But some black folks celebrated the attack. Namely, Elijah Muhammad and his followers in the Nation of Islam.
In his 1999 book, “The Messenger: The Rise and Fall of Elijah Muhammad,” Karl Evanzz wrote:

As early as the mid-1930s, Elijah Muhammad taught his disciples that “The Japanese will slaughter the white man” and “It is Japan’s duty to save you.”
A rumored financial backer of the Nation of Islam was Satokata Takahashi, a foreign agent who formed alliances with black nationalists on behalf of Imperial Japan.
Here is more from Karl Evanzz’s book:
While America trembled in fear of another Japanese attack, the NOI celebrated the bombing of Pearl Harbor as the beginning of the hellfire. Many Muslims wondered how soon the ships would come to take them to their promised new homes in Hawaii, and when they would get their first glimpse of the Mother Plane.
Others wrote letters urging their families to join the NOI before it was too late. On December 9, two days after the attack, Milwaukee minister Sultan Muhammad wrote an effusive letter to the Messenger:
“The end of the enemy truly has come.... All Praise is due to Allah; [Armageddon] truly has come, my Loving and most Faithful Apostle. Oh, how happy am I to see what I am seeing! ...”
In a follow-up letter on December 16, Sultan, who was the Messenger’s cousin, beamed proudly as Black Milwaukeeans were suddenly beating down the door to join the NOI. His weekly report of February 3 was equally euphoric:
“Old Satan is really silent in his Hell. They are just as quiet and never have anything to say concerning his war in our presence.... All Praise is due Allah alone, the Great God of the Universe. What is the matter with the Devils? Why are they carrying such long faces? Ha! Ha! ... Blessed be the name of Allah, Who promised through His prophets that He would overtake the Devil and his host!”
... At Temple No. 4 in Washington, D.C., Muhammad and his followers reveled in newspaper accounts of Japan’s exploits, though not for long.
As the war entered its sixth month, the FBI’s intelligence reports forced [J. Edgar] Hoover to take a closer look at the NOI, as they indicated that the Muslims and other black nationalist organizations were receiving carbine rifles and sophisticated military weaponry from Japanese espionage agents. These weapons, several field offices reported, were stockpiled in black ghettos in nearly every major American city.
Wow. EM was out there.
TO Miss Kellybelle
Yes the Hon. Elijah Muhammad was out there, Way ahead of any of his contemporaries. It always amazes me how anyone can read the bible and then say that the Black Muslims are crazy. Who believes in talking snakes. Dragons and a myriad of strange beast. i guest christianity allows one to have selective lunacy.
You seem to be to intelligent a person to spread conjecture and rumor. The reason the enemy of freedom even started such a lie was that the flag of the Nation Of Islam has symbolic meaning to its believers. Mainly it's red color which represents the sun. I bet you knew that already and that it were a mistake on your part not including it in your blog.
^ Welcome, Mr. Lee. To which "lie" are you referring?
The bible is a complex book of tried and true teachings. Love your neighbor as your self, and the like. Celebrating an attack on the country in which you live is not.
wow i never even heard or read about this account pertaining to Pearl Harbor. Not saying I believe everything I read, but the NOI and Pearl Harbor connection is quite interesting
If Malcom, not Elijah, ran the NOI in the 30's & 40's, we might not have needed Martin in the 50's & 60's and might have had Barack in the 70's or 80's.
Elijah Muhammad has frightened me, as an American, a Christian & a black man since I first read his teachings as a teenager. The "devils" he mentions are not only whites, but all races, including blacks, who fail to follow Allah's teachings as 'interpreted' by EM.
Very scary.
If Malcom, not Elijah, ran the NOI in the 30's & 40's, we might not have needed Martin in the 50's & 60's and might have had Barack in the 70's or 80's.
That's deep.
UBM you always find the most interesting info.
It is quite common knowledge that the Japanese had quite a few alliances with black organizations and not just the NOI and not just concerning Pearl Harbor. Those ties went back decades.
As far as the condition facing black folks AND Japanese and the Asian people during that time, especially in the South, was concerned, that condition amounted to German-type fascism.
Let's not forget, for example, that the infamous Nuremberg racial laws adopted by the Nazis in 1933 prohibiting marriage between "Aryan" Germans and Jewish Germans were directly developed from US law.
The Jews of Germany had to wear yellow stars and the blacks and Asians of America had to wear their skin color.
The Japanese Empire moreover consistently couched it's anti-US and anti-European rhetoric in terms of the Japanese combating the encroachment of White Supremacy.
That made it very attractive to lot's of black Americans.
Under those circumstances it was no wonder that significant sectors of the racially victimized population in the United States thought that the Japanese appeal had a certain attractiveness to it.
In fact, if you read Malcolm's autobiography he'll tell you that he got out of the draft during WW II by telling the draft board that he couldn't wait to get involved in the war - on the side of the Japanese And that was when he still was young Malcolm Little and had never heard of the NOI.
