Garrido and his wife are accused of snatching an 11-year-old girl off the street in 1991... and keeping her as a sex slave in a back-yard shed for 18 years.
The girl, Jaycee Lee Dugard, bore two children by Phillip Garrido. She and the children are now free. The Garridos are under arrest.
And yes... Phillip Garrido has a blog. It’s called Voices Revealed.
In his last post, on August 14, Garrido wrote: “[T]he Creator has given me the ability to speak in the tongue of angels in order to provide a wake-up call that will in time include the salvation of the entire world.
“You too can witness what the world believe’s is impossible to produce! email: godsdesire@rocketmail.com. DON’T MISS OUT!”
Today, that blog post is attracting comments such as these:
“I hope you rot in jail and burn in Hell.”
“I really hope every last thing you did to that poor kid is done to you when you enter jail.”
“What a complete piece of shit. I think a torture treatment performed each day, in public viewing is what this asshole deserves.”
Strange how the internets grant us such intimate access, almost in real time, to the monsters in our midsts.
Whoa boy. Look's like someone's been prepping an insanity defense for a long, long time.
madness. your like my news outlet. if i didn't log on yahoo sometimes i wouldn't know anything. it need to go over to cnn. this is sad.
I have a small child and when I hear these stories I get weary. I recently have started looking into purchasing a tracking device for my kid. I get emotional loosing a watch. Can't even imagine the pain that mother went through.
^ Imagine the relief and the rage the mother must've felt when she discovered her daughter is alive... and why.
evil...hidden in plain sight. scary, and gotta love the religious angle, don'tcha? that's what did him in apparently, handing out leaflets. but then he brought the gang to the parole office. was he trying to get caught?
you are a gifted writer, david, but life's got you beat on this one. you just can't make this shit UP!
it's like that guy in germany, had kids with his daughter (altho worse).
^That wasn't in Germany, that was in Austria. This guy and his wife who enslaved that child need to be shot, resuscitated and shot again. And then resuscitated and thrown in a vat of boiling oil. They are a throwback to Thomas Jefferson and his ilk who enslaved children, had "sex" (in these type of conditions it is always rape) with them (Sally Hemmings was, I believe 13 or 14 when Jefferson began) and fathered childern.
Friggin' crackpot.
Where was Chris Hanson?
How does this happen? And what peeves me is the people who post negativiy after the fact.
Maybe I missed a story or two, but why does it seem like that only sick ass defected white boys get away with this sick shyte for soooooo looonnggg.
It there a history of anybody else displaying such effing depravity that I, perhaps, missed?
In addition, this feeds a kind of narrative in the rest of the world about Americans (violent, hyper-religious, sexual psychopaths). I occasionally listen to the Russian service of the BBC, because I'm trying to learn Russian. Guess what was the story that led off the broadcast yesterday.
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