First and foremost some white people will deny to they die that there is any social significance to calling a black person a monkey. More importantly should we really be surprised that this is happening. Black people are good enough to do the minimal tasks and jobs but to hold the highest office in the land, are you kidding me? There will always be some kind of excuse as to the reason why WE are not good enough. I actually think Obama running for office is a good thing, simply because I think too many black people have become complacent regarding the state of race relations in our society.
I must admit I was a bit taken aback by the comfortably upfront racism of placing this on a public sign so everyone could see it as they drove by. I have to keep reminding myself that there is Atlanta, and then there is GEORGIA.
Atlanta has a bitchin' Waffle House near Bobby Brown Pkwy. (first time someone's ever come up to me at 2:30 a.m. and asked if I knew where they could find a mason).
GEORGIA has *that* guy (who, BTW, is decidedly unapologetic about his racism, much like the guy at the rodeo in the Borat film).
Your theory posits genetically-differentiated human beings. What Fisher purports to believe puts you in the "different biological races" camp. These two distinct biological entities are identified via dopamine levels.
Nulan responds
Quote my specific assertion that dopamine addiction is genetically determined. If not, admit to the UBM audience - your alleged peers kimosabe - that you're a liar and an imbecile.
To which thordaddy ASKED
And who said anything about "dopamine addiction" being "genetically determined?"
I agree that you shouldn't expound on your non-racial "racist" theory of white supremacy that barely consists of more than the rudimentary catch phrase "Dopamine Hegemony."
Come on, Nulan, I want to help others understand your paradoxical non-racial "racist" theory of white supremacy.
Given a virtuoso performance such as the one you and your boy Vince Spence put on today - I'm compelled to confess my general disdain for the congenitally stupid and habitually racist for whom you each serve as multi-generational poster children.
I am glad that the white media is covering this racism... because so many white people keep on saying that blacks' claims of racism are blown out of proportion and that racism isn't really "that bad anymore"...
For this reason, I am glad that the media is putting this on the news every time this mess is happening...their failure to do so is the main REASON why no one is addressing how much racism has continued and has spread in this country...
For this reason, I am glad that the media is putting this on the news every time this mess is happening...their failure to do so is the main REASON why no one is addressing how much racism has continued and has spread in this country...
One problem is that people look at guys like that and say, "Well, that's not *me*" or "I don't know anyone like that," dismiss him and forget the whole thing. It's easier to see it as an isolated incident (especially of some "hick" in the South) than to think about the larger problem it represents.
It's easier to see it as an isolated incident (especially of some "hick" in the South) than to think about the larger problem it represents.
But isn't that the question? With guys like Fisher, Nulan, Wright and Obama running around spouting racial supremacy theories what problem does this silly little sign represent? And why should white folks be up-in-arms about such trivial things?
I love it. Man is wearing a fucking KKK T-shirt and says, with a straight face, "I'm not a racist," adding that free speech means being able to say what you want, except if you say something he doesn't like.
After 8 years of Chimpy McBush comments, I'm having a real hard time working up any outrage.
^ Did people start calling him that because he was white? Damn... why didn't other white folks stick up for him?
The evidence speaks for itself.
^ Now those were funny!
First and foremost some white people will deny to they die that there is any social significance to calling a black person a monkey. More importantly should we really be surprised that this is happening. Black people are good enough to do the minimal tasks and jobs but to hold the highest office in the land, are you kidding me? There will always be some kind of excuse as to the reason why WE are not good enough. I actually think Obama running for office is a good thing, simply because I think too many black people have become complacent regarding the state of race relations in our society.
Or maybe those "complacent" blacks folks really don't know what the likes of a Nulan or Fisher think?
I've flatly and systematically proven that you're a liar and an idiot Josh thordaddy Farst.
You've established your racist bona fides on your own.
Man, some hate just ferments.
I must admit I was a bit taken aback by the comfortably upfront racism of placing this on a public sign so everyone could see it as they drove by. I have to keep reminding myself that there is Atlanta, and then there is GEORGIA.
Atlanta has a bitchin' Waffle House near Bobby Brown Pkwy. (first time someone's ever come up to me at 2:30 a.m. and asked if I knew where they could find a mason).
GEORGIA has *that* guy (who, BTW, is decidedly unapologetic about his racism, much like the guy at the rodeo in the Borat film).
Let's see if if you've done what you've claimed.
thordaddy states
Your theory posits genetically-differentiated human beings. What Fisher purports to believe puts you in the "different biological races" camp. These two distinct biological entities are identified via dopamine levels.
Nulan responds
Quote my specific assertion that dopamine addiction is genetically determined. If not, admit to the UBM audience - your alleged peers kimosabe - that you're a liar and an imbecile.
To which thordaddy ASKED
And who said anything about "dopamine addiction" being "genetically determined?"
Please identify the "lie" you MIT graduate?
Josh, have you been inhaling solvents whilst gluing tiles to the bathroom floor today?
I agree that you shouldn't expound on your non-racial "racist" theory of white supremacy that barely consists of more than the rudimentary catch phrase "Dopamine Hegemony."
Come on, Nulan, I want to help others understand your paradoxical non-racial "racist" theory of white supremacy.
It just occurred to me that if Barack wins the general election we'll see this kind of outright bigotry for his entire term. Better buckle in.
Why Josh T. Farst, you madcap...,
You got me.
Given a virtuoso performance such as the one you and your boy Vince Spence put on today - I'm compelled to confess my general disdain for the congenitally stupid and habitually racist for whom you each serve as multi-generational poster children.
What Antonio said.
Did the shirt he had on go unnoticed? Sick.
Hey there! {Waves}
I am glad that the white media is covering this racism... because so many white people keep on saying that blacks' claims of racism are blown out of proportion and that racism isn't really "that bad anymore"...
For this reason, I am glad that the media is putting this on the news every time this mess is happening...their failure to do so is the main REASON why no one is addressing how much racism has continued and has spread in this country...
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
^ Hey Lisa. I love how you wave when you say hello!
But, yes, I expect to see more "monkey" incidents between now and November. Let's say... one per month, which makes it into the media.
I'd bet $5 on that.
For this reason, I am glad that the media is putting this on the news every time this mess is happening...their failure to do so is the main REASON why no one is addressing how much racism has continued and has spread in this country...
One problem is that people look at guys like that and say, "Well, that's not *me*" or "I don't know anyone like that," dismiss him and forget the whole thing. It's easier to see it as an isolated incident (especially of some "hick" in the South) than to think about the larger problem it represents.
dez says,
It's easier to see it as an isolated incident (especially of some "hick" in the South) than to think about the larger problem it represents.
But isn't that the question? With guys like Fisher, Nulan, Wright and Obama running around spouting racial supremacy theories what problem does this silly little sign represent? And why should white folks be up-in-arms about such trivial things?
I love it. Man is wearing a fucking KKK T-shirt and says, with a straight face, "I'm not a racist," adding that free speech means being able to say what you want, except if you say something he doesn't like.
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