There are two books you might want to read in this context: The first is Race War: White Supremacy And The Attack On the British Emipre by Gerald Horne and, a very good book: Islam and the Search for African-American Nationhood: Elijah Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam by the Australian author Dennis Walker.
Both books deal extensively with the subject (Japanese and Back Americans as well as the NOI).
"The "devils" [Elijah Muhammad] mentions are not only whites, but all races, including blacks, who fail to follow Allah's teachings as 'interpreted' by EM."
KeWayne, that is absolutely not correct. Elijah Muhammad identified white people only - ALL white people - as devils and all other people as victims of the same. He never identified any other "races" as devils. It wouldn't have made sense in the theological universe he had built.
"The bible is a complex book of tried and true teachings."
Then you surely agree that women should be stoned to death for committing adultery? And children put to death for contradicting their fathers?
Good for you.
Michael Fisher, read Elijah's book, "Message to the Blackman in America". He certainly detested the entire white race, especially those of American and German origin, but his disdain for "orthodox Muslims and black Christians' is mentioned often.
He also wrote the blacks who keep their names that descended from "slave-masters" will not see the "hereafter." (You, me, David Mills, et al.)
He also wrote that a black man would NEVER be elected to high office in white America or if (he) did he would be in the pocket of the white man.
Other than that, he seemed like a pretty decent fellow...
El Hajj Malik El-Shabazz and James Baldwin gave the heads up on how deep the Hon. Elijah Muhammad was. I'm not suprised. It was a common strategy during war time for "enemy" nations to try to tap into the open sore of racism in the U.S. to serve their interests. But in the final analysis, Japan and Germany could really care less about African Americans, ya think. Just as the USSR could really care less about Cuba.
Michael Fisher: Yes, and I never where cotton and polyester together, per Leviticus! LOL.
What I was trying to say in the small space of the comment section, is that the Bible is 6000 years of collective spiritual wisdom. Of course, men (and I mean all you with XY chromosomes) are stupid and insecure, so they make up dumb rules to compensate for the size of their tiny, tiny penises. Hence the Bible contains misogynistic and homophobic decrees that have nothing to do with God's amazing grace and transformative love.
"his disdain for 'orthodox Muslims and black Christians' is mentioned often."
And the content of that "distain" was what?
"He also wrote the blacks who keep their names that descended from "slave-masters" will not see the "hereafter."
looks like Elijah Muhammad was a lot more tolerant than the average Christians. Apparently all it took was to change ones last name. According to the Christian doctrine, it don't matter how righteous you've lived your life, if you don't accept Jesus as your Savior and accept him as God, your behind ain't gonna see the Pearly Gates.
That would make you, as a Christian a pretty elitist, intolerant, and scary fella.
"Of course, men (and I mean all you with XY chromosomes) are stupid and insecure, so they make up dumb rules to compensate for the size of their tiny, tiny penises. Hence the Bible contains misogynistic and homophobic decrees that have nothing to do with God's amazing grace and transformative love."
Very interesting thought.
Would you kindly point out to me which sections of the Bible are the Word Of God and which sections are the Word of Homophobic and Misogynistic Men and how you know that God did not inspire the latter to write same down as His Word?
Michael Fisher said... (blah, blah)
Part of a discussion/debate/argument (at least with civilized folks) is to listen/read their comments, possibly agree with a certain portion of their argument and also disagree with a portion. Then, reply to those areas you disagree with with points that strengthen your position.
In the months I've read your posts, you rarely, if ever, respond directly to the points made by others. Rather, you refuse to even acknowledge if even a tiny segment of the opposing response has merit and then you pick out a word or a phrase and make them defend a few words out the hundreds they have written.
I believe it is safe to say you have never lost an argument and it is very safe to say you never will - at least in YOUR eyes...
Here is what Malcolm had to say about the "Honorable" Elijah Muhammad:
(there is no audio until 30 seconds in)
"Rather, you refuse to even acknowledge if even a tiny segment of the opposing response has merit and then you pick out a word or a phrase and make them defend a few words out the hundreds they have written."
I beg to differ. I asked you a question so that I would not make an argument based on any assumption of mine about what you meant.
Clearly you had modified your argument from "The 'devils' he mentions are not only whites, but all races, including blacks, who fail to follow Allah's teachings as 'interpreted' by EM" to "disdain" "blacks, [and all other non-white races] who fail to follow Allah's teachings as 'interpreted' by EM". Thus I asked you to clarify what you mean by "disdain". That is the content thereof. It is only upon such clarification that a informed response can be made without assuming what you mean by disdain.
As to the rest, is it not true that the Christian doctrine states that you can not enter heaven, that is, receive God's grace after death but through Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone?
Would you not grant that said notion would appear intolerant, elitist and downright scary to a person not raised to accept the Christian faith?
"In the months I've read your posts, you rarely, if ever, respond directly to the points made by others. Rather, you refuse to even acknowledge if even a tiny segment of the opposing response has merit..."
The recent months my comments here have almost exclusively been devoted to David Mills' statements which posit that black people on the average are less intelligent than non-black people and that, moreover this inferior intelligence is genetic.
