Far-right blogger Lawrence Auster is hosting another of his fascinating conversations on race (just in time for the Fourth of July).
This is why I love reading Auster. His combination of Ivy-League erudition, stunning frankness and intense racialism – plus his fervent opposition to the “bigotry” of anti-Semitism – provides an ongoing study in the meaning of whiteness.
The latest conversation began Tuesday night with an email from “Ben W.” focusing on “the antagonistic behavior and negative culture of the black race in America.”

“The psychological, social, legal and economic costs of ‘containing’ the black race have been staggering,” he continued, “and not worth the effort.”
Ben W. proposes no concrete action now... except to dare to imagine “factoring the black race out of America.”
Mr. Auster responded: “Nothing this radical on the black issue has ever been posted at [this blog]. Many will say that Ben’s ideas are racist, evil, and totally out of the question, both morally and practically. But can anyone gainsay his premises?”
Auster went on: “[I]s it not the case that black America, as an organized community, is endemically hostile to America and whites, and... will always be so?”
In Lawrence Auster’s perfect world, black people “could live in America and have their rights as individuals protected”... but “black organizations and public cultural expressions would only be recognized and allowed to the extent that they showed loyalty to America.”
Below are excerpts from the consequent comments:
ADELA G.: ... My wanting an America with far fewer blacks in it has nothing to do with my personal history with black individuals, which has been overall only slightly more negative than my history with whites. (And in fairness, I must add that I know several black people of whom I am very fond and I believe that fondness is mutual.)
It’s blacks as a group that I find too chaotic to live with or interact with. It is this group that I don’t want in American in any significant number. ...
LAWRENCE AUSTER: Blacks are not immigrants, and I can’t conceive of any means by which we make them leave, or where we would send them.
ADELA G.: ... I didn’t mention “making” them leave and, except for dismantling those government programs that promote and subsidize a sense of entitlement based on race, I wasn’t alluding to any governmental or official action, certainly not a policy of forced deportation. Surely you didn’t infer I was hoping white militias would drive blacks into the sea!
... [I]t’s not a question of making blacks leave. It’s a question of creating and maintaining a cultural climate that makes it clear any sense of racial grievance is unwelcome. ...
CLEM: ... I don’t have the answer but I do realize that we must pursue something in this direction. Unless we miscegenate (unfortunately many people see this as the panacea) to the point of all being Borg, what we are currently doing will not and is not working.
The only thing our current path in this country will do is lead to the destruction of the U.S. and of us. ...
AUSTER: A funny thought just occurred to me. We’re all aware of how, despite white America’s good will toward blacks, and staggering efforts to help advance them... the core of the black community continues to see whites as evil oppressors who are conspiring to commit genocide against blacks. ...
That being the case, if white America really began to take away blacks’ privileges and reduce their power and influence, as proposed above, what could the blacks say about whites, that they’re not already saying? The blacks ALREADY believe that we’re trying to harm them in all kinds of horrible ways. ...
BEN W.: ... I don’t have a clear and distinct idea (as Descartes would [put] it) of what “factoring the black race out of America” means.
It might have psychological elements (i.e. no more Hollywood films with black protagonists). It might have economic components (such as no affirmative action or extended welfare programs). It might have legal consequences such as restricting race-based churches from issuing from the pulpit hateful statements against the U.S. ...
These are all practical and incremental steps towards factoring out the racial presence of an antagonistic group.
On a broader scale, it would mean the dismantling of ghetto neighborhoods and dispersal. Where that would lead, I do not know. ...
MARK J.: The present situation with regard to blacks (and Mestizos, Muslims, and other alien peoples in our nation) is unsustainable, but I respectfully argue that the time when whites could maintain the existing system of government while implementing the kinds of changes you’re proposing has passed.
All race-based preference programs need to disappear, and it has to become legal once again to discriminate in employment, housing, and accommodations based on race. But the prohibitions against that kind of discrimination are so deeply embedded now in our laws and established interpretations of the Constitution that it would almost certainly require a series of constitutional amendments to make it legal to discriminate again. ...
