Yes, I continue to read Lawrence Auster’s idiosyncratically ultra- conservative
blog. It is immensely entertaining.

I even donated some cash during one of Larry’s recent panhandling campaigns. But the prideful fucker rejected my money!
(You can read his detailed
explanation as to why, if you care to.)
One of the nuttiest aspects of Larry Auster’s career as a self-styled public intellectual is... he spends most of his time and energy attacking fellow conservatives.
Yesterday he crossed a line into ethnic name-calling, referring to
David Frum, former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, as a “Jewboy.”
This so offended some of Auster’s readers, he eventually removed the reference from his blog. But not before posting an earnest defense of himself this morning... arguing that he was
right to call Mr. Frum a “Jewboy.” (“If I am being brutal toward him... he deserves it.”)
I copied all that stuff. Just in case.
Before I share it with you (and with future Google searchers), let me point out that Lawrence Auster himself is an ethnic Jew (and a staunch defender of Israel), though he converted to Christianity and is now a devout Anglican.
Mr. Auster also has denounced conservative writers more famous than himself – specifically Pat Buchanan and Paul Craig Roberts – for being “very close” to anti-Semitic. (Even though they’ve never called anyone a “Jewboy” in print.)
So here’s the deal. Auster yesterday put up a
post slamming David Frum for, among other things, attacking Rush Limbaugh in a Newsweek essay last spring.
At the end of the post, Auster called Frum a “little Jewboy on the make”... which is a quote from Mordecai Richler’s novel “The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz.” Auster’s point was that David Frum “will do anything to advance himself.”
A reader asked Auster to remove the “Jewboy on the make” line... because it is “reprehensible, cringe-making, and not fair.”
Auster responded that it was not “some terrible expression.” “First, a ‘Jewboy’ is simply a Jew. Yes, the term is used by some people in a derogatory manner, but when I was growing up it was mainly a humorous term of affection used by one Jew about another.... It is not the Jewish equivalent of the ‘N’ word.”
Furthermore, Auster wrote, “think of the way [Frum] portrayed Rush Limbaugh.... It was an act of total treason and aggression against the conservative movement. Why then does he deserve any particular consideration in the way that he’s discussed?”
In finally erasing the word “Jewboy” from his post, Auster wrote: “I personally felt that the description, in the context in which I had presented it, was defensible, and I defended it. However, I also believe that to create offense
unnecessarily is wrong.”
Cool. Now if only this douchebag could stop calling black people