There is no part of that proposition which is either logical or has any redeeming merit whatsoever.
Is it your position that a tiny segment of David's allegations about black people's inferior mental acuity has any merit?
If so, would you consider yourself a member of this inferior gene pool? If not, why have you let him get away with what you logically would then have to conclude to be thoroughly racist notion?
I have noticed you do like the word 'posit'. You use it very often. Also, will you clarify the term 'acuity' for me? A quick check of my dictionary does NOT equate acuity with intelligence or the ability to learn. Please stop using words out of context or please use a better thesaurus.
Also, I have read dozens of your posts where neither David Mills nor any of his past comments are on topic.
You are a very, very, very angry man, Mr. Fisher. I do hope your health is not being affected. I have yet to read anything you have written that contains any humor whatsoever. Nevertheless, you appear extremely intelligent and well informed.
In future, please remember, it is okay to be wrong occasionally. It is even okay to not win every debate and most importantly, just because YOU tell someone that they are wrong doesn't necessary mean it is true.
Enough from me. Thank you, sir.
"Also, will you clarify the term 'acuity' for me? A quick check of my dictionary does NOT equate acuity with intelligence or the ability to learn."
acuity-- sharpness, as in "He ain't too sharp".
Kewayne, never mind my anger. How about answering the questions?
It's pretty clear to me that Michael Fischer is a mole who makes it his business to derail and distract readers from any given post. He possibly gets paid to do this.
And by the way, UBC, J. Edgar Hoover was a lying racist if ever there was one. Believing anything that closet drag queen said about any minority is not advised.
Michael Fisher said...
And the content of that "distain" was what?
Disdain, Michael, not "distain" - as in, "I can't get distain outta my drawers..."
disdain |disˈdān|
the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect; contempt : her upper lip curled in disdain | an aristocratic disdain for manual labor.
My contention is EM hated all whites and felt contempt for those not in the NOI and worshipping Allah as he prescribed, including Muslims and other blacks, who he considered not worthy of respect.
But, it is only MY contention. I may be wrong. Elijah Muhammad and I never actually had a conversation with each other. However, maybe you and he did.
^ Disdain, Michael, not "distain" - as in, "I can't get distain outta my drawers..."
Now THAT's funny!
"Disdain, Michael, not "distain" - as in, 'I can't get distain outta my drawers...'"
Now that one is actually funny. Touche.
"My contention is EM hated all whites..."
Did you know that Mr. Muhammad's accountants where whites of the Jewish persuasion?
"...and felt contempt for those not in the NOI and worshipping Allah as he prescribed, including Muslims and other blacks, who he considered not worthy of respect."
Which may be, but that ain't on the same level as "Devils".
Thank you for these answers. Now what about the question concerning Christian "tolerance"?
Michael Fisher said...
Thank you for these answers. Now what about the question concerning Christian "tolerance"?
As to the rest, is it not true that the Christian doctrine states that you can not enter heaven, that is, receive God's grace after death but through Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone?
I cannot speak for all of Christianity, but I was taught that growing up as a Roman Catholic. I was also taught I would burn in hell if I ate meat even once on Friday or missed mass on Sunday even once. Most intelligent people I know, and every person I know living a spiritually charged life, understand the rewards for receiving God's grace and passing that free gift onto others are to be enjoyed here on earth, not in a mythical kingdom after our physical death. The dying part prior to being born again is not too painful or permanent. But, in order to 'guide' their sheep away from a sinful life, the concepts of a heaven, a true religion and yes, even a chosen race were derived. These theories keep the troops in check, so to speak.
So, yes, virtually every religion I am aware of teaches salvation is possible only to those following or practicing that particular religion.
You and I are way too smart to fall for that crap...
Thank you for your response.
Well, given what you stated, Kewayne, I suggest you are not a Christian.
Which, in and off itself, I would argue, would make you scary to most Christians.
Michael Fisher said...
...Kewayne, I suggest you are not a Christian.
Really? In my mind, anyone who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ is a Christian. My guiding spiritual literature is primarily Christ's Sermon On The Mount, to include the Lord's Prayer.
Nowhere in those teachings does it mention anything but living an examined live, accepting Jesus as your Savior and helping others. I am pretty certain I can be a Christian without being a Catholic, Methodist, Baptist or Protestant and being bound by parts of their teaching found nowhere in the scriptures. Christ taught that the thing that places a man is the spiritual condition of his own individual soul, and that as long as he is upon the spiritual path it makes no difference whatever to what group he belongs or does not belong.
Speaking of the Lord's Prayer, the first two words are 'Our Father' - not 'My Father'. This statement forces upon our attention at the very beginning the fact that all men are indeed brethren, the children of one Father; and that "there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither chose nor unchosen,"
Emmet Fox wrote the majority of the above, not I. His writings changed my relationship with Christ many years ago. It is a short book. You may enjoy and benefit from it.
Thank you.
KeWayne wrote,
"...Elijah Muhammad has frightened... me"
- - - - - - - - -
Let's not forget this was going on when he was growning up, can you blame him! We are just watered downed.
What you say about