Even were such changes possible, we would need to take away the right of blacks and other minorities to vote, because as long as they could vote, we would eternally be at risk of losing control of our nation if they reproduce faster than we do. ...
I think the only alternatives are a civil war or the devolution of the U.S. into another Brazil and the end of the white race as a significant civilizational force.
My bet is on a civil war, when the majority of whites have finally had enough of the corruption, violence, and poverty that comes with sharing a nation with alien people....

Gee, where's Frances Cress Welsing when you need her?
A funny thought just occurred to me. We’re all aware of how, despite white America’s good will toward blacks, and staggering efforts to help advance them... the core of the black community continues to see whites as evil oppressors who are conspiring to commit genocide against blacks. ...
Apparently America means white, Guess he forgot the Native Americans where there first. He also must consider slavery to be a civilizing action. Gee I wonder why we have a grudge or two?
I just had a pretty extensive discussion on race with your boy Ian Jobling here.
I don't know whether he'll post my last comment in response to his, though he has posted everything as of now.
In any case, at the end of the day he said: "whites are kind of like pornography in that you know one when you see one"
In other words, he could not point to any specific white racial characteristic. Moreover, in response to my arguments, he went so far as to deny the physical reality of race as thus:
"However, a race is not ultimately a physical entity [emphasis added], but rather a genetic one. A race is a community with a shared descent and with shared genes that distinguish it from other races. How exactly these genes will be expressed in physical characteristics cannot be precisely defined, as genes express themselves differently in different circumstances."
Oh, my last comment, should Mr. Jobling not post it, was thus:
"However, a race is not ultimately a physical entity, but rather a genetic one."
Genes are not physical? That's a new one.
"How exactly these genes will be expressed in physical characteristics cannot be precisely defined, as genes express themselves differently in different circumstances."
Which circumstances exactly and how?
"stop plaguing us..."
Sure, no problem.
I bid you good bye, then.
By the way. Wasn't this guy Auster supposed to have gone to Yale? I checked out alumni directory of every person who ever went there, and he is not listed.
" I think the only alternatives are a civil war or the devolution of the U.S. into another Brazil and the end of the white race as a significant civilizational force.
My bet is on a civil war, when the majority of whites have finally had enough of the corruption, violence, and poverty that comes with sharing a nation with alien people...."
This conclusion is quite rational and, as i pointed out to you elsewhere, David, inevitable. It is rational and inevitable if one tries to construct biological races where there are none and imbue them with with notions of biologically innate disparate mental acuities as you have done, David.
I am thus at loss to understand your apparently personal disagreement with Auster and Cie.
Would you please explain wherein your disagreement with these folks lie?
Michael, you interaction with Jobling and his crowd was extraordinary. I have never seen your Socratic dialectic more effectively deployed.
Thanks for alerting me. Of course, it got so good, I had to grab me some. Mr. Jobling (actually, Dr. Jobling... dude got a Ph.D.) has already published the first of my two questions.
Wasn't this guy Auster supposed to have gone to Yale?
Columbia, actually.
Would you please explain wherein your disagreement with these folks lie?
Ummm... I don't feel like it right now.
Happy Fourth of July!
Sounds like the lead up to 'the final solution' to me'. Then again these discussions about what to do with the 'negro' amongst us has been going on since slavery.
Btw, could you please identify the photo in this post. Thanks.
Ivory tower clowns like Auster and his commenters are too gutless to actually physically act out their fantasies. I am sure their circle jerks on race are a sort of dog whistle for the knuckle draggers of their lot.
Been, done.
The Space Traders by Derrick Bell.
A Day of Absence by Douglas Turner Ward.
It's sad to see people display such fear couched in bigotry and multisyllabic words.
Michael Fisher is out of his mind. He IS one of the alien people here in this country. This whole dicussion was disgusting.
Btw, could you please identify the photo in this post. Thanks.
