As a founding member of the World Saxophone Quartet, Mr. Murray has had hold of my ear for a good quarter-century. Under his own name, he has released 50 albums in the last 20 years.
I’m streaming on my Vox blog a track from Murray’s 1993 CD “Ballads for Bass Clarinet.” Click here to hear “Elegy for Fannie Lou” (composed by cultural activist Kunle Mwanga).
I do enjoy the sound of a bass clarinet, and this cut really picks up steam as it goes. Murray’s A-list sidemen for the session were John Hicks, Ray Drummond and Idris Muhammad.
To dig deeper into David Murray’s music, visit his MySpace page.
Beautiful tone. And it swung too. Nice Find. I really dug the soul album the WSQ did. Their For the Love of Money cover was four bars. David Murray is a musical artist. He has all of the chops. Any key, any time, any style, any venue.
It's really just great to read a Happy B'day....as opposed to a "You know who died yesterday...?" post....ya dig?
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