How the Republican Party deteriorated from the Party of Lincoln to a collection of xenophobic, closed-minded, isolationist, money-grubbing bigots is truly sad.
The song is catchy, I'll give him that. However, like Mahndisa says, it's recycled rhetoric. They decry the "killing" of a few cells yet don't bat an eye when the president orders millions of civilians slaughtered overseas in the name of freedom. A bit of a red herring argument, but the hypocrisy is just too much to bear.
Would you mind me asking... what is the ideological foundation of your anti-abortion stance? Doesn't seem to be rooted in Christian fundamentalism or traditional "social conservatism."
I love how he said, "people care about global warming more than people," like people aren't affected by global warming. If people weren't affected, no one would care. Then he turns around and endorses Alan Keyes?!?! WHOA! One black dude who would NEVER win. And on another note, it's interesting how the Ant-Abortion stance is against "Choice." He and others like him don't want people to have the right to choose for themselves. To me (and this is gonna sound a little crude) abortion is like putting on a condom late. If you didn't do it the first time, here's your second time. This is the like the "English Only" thing that happened here in Nashville recently. I had to post about that unfairness against rights and "choice" too.
"Would you mind me asking... what is the ideological foundation of your anti-abortion stance? Doesn't seem to be rooted in Christian fundamentalism or traditional "social conservatism.""
Sure UBM: I appreciate that you have asked me this! I have been studying physics on and off as an academic hobby more or less for a number of years now. Physics has influenced my thoughts along with my upbringing in a Progressive Baptist church. Interstingly enough, abortion was NEVER brought up in sermons. Perhaps it was because we were in the Bay Area the liberal capital of the country. But I always questioned what abortion was and why it should be seen as a 'choice'.
When I realized that it was plumb murder by looking at SCIENTIFIC studies as well as looking into my heart, it occured to me that it was just state assisted murder and nothing more. (Bear in mind I am omitting cases where the mother or childs life is in danger by continuing the pregnancy.)
My foundation for opposing elective abortion is that of HUMAN RIGHTS. It makes utterly ZERO SENSE that we condemn murderers to prison and talk about eliminating poverty and helping the poor when we routinely Kill OFF a sizable portion of our population. And all in the name of what? Convenience? That is bullshit, and this is from a gal who has had many friends who have aborted. Every step of the way, I discouraged them from doing it, but still showed them love regardless.
If we can rephrase elective abortion as a human rights violation, more secularly minded people might just convert. After all, if your religion is humanism, then why would you kill of potential practitioners?
"Of course, the Church's position on abortion takes no more notice of the details of biology than it does of the reality of human suffering. It has been estimated that 50 percent of all human conceptions end in spontaneous abortion, usually without a woman even realizing that she was pregnant. In fact, 20 percent of all recognized pregnancies end in miscarriage. There is an obvious truth here that cries out for acknowledgment: if God exists, He is the most prolific abortionist of all."--Sam Harris, Letter to a Christian Nation
I've seen a similar quote to the Sam Harris one below.If you are a Calvanist or a believer that humans lives are set and they have no free choice, then that statement makes sense. I am not of that tradition. I believe we have free choice which is why elective abortions are so foul.
As to why miscarriages occur in nature, there are many reasons among them the stress of the mother, genetics, trauma, fetal deformities and the like. They also may occur for other reasons. But I have a hard time blaming God for miscarriages. Clearly humans can be blamed in the case of elective abortions, however.
Mahndisa: Abortion is not an issue I've thought super deeply about.
But the first thing that springs to mind is: if abortion is, indeed, morally indistinguishable from "murder"... must America prosecute and lock up those women who'd sneak and have abortions anyway, even if they were illegal? Plus prosecute and lock up the abortionists as well?
I could envision this instantly becoming the No. 1 task of the criminal justice system in the United States, given the scale of the practice (more than a million abortions a year).
Have you, as a thought experiment, imagined an America where abortion was criminal again? How would it look different?
UBM: Good questions. I have thought about a world where abortion was criminalized and that is extreme. Ultimately I am pushing for a consciousness shift where the demand for such abortions won't even exist in time. After all, if we view abortion as a medical procedure only to be used when life of mother or baby is in danger, things will change. Laws sometimes reflect the consciousness of the people and other times they don't. When RvW came down, the majority of Americans were quite conflicted morally about the issue, which is why backally hacks made such a 'killing' performing illegal abortions.
Once we have this consciousness shift in two generations or so, criminalizing it won't be a problem because the minds of people will KNOW that it is a human rights abuse.
Punishment then? Yes, the practitioners because they violate the Hippocratic oath anyhow.
hes right, hes an idiot, but hes right. obama is an idiot without a clue, i hope he figures out how to run the office hes in before he trashes the world
01 25 09
Meh. Recycled rhetoric from a partisan hack. Not that he didn't bring up some points though...
How the Republican Party deteriorated from the Party of Lincoln to a collection of xenophobic, closed-minded, isolationist, money-grubbing bigots is truly sad.
Wow, I envision a visit from the men in black to that dude's mom's basement. Is there any bit of inflammatory imagery that he didn't include?
(Hah! The word Blogger asked me to type to prove I'm not a spambot is "racis". Love it!)
The song is catchy, I'll give him that. However, like Mahndisa says, it's recycled rhetoric. They decry the "killing" of a few cells yet don't bat an eye when the president orders millions of civilians slaughtered overseas in the name of freedom.