Hi, Brown Girl. I'm afraid I can't. When I get to fetching photos, I just do a Google image search and grab what I need, usually without noting where I grabbed them from.
Bad boy ;P
It sounds like Auster and company's real beef is with the black intelligentsia. They're pulling a classic bait and switch con. "We have to stop Will Smith from making movies, and keep future Obamas out of Harvard, because local crackhead
Tyrone Johnson robbed yet another liquor store."
Auster has, of course, absorbed all of the West's classic anti-Semitism, and redirected it towards black folks.
I seriously doubt that white Americans are stupid enough to let kooks like this lead them into the nightmare morass of ethnic civil war. Northern Ireland? Former Yugoslavia? Sri Lanka?
"Michael Fisher is out of his mind. He IS one of the alien people here in this country. This whole dicussion was disgusting.".
I suspect that you got a little confused there, anon. What do you think that I advocate and what whole discussion are you referring to?
It's weird how I had never heard of Lawrence Auster before I started coming here. Now I get to live my life wondering what smooth-talking member of the intelligentsia thinks that I am unworthy of life just by virtue of the color of my skin. I knew those people existed, of course, but I was able to keep myself removed, just like I try to isolate myself from common germs and filth.
I understand the horrified fascination, UBM, I've looked under a few heavy rocks in my day. And this is your house -- of you can do whatever you want, I'm not suggesting otherwise. But why the fascination with this person? His intelligence doesn't make his racism any different from a yahoo shouting "nigger" from his pickup truck. It's offensive that people feel like they have science on their side to justify their hate.
Hello there UBM!!
The stunning ignorance of some white people is just really outlandish at times, isn't it??
@ Neptune
Thanks for mentioning Derrick Bell's Space Traders! It is a fascinating story about black people being sent off of the planet by white people and then the black people were asked to come back when it turns out that the white people needed them back so that they could feel more powerful again. Without the blacks, they had no identity as oppressors so they asked the blacks to come back.
Derrick's story is truly incredible. The pathetic part of the story was when the blacks said they wanted TO GO BACK HOME...now that was quite disturbing.
Where's home? Is the place of oppression so comfortable that it is viewed as "home"? Derrick asks all of the right questions in his literary piece.
Thanks for this conversation!
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
*Shaking my head while sighing*
*Shrugging with apathy*
Do I really have to acknowledge this level of ignorance?
Thanks for the intro to this Lawrence Auster fellow though. I'd never heard of him until now.
Do I really have to acknowledge this level of ignorance?
Thank you! I can only take but so much of this nonsensical caterwauling.
"America without black people?" Black people helped create the wealth of this country. Our presence also helped lay the foundation for white supremacy. So if leaving meant undoing the unearned privileges of ignorant folks like Auster and his lot, perennial economic instability and the dismantling of white supremacy, maybe we should consider packing now. And remember to take everything made by black inventors with us! Oh, and let's not forget rock & roll.
I understand the horrified fascination, UBM.... But why the fascination with this person?
Well, Christina, I think we need to be reminded that these ideas aren't just produced by ignorant rednecks. This is part of the intellectual history of America.
Thanks for the intro to this Lawrence Auster fellow though. I'd never heard of him until now.
He is a fringe character, even among right-wingers. But Auster has had some influence as an outspoken critic of Hispanic immigration. Pat Buchanan has cited his ideas.
Auster may have brains but he's not very smart. I don't mean this as name-calling. Anybody can draw any sort of irrational conclusions from facts at hand. And Auster is a master at this. But picking out facts that suit your point of view is not a sign of great intellect. A great mind confronts all facts, leaving emotions and anecdotes for the talking heads on t.v.
An Ivy League education doesn't mean shit if you come out of it as ignorant as you went in.
I think it's terribly sad the depth and reach of ignorance in this country, never more exemplified than among the people who read and post in support of Auster.
S.O.L. really summed it up. "An Ivy League education doesn't mean shit if you come out of it as ignorant as you went in."
I think it's terribly sad the depth and reach of ignorance in this country, never more exemplified than among the people who read and post in support of Auster.
