speaking at her church
McCain fucked up and he's going to loose. The RNC is energized but thats due to the crowd effect fueled by the collective energy expended in an attempt to spin the Palin pick. Face it, this family is 180 degrees out of phase with the REPUB definition of a morally sound family. Shit is over. It's just a matter of time before they accept the fact that having the Palins in the White House amounts to four years of a section 8 lease. Being pregnant by 8th grade would become the next new trend and you know the gentry ain't about that.
I also think that during this RNC, they are showing that they are not only full of venom and hate, but they are in contempt of the only thing that many people have left - hope. Shit, the REPUBs have fucked up everything and they have taken all the wealth that the little man had left. They just don't seem to get the fact that hope is all many people have left, and that hope is a real and tangible thing. Hope for the next mortgage payment, hope to get a new job or to keep from getting riffed, hope to get medical care, hope for the next meal, etc., etc. Guiliani laughed at the idea of hope because he doesn't need it - he's rich. Obama is running on a platform of hope and it's resonating because that is the only thing the REPUBs haven't taken because they see no value in it. Obama is inspirational and that is a key ingredient in a great leader.
The GOP, ...their time is over.
Hurray for John Stewart! As UBM would say: Zing!
Just to state it again {I think I said so over at subrealism} in large families the siblings do raise each other. I never thought it was not commonly known until this week! I'm the oldest of seven. But where I grew up, families ranged from one to 18 children. And even in the sixties, lots of families had no parent at home for long stretches during the day. My mother is the youngest of 13. By the sibling method, she got plenty of parenting, and in fact, they spoiled her as the baby.
I guess I have led some kind of hidden life, as, again, it amazes me that the US culture doesn't realize that siblings raise each other.
how good of a job do you think the 7 year old is going to do raising the baby with down's syndrome?
kids raising children--is that the way it is supposed to be?
this isn't your typical "large family," this is a dysfunctional family where the mother is ruthlessly ambitious and has put her "career" before family...that's ok except when they are young and one is disabled. and we are talking about the no. two job in the nation, and with father time at the helm, she could be president in 2 yeas. this isn't a farm family where everyone all pulls together. far from it.
and in this country we have birth control but if people like her (see what bush has already done) get in power, roe will be overturned and all other reproductive rights women have won will be lost.
she got on a plane after her water broke with said baby.
why did bristol end up pregnant? because her other siblings didn't raise her well?
give me a break. are you reading anything about this woman?
Identity politics it is.
Obama and his family, their sterling credentials, and professional polish, make a lot of people feel like white trash. So they call him uppity, and arrogant, and whatever else they can think of.
The Palin nomination is first and foremost about making folks in flyover country feel better about themselves. That was also a big part of Hillary's appeal to voters in PA, OH, and of course West Virginia. It's the "That nigger ain't no better than me!" vote.
My husband and I were laughing about all the Palin rumers, but I just realized that one rumor doesn't add up: Trig is three or four months old. Bristol is supposedly five months along. Bristol can't be the mother of baby Trig, if she is indeed five months along.
One rumor I can't figure out: Bristol was reportedly quarantined / out of view at the end of her mother's latest pregnancy because she had mono. This means that she got knocked up when she was sick. Did Levi get mono too? (I don't know how long the infectious stage of mono lasts.) Did she indeed have mono? How far along is she really?
Imagine Barack Obama giving his acceptance speech in Denver. Imagine a cutaway shot to 7-year-old Sasha Obama... digging in her ear with her finger, then licking the wax.
Dude, that would be gross no matter if the kid was black or white. Kind of like picking your nose and eating the results.
Now as far as Piper goes, she was grooming her baby brother. Sometimes us white folk need a little moisture to get our hair to lay right when it gets messed up. If you don't have water available, you use what's available. My mom probably did the same to me when I was a kid and we were at Olan Mils to get pictures done. Can't have that cowlick in the family pictures.
I thought it was really disgusting too. That poor, little baby.
"My husband and I were laughing about all the Palin rumors, but I just realized that one rumor doesn't add up: Trig is three or four months old. Bristol is supposedly five months along. Bristol can't be the mother of baby Trig, if she is indeed five months along."
Yes she can. 5 months pregnant means 20-24 weeks apart. If the baby is 4 months old that makes him between 16-20 weeks old. If she was 24 weeks pregnant at the time of the announcement then she could definitely be his mother.
They would be pretty close (painfully so, if you know what I mean) but that type of lack of family planning isn't exactly surprising if you're born into a home helmed by a woman who's vocally against teaching kids about the birds and the bees.
My mistake. I meant 20 weeks pregnant at the end, not 24.
There's also the possibility of an upcoming announcement that the baby was born 'prematurely', kwim? LOL
You are soooooo oppressed.
I'm sure you are lickin' your chops to get back at d' white man, aren't ya?
Get a life.
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