Patton Oswalt, one of the best standup comics currently working, has a new CD coming out next week. It’s called “My Weakness Is Strong,” and it’s already downloadable from iTunes.
Oswalt will be on the Letterman show tomorrow night plugging it.
Click here to hear “Obama... and Time Travel... and Coolness... and the Last Racist.”
Maria Bamford is too weird to ever become hugely popular. But I like her style. It’s so rare to find a comedian with a truly original voice.
Bamford’s latest comedy album is called “Unwanted Thoughts Syndrome.” It came out in April.
Click here for 8 minutes of randomness titled “I Miss Working in an Office.”

I'm listening to Oswalt and thinking how familiar his voice sounds.
The King of Queens.
I had no clue about Oswalt's career as a comedian. His character on TKOQ is so gullible and sweet; it's nice to see him in different light. It made me think of Anthony Anderson who takes on such versatile roles.
And he and Anthony Anderson performed together recently for the Mixtape Comedy Show @ Gotham in NYC.
It was turning into a montly trip for me, until the passport expired and money got tight.
Hey David. Check this out.
German version
Very nice. I knew about Patton Oswalt, but this is the first I'd heard of Maria Bamford. Her comedy style is so off-the-wall, it makes Steven Wright sound conventional. Thanks.
^ You're welcome, estiv. I found Bamford through Oswalt. She was part of his "Comedians of Comedy" tour, which became a cable-TV series a few years ago.
I don't usually care for German music, but "Stillstand" rocks".
^ For fuck sake, Fish. This is how you're earning your percentage?
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