“It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.” -- James Baldwin
Well, Christina, I think we need to be reminded that these ideas aren't just produced by ignorant rednecks. This is part of the intellectual history of America.
Fair 'nuff, I do see where one could find value in that. I feel like every time I check out the "reader comments" in any newspaper story I'm confronted with a bunch of squirmy little hateful worms. Auster is just another one of them. It's starting to make me distrustful of white people (what do they REALLY think?) and that's such a drag. So I try to stay away from that kind of thing if I can.
Imagine an America without black people...
According to Michael “I am not a member of a biological black race” Fisher, such an America already exists.
Mr. Mills,
Why do you allow your audience to spew such uncontested rote conformism every time you engage in one of these white supremacy discussions?
If Auster is ignorant and rednecks are ignorant... and Auster is as far from a redneck as can be defined... isn't your enlightened audience just claiming all whites to be ignant?
Is this an intellectual rebuttal to Auster's racial theories? And how are the racial theories of Auster any more ignant than the racial theories of the Starsky and Hutch of black radicalism, Fisher and Nulan?
Why do you allow your audience to spew such uncontested rote conformism every time you engage in one of these white supremacy discussions?
Thordaddy, you want I should tell people how to think?
I allow you to spew pretty much whatever you wanna spew here, because I'm a tolerant guy. And here in the House of Love, a free exchange of ideas is encouraged.
I presented this thread of Auster's because Auster is not ignorant, as I explained upthread.
You don't have to be ignorant to wish black people out of America. But it probably helps to be neurotic.
Thordaddy, sometimes I think you just want to make yourself angry. Why is that?
Assuming your equation is true:
Rednecks = ignorant (I don't agree, but I'm just going by what you're saying)
Auster = ignorant
Now how do you get from that to all white people? I'm just a black woman and so I know I'm not as good at math as a white guy, but I know a lot of white people who are neither rednecks nor Mr. Auster. Some of my best friends, etc., etc.
And I'm not going to let some crazy white supremacists and haters steer me away from people who I know in my soul are good people. Auster and his ilk may want to put a group of people in the same boat (and send that boat back to Africa, apparently) but I'm not so ignorant as to do the same.
We’re all aware of how, despite white America’s good will toward blacks, and staggering efforts to help advance them...
His tone comes across as patronizing and pretentious. What in the world does he mean by "good will?" Letting us sit in the front of the bus? If he's talking about affirmative action perhaps he should ponder why such policies were implemented in the first place.
the core of the black community continues to see whites as evil oppressors who are conspiring to commit genocide against blacks....
Are his views always so dogmatic?
I hope Auster doesn't think of himself as an intellectual because there's nothing intellectual about simplism.
Mr. Mills,
I wasn't suggesting that you moderate your reader's entries. Rather, I was wondering why you don't engage your readership and their reckless generalizations and blissful ignorance?
Fisher and Nulan both propose radical racial theories (with fundamental flaws and omissions) that have wide support among African-Americans. If radical racial theories are de facto ignorant then by such standard Fisher, Nulan and all those that give explicit or implicit sympathy to such notions are ignorant.
Yet, you never confront this mass ignorance nor do you engage your readership to articulate the flaws, omissions and fallacies in Auster's racialist theories.
Doing things I enjoy never makes me angry.
How do you convince yourself of such silliness?
... nor do you engage your readership to articulate the flaws, omissions and fallacies in Auster's racialist theories.
The notion that black people don't belong in America isn't a "theory." It's a proposition. And one unworthy of rebuttal.
Mr. Mills,
The idea that blacks don't even exist (in America or elsewhere) is the fundamental assertion of Fisher's radical racial theory. This is radical stuff and yet it is widely accepted by a large swath of "socially-constructed" black Americans.
This radical racial theory of no biological races is far more radical than the idea of biological races with innate differences. Don't you think?
Josh thordaddy Farst just can't keep my name out of his mouth.
Fisher and Nulan both propose radical racial theories (with fundamental flaws and omissions) that have wide support among African-Americans.