A bit of a red herring argument, but the hypocrisy is just too much to bear.
Not that he didn't bring up some points though...
Thanks for commenting, Mahndisa.
Would you mind me asking... what is the ideological foundation of your anti-abortion stance? Doesn't seem to be rooted in Christian fundamentalism or traditional "social conservatism."
Nothing new there.
This is just more screams from the insanely intolerant "blessed' as they circle the bowl toward irrelevance.
Jesus groans at the hypocracy.
I love how he said, "people care about global warming more than people," like people aren't affected by global warming. If people weren't affected, no one would care. Then he turns around and endorses Alan Keyes?!?! WHOA! One black dude who would NEVER win. And on another note, it's interesting how the Ant-Abortion stance is against "Choice." He and others like him don't want people to have the right to choose for themselves. To me (and this is gonna sound a little crude) abortion is like putting on a condom late. If you didn't do it the first time, here's your second time. This is the like the "English Only" thing that happened here in Nashville recently. I had to post about that unfairness against rights and "choice" too.
Wow, this guy instantly supplanted Rob Van Winkle as the world's worst white rapper with that song.
Once again proof that Republicans are responsible for Shitty Music.
01 26 09
"Would you mind me asking... what is the ideological foundation of your anti-abortion stance? Doesn't seem to be rooted in Christian fundamentalism or traditional "social conservatism.""
Sure UBM:
I appreciate that you have asked me this! I have been studying physics on and off as an academic hobby more or less for a number of years now. Physics has influenced my thoughts along with my upbringing in a Progressive Baptist church. Interstingly enough, abortion was NEVER brought up in sermons. Perhaps it was because we were in the Bay Area the liberal capital of the country. But I always questioned what abortion was and why it should be seen as a 'choice'.
When I realized that it was plumb murder by looking at SCIENTIFIC studies as well as looking into my heart, it occured to me that it was just state assisted murder and nothing more. (Bear in mind I am omitting cases where the mother or childs life is in danger by continuing the pregnancy.)
My foundation for opposing elective abortion is that of HUMAN RIGHTS. It makes utterly ZERO SENSE that we condemn murderers to prison and talk about eliminating poverty and helping the poor when we routinely Kill OFF a sizable portion of our population. And all in the name of what? Convenience? That is bullshit, and this is from a gal who has had many friends who have aborted. Every step of the way, I discouraged them from doing it, but still showed them love regardless.
If we can rephrase elective abortion as a human rights violation, more secularly minded people might just convert. After all, if your religion is humanism, then why would you kill of potential practitioners?
Sorry for rambling.
^ Thanks for that, Mahndisa. Food for thought indeed.
Has he written a song about Sam Harris?
"Of course, the Church's position on abortion takes no more notice of the details of biology than it does of the reality of human suffering. It has been estimated that 50 percent of all human conceptions end in spontaneous abortion, usually without a woman even realizing that she was pregnant. In fact, 20 percent of all recognized pregnancies end in miscarriage. There is an obvious truth here that cries out for acknowledgment: if God exists, He is the most prolific abortionist of all."--Sam Harris, Letter to a Christian Nation
^ Sam has come a long way since "Star Search."
^You know he's somewhere still singing "Over the Rainbow." :-D
Well, at least now we can discard with the notion that BO is a Christian.
And with his first few executive orders, his covert jihadist status never looked more plausible.
01 28 09
I've seen a similar quote to the Sam Harris one below.If you are a Calvanist or a believer that humans lives are set and they have no free choice, then that statement makes sense. I am not of that tradition. I believe we have free choice which is why elective abortions are so foul.
As to why miscarriages occur in nature, there are many reasons among them the stress of the mother, genetics, trauma, fetal deformities and the like. They also may occur for other reasons. But I have a hard time blaming God for miscarriages. Clearly humans can be blamed in the case of elective abortions, however.
Mahndisa: Abortion is not an issue I've thought super deeply about.
But the first thing that springs to mind is: if abortion is, indeed, morally indistinguishable from "murder"... must America prosecute and lock up those women who'd sneak and have abortions anyway, even if they were illegal? Plus prosecute and lock up the abortionists as well?
I could envision this instantly becoming the No. 1 task of the criminal justice system in the United States, given the scale of the practice (more than a million abortions a year).
Have you, as a thought experiment, imagined an America where abortion was criminal again? How would it look different?
You wouldn't have to lock up a woman for an illegal abortion, but you could certainly sterilize her, no?
And seriously, have you ever met a more prominent pro-abortion Christian than BO?
01 28 09
Good questions. I have thought about a world where abortion was criminalized and that is extreme. Ultimately I am pushing for a consciousness shift where the demand for such abortions won't even exist in time. After all, if we view abortion as a medical procedure only to be used when life of mother or baby is in danger, things will change. Laws sometimes reflect the consciousness of the people and other times they don't. When RvW came down, the majority of Americans were quite conflicted morally about the issue, which is why backally hacks made such a 'killing' performing illegal abortions.
Once we have this consciousness shift in two generations or so, criminalizing it won't be a problem because the minds of people will KNOW that it is a human rights abuse.
Punishment then? Yes, the practitioners because they violate the Hippocratic oath anyhow.
hes right, hes an idiot, but hes right. obama is an idiot without a clue, i hope he figures out how to run the office hes in before he trashes the world
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