(Like one particular teenager named Amanda Nicholson...)
Amanda Nicholson: “@serenajwilliams Hi Ms. Serena you are an inspriation to me I’m an tennis player and a new business owner please check out: www.clutterr.com”
Serena Williams: “@InuGome25 Congrats! How are you?”
Amanda Nicholson: “@serenajwilliams omg! you replied! I’m great! i love tennis i watched you play you are amazing. the site i showed you was all built by me”
Amanda Nicholson: “@serenajwilliams and I’m not trying to target you for publicity or something. thats low. im just a 14 yr old girl with a dream.”
Amanda Nicholson: “@serenajwilliams lol some people think your trying to use them! but since your my inspiration anyway I was hoping your very nice”
Serena Williams: “@InuGome25 Well, of course. What did you expect!!!”
Amanda Nicholson: “OMG. Serena Williams amazing tennis star actually answered my tweet. I swear I started tearing up!”
this is really cute. this is how i would be with spike lee. omg spike lee texted me told me i have great potential.
Is she gonna tweet about that foot fault?
^ She'd better chill out first. Damn, that was ugly...
^Yeah. That had giant negress written all over it.
^ Asian lady was like, "I feel sorry for your mother."
kj: Yeah, I thought it was really cute. Then when I checked to see how that young lady Amanda reacted to tonight's shocking developments... girl tweeted this:
"fuck that line bitch i hope your truly do shove a tennis ball down her throat. she fucking deserves it. Love you forever Serena!"
Twitter scares me.
^Gee. Amanda dropped almost as many f-bombs as Serena.
I think that linesman/woman said that Serena threatened to kill her. But, Serena only threatened to shove the ball down her f'n throat.
Think this will be joked about in the culture at large?
"Obama should invite them to the White House for beers" type of thing...
hmm i wish i knew what you guys were talking bout.
ubm - wow these kids are on some other stuff now. the other day while watching the videos for jerking i was like i'm glad i'm not a teenager right now.
God bless the children...sigh!
Serena obviously had a meltdown. Was it caused by her less than stellar performance? The rain delay? Who knows... We all have our moments, including Latrell Sprewell.
It was good to see Serena shake her opponent's hand instead of completely storming off the court.
Lost in all the attention to Serena's perfectly understandable outburst was the fact that she DID NOT foot fault.
Even the NYPost had to give it up for Serena wrt what I watched with my own eyes and recorded last night.
Replays showed Williams did not foot fault and a call at that juncture is highly unusual. Tournament referee Brian Earley came onto the court and awarded a code violation after hearing what Williams had allegedly said. Earley informed Serena she was getting a point deducted for unsportsmanlike conduct. Serena didn't argue, shook Clijsters' hand and left the court.
That line judge is an incompetent waste of skin who needs to be permanently banned from any further USTA involvement.
So the great white hype finale will be predicated on a hollow come-back for Cljsters. Too bad - she deserved to win fair and square and for real, instead of winning because an incompetent dwarf phukked it up for both of them and for everyone paying attention.
^ I don't think Clijsters's victory is in any way diminished. Let's face it... she handled Serena last night.
Unfortunately, we're in for another week of boring-ass media "teachable moment" race melodrama.
Cljsters herself wouldn't have claimed that match a done deal...., Serena has clawed her way back from more nail-biting deficits than I care to recount.
With what was at stake, tournament referee Brian Early was a fuckwit for not having reviewed the skycam video to suss out the facts of the matter.
^ Asian lady was like, "I feel sorry for your mother."
Asian lady was incompetent.
There's an obvious joke here, about driving. I'll just leave it alone.
@UBM: I doubt this is going to be turn into another beer summit situation.
And we can all be grateful that Serena chose not to shoot the line judge with "hot pee."
h/t Mr. Nulan
If anybody is deserving of a boiling hot shot or two, it was that little garment district refugee masquerading as a line judge.
Seriously though, this obnoxious, baritone voiced dog-show commentator has spent the better part of this afternoon calling for Serena's suspension.
Moreover, it appears that a majority of haters with breath strangely reminiscent of Sgt Crowley's shriveled little teabags are calling for her to be fined and suspended too.
This calls for a collective rain of scalding, highly acidic asparagus pee to deluge the metro los angeles area and surrounding precincts still on fire for other unrelated crimes against objective morality....,
Seriously though, this obnoxious, baritone voiced dog-show commentator has spent the better part of this afternoon calling for Serena's suspension.
I thought I was the only one who thinks she sounds like a dude.
During the press conference, I thought it was pretty slick of Serena to mention that John McEnroe was her idol. I didn't see it as her way defending her behavior, but as a way of reminding the press that she's not the first player to exhibit unsportsman-like conduct on the court.
That is terrible, why did she do that? I know it might have been a mistake, but com’on…
I've been that mad and I the chance to claw my way back to a grand slam win wasn't on the line. I think that line judge's calls should be reviewed.
Some people get crazy with a little power and her call was bad and made at a bad time.
Yes, Serena lost it and now she's getting spanked, but that line judge needs a come to jesus meeting about what the hell she was thinking.
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