Articulate my "radical" racial theory Farst - since I haven't yet heard it myself - this should be a very stimulating presentation.
My apologies, Thordaddy -- I would think that race-baiting is more a habit of an angry person, no matter what the race of the person doing the baiting. But if it makes you happy, I certainly have nothing to say against it.
Josh thordaddy Farst just can't keep my name out of his mouth.
Shoot, Craig... he probably plays with Oujia boards too. Summoning up forces beyond his control.
I will concede that you don't really have a "racial" theory. At least you don't have one that is clearly articulated on the Interent.
Then again, Fisher doesn't really have a "racial" theory either.
That is why Fisher and Nulan are the Starsky and Hutch of black radicalism.
Both propose non-racial theories of white racism. A very talk task indeed. Fisher covers the basic left-wing take of no biological races while Nulan scientifically validates an oppressors/oppressed class that, coincidently, correlates well with white/non-white categorization.
You're an Obama-wannabe Nulan. Just another jive hustler. Too bad you two have to rile up your own folks in the meantime.
Fisher and Nulan, two bald black peas in a pod. LOL!
I will concede that you don't really have a "racial" theory. At least you don't have one that is clearly articulated on the Interent.
on the *Interent*
Everything else you wrote is just masturbatory nonsense Josh. You may now wish to consider the STFU option, not only because you don't have anything else credible to say, but because even something as stupid as you ought to recognize that it's completely out of its depth and may soon be pathetically peeping out from the undercarriage of a digital bus....,
I said I was done with you but that (Jobling) deserves a mention and credit where credit is due.
Ok, let's assume there is a biological race of black people who are dumber than white people.
In that case, being black, I can't help my presumed inability to advance and accomplish anything extraordinary.
Now what would the excuse of a white person be who demonstrably can not even pay his rent?
Let's take the logic a bit further.
Since white people are smart because they are white, then any white person can claim credit for any accomplishment by a white Nobel laureate. For, without being white the Nobel laureate wouldn't be smart enough to be a Nobel laureate in the first place.
What would a "white" Nobel Laureate say who is approached by, let's say an Ian Jobling, who tells him: Hey, Mr. white Nobel laureate, you accomplished what you did because of or at least partially because of the fact that you are white. Thus what you accomplished is not your individual accomplishment, but, since I am white as well, it is my accomplishment, too.
Thus I, being white, am taking credit for your accomplishment because I am white.
Fork over some of that Nobel Prize money.
In other words, "white race solidarity" and white racism is just a way for perennial underachievers to parasitically attach themselves to actual achievers.
Moreover, the constant need for white male racists to keep black men away from white women speaks to a deep insecurity on the masculine end. If white women in toto were not attracted to black men (the darker the better) then white racists would not have to advocate the restriction of access to white women by black men. Fact is, however, that white women are attracted sexually to black men like bees are to honey.
Which means that white women consider white men as underachievers in the masculinity department.
Lastly I have yet to hear of any en masse incidents of individual white men duking it out with individual black men. Historically white men have approached black men in mobs. Even today, unless a white man carries a weapon or is in a relatively large group, the average white man will cross the street if he happens to run into an individual unarmed black man in a dark alley.
Which speaks to underachieverdom in the courage department.
Underachievers have to create an illusion of superiority in order to feel good about themselves.
Thus the flight into white racism.
Michael “I am not a member of a biological black race” Fisher,
You bemoan that fact that Jobling takes credit for the accomplishments of other "whites" while you preach to socially-constructed blacks to take credit for the suffering of their ancestry.
Why this contradiction?
More importantly, is not the theory you espouse fundamentally equivalent to Craig Nulan's non-racial white supremacy theory?
Is this what we expect from a MIT alumni with a brain science degree?
What's your theory of Dopamine Hegemony but a non-racial theory of white supremacy?
Josh "Thordaddy" Fart...
"You bemoan that fact that Jobling...
Though I said that I wouldn't waste my time with you, I guess I'm gonna make one exception.
First off, I don't bemoan anything. I really don't care whether Jobling takes credit for the accomplishments of a "white" Nobel laureate. That's between those two.
"while you preach to socially-constructed blacks to take credit for the suffering of their ancestry.
Again, I do no such thing. I am advocating the abolition of the System of Racism/White Supremacy which allows even obviously mentally challenged individuals like yourself to advance beyond your demonstrably innate inabilities.
Is this what we expect from a MIT alumni with a brain science degree?
What you mean *we* kimosabe?
You spokesman and head cabin boy for the entire San Diego klavern or something?
What's your theory of Dopamine Hegemony but a non-racial theory of white supremacy?
my blog is linked through the blogger ID - like all half-dozen plus of your empty placeholders - why don't you go there, read up on it, and find out....,
While not even God can cure stupid, ignorant is something you can work to remedy on your own...,
Thordaddy, my white brother...
What are thinking? What are you doing? When will you learn?
Mills will at least 'listen' to you. Fisher, Nulan, et al, immediately go on the offensive with their BS mantra. For example, "... all white men are the devil"; "white women prefer black men"; Chris Rock and Bill Cosby are 'Toms' and liars because they think black men should become responsible for raising their children after impregnating black females.
These guys, along with Starnes and many other who 'black blog' 24/7 are very, very angry and very, very unhappy gentlemen. You will never, ever get them to even acknowledge any legitimate point you may make, let alone 'win' a discussion - regardless of facts. Why are you spending time on black sites? Why am I? We must be crazy.
I guess we fall into the category of "Underachievers (who) have to create an illusion of superiority in order to feel good about themselves"
Thus the flight into white racism."
I guess, that's why there are no black racists.
Let's do something useful and continue to tell all of our friends who own businesses not to hire black men if they apply for work. Boy, that's an oxymoron, isn't it - 'black men...apply for work"
We'll get further talking to the lamp post...
Also, maybe you can tell me why these guys frequently revert to their Stepin Fetchit personna with their, "Sho nuff, us black folk" shtick??
They are probably right. We are goofy MF'ers...
chris cosby got his feelings hurt...
Personally I haven't worked for a white person (or a black one for that matter) in 30 odd years. On the other hand I employed a few white people here and there. With a few exceptions these turned out to be lazy and incompetent (especially if they were American or British), though white Germans were good reliable workers.
As to the white-women-fantasize-about-black- men thing. Go ask your wife, sister, mother, aunt or daughter, if you have any of these. If they are honest they'll tell you. The fantasy is not one created by black folks, it springs out of the putrid white racist mind.
Blow back, ya know?
The fantasy is not one created by black folks, it springs out of the putrid white racist mind.
Which reminds me.... Just yesterday I was searching for info on a racist named Charles Carroll ("The Negro: A Beast") and my search happened to take me to one of my favorite sites, The Jim Crow Museum, and to a page highlighting the "brute caricature."
Bklyn6: Just to remind you, I posted about Chas. Carroll and "The Negro a Beast" last summer.
Snap! I didn't recall. (And I even added my two cents!) I'm reading "African American Atheists and Political Liberation" and it includes a picture from Carroll's book so I decided to look him up. I should've come here first. LOL (You don't miss a beat!) I'm gonna have to re-read your post. :-)
"Let's do something useful and CONTINUE to tell all of our friends who own businesses not to hire black men"
It is interesting, by the way, how sometimes white folks can be induced to reveal truth.
Is your GSWS all-pervasive or not? It seems you have just conceded that it is NOT all-pervasive.
We can conclude from your comment above that you only persuade fellow socially-constructed blacks to acknowledge and resist the GSWS when or wherever it may appear. Meaning, socially-constructed blacks have incredible freedom to avoid the GSWS. If I'm not mistaken, this is exactly what you have done.
Your theory is weak on details and that's why no one can figure out what the beef is between you and Fisher.
Fisher's theory is easy. There aren't any biological races and that's why we have white racial supremacy. Get it?
Your theory posits genetically-differentiated human beings. What Fisher purports to believe puts you in the "different biological races" camp. These two distinct biological entities are identified via dopamine levels.
Well, let me say that there isn't any beef other than the smelly manufactured stuff. Both you and Fisher, black supremacists by definition, put forth fundamentally identical non-racial theories of white supremacy. You cover the "scientific angle" while Fisher spews the "progressive" angle. This is a second-rate hustle old man.
PS. "[W]e" are the audience that frequent Mr. Mills' blog. You aren't suffering from extremely high dopamine levels, are you?
Are you serious...?
"Why not?" is more in concert with one who suffers from high dopamine levels. Right, Nulan?
Your theory posits genetically-differentiated human beings. What Fisher purports to believe puts you in the "different biological races" camp. These two distinct biological entities are identified via dopamine levels.
Quote my specific assertion that dopamine addiction is genetically determined. If not, admit to the UBM audience - your alleged peers kimosabe - that you're a liar and an imbecile.
Well, let me say that there isn't any beef other than the smelly manufactured stuff. Both you and Fisher, black supremacists by definition, put forth fundamentally identical non-racial theories of white supremacy. You cover the "scientific angle" while Fisher spews the "progressive" angle. This is a second-rate hustle old man.
Far be it from me to speak for Mr. Fisher. I believe he acquitted himself rather elegantly against Jobling et al.
As for you, however, you've backed yourself into a projective corner from which there's no exit. You're a liar, an idiot, and you're projecting your own loathsome proclivities on others who've called you out for the knuckle dragging, ethnonationalist, scum that you are.
Josh Farst, two-bit tile layer and professional racist.
Chris Cosby - poster child for the hazards of unintended self-disclosures online....,
So you've missed your second opportunity to deny that you posit a non-racial theory of white supremacy that is fundamentally equivalent to Fisher's theory.
And who said anything about "dopamine addiction" being "genetically determined?"
And Thordaddy hasn't ever posited any crazy radical non-racial "racist" theories like the abominable Fisher and Nulan.
PS. It looks like Fisher and Nulan might pull a Weezy and Birdman?
And who said anything about "dopamine addiction" being "genetically determined?"
You accused me of it shit-for- brains;
Your theory posits genetically-differentiated human beings. What Fisher purports to believe puts you in the "different biological races" camp. These two distinct biological entities are identified via dopamine levels.
Put up, or shut up Farce. Or alternatively, man up and admit that you're simply a lying, imbecilic racist scumbag projecting his own feverish delusions on folks that he fundamentally cannot understand.
Don't you know that that's he consensus about you here already kimosabe?
Strike three!
One last try...
Do you posit a non-racial "racist" theory of white supremacy, or not?
And is this theory NOT fundamentally equivalent to Fisher's non-racial "racist" theory of white supremacy?
And why do you keep playing this vulgar pseudo-scientific, black supremacist character?
I wouldn't be surprised or appalled that black folk went back to earth in Derrick Bell's novel.
Think of Uganda. After the black folks in Uganda expelled all Asians on pain of death, the economy collapsed and then the black Ugandans asked them to return. Some did.
After Zambia expelled all its white farmers and the Zambians started starving, the Zambian government asked white farmers to return and build new farms. Some did.
No doubt when the Zimbabweans get tired of starving they will ask the white farmers to return, rebuild their now destroyed farms, hire back their hundreds of thousands of farmworkers (those that Mugabe has not killed, that is) and feed them again, and doubtless some of them will.
And finally, look at South Africa, which as been running off white folks for over a decade.
The electrical system has collapsing, the highways are crumbling, the freshwater supplies are contaminated and the sewage treatment plants are spewing raw sewage.
But eventually the SA government will ask the skilled white folks it forced out to return and rebuild and I am sure some of them will.
Jews have returned to Germany and Spain, too.
Black Haitians invited French Haitians back to Haiti and they returned (only to be butchered shortly thereafter).
Its not that surprising once you think about it.
One last try?
You must be out of the teensy weensy little script that passes for your mind son.
Having stepped up to the plate and projected all your vile delusions on me, you now have the audacity to demand that I prove myself innocent of what YOU have charged?
You can't show that a single thing you've alleged is even in my vocabulary - and everything I have to say on the subject is a matter of public record!
That makes you even more of a liar and a fraud than your silly, compensatory alias *thordaddy* little Josh Farst.
Go home boy, you're humiliating yourself.
Hey big bill -- you posted a message to me in this thread, but I'm afraid I don't know what you're referring to. Did you meant to post here, or did you mean to refer to someone else?
Mr. Nulan,
Calling Thordaddy 'son' and 'boy' is not very nice. But, apparently such terms are allowed on this site and I intend to research high and low to find the most aggravating, inflammatory and degrading phrases and terms I can.
David, I thought you monitored and did not allow personal attacks.
Your aggrieved mendacity is quite offensive enough. Thanks by the way for all your unintended self-disclosures this morning. You're quite the poster child for racist blurting and lack of self-control.
David, I thought you monitored and did not allow personal attacks.
I don't like the personal attacks, Vinnie. But you and Thordaddy insist on baiting and taunting Mr. Nulan... for reasons unknown. Yet you expect to be treated civilly?
Some call it "trolling." I call it Lonely Anus Syndrome. You've been calling out DeAngelo too, is if it's his dick you miss most of all.
Try exercising a bit of "personal responsibility," Mr. Spence, and contribute something valuable to the discussion. Not just attention-seeking flame bait.
Your concession is in and your game of instigation is weak.
Now you can inform Mr. Mills' entire audience that your beef with Fisher is a contrived one and you both share fundamentally equivalent non-racial "racist" theories of white supremacy.
Even that buster Fisher won't deny what's obvious to all like my hotdog necked Nulan does. LOL!
Mr. Mills,
Do Fisher and Nulan propose non-racial "racist" theories of white supremacy, or not? And aren't such radical theories up for scrutiny on your blog?
Remember you started this entry as though imagining an America without black people was Auster's idea when it is the view espoused by Fisher and Nulan.
^ Damn... this back-and-forth has all the entertainment value of watching pigeons fuck.
Craig, I hope you have better things to do than to keep feeding these attention-deprived individuals.
But if you can't hold back, I'll have to shut this thread down. Because it's doing no one any good.
Mr. Mills,
You think you can launch into some evidence of white supremacy in order to discredit certain racial theories when all you have really done is expose the crazy rantings of two black supremacists. Two "respected" black supremacists who put forth identical non-racial "racist" theories of white supremacy.
Has anyone try to wrap their head around this tangled mess of thinking?
Seems to me David, that Farst asked you a number of questions that legitimately are within the confines of this thread. To wit:
"Do Fisher and Nulan propose non-racial 'racist' theories of white supremacy, or not?"
"This radical racial theory of no biological races is far more radical than the idea of biological races with innate differences. Don't you think?"
"And how are the racial theories of Auster any more ignant than the racial theories of the Starsky and Hutch of black radicalism, Fisher and Nulan?"
I'd be curious what your answers be.
^ I am not qualified to expound upon either yours or Craig Nulan's theories of human nature.
Craig, I hope you have better things to do than to keep feeding these attention-deprived individuals.
David, while I enjoy a klan clownsuit hootenanny as much as the next guy, I have no interest in tracking mud into the house of love....,
besides which, the IP addresses I was interested in to begin with have already been forfeited - any further digital pinata bashing will not take place in the blogsphere..,
"I am not qualified to expound upon either yours or Craig Nulan's theories of human nature."
I see. What reasoning made you arrive at the conclusion that you lack the qualifications?
Just concede that your fallout with Nulan was a contrived one and that you both share identical non-racial "racist" theories of white supremacy.
Can't we expect you to acknowledge the truth?
All right... this thread is now shut down. Thordaddy, Mike Fisher has a blog. Craig Nulan has one too. If you want to engage them in conversation, please do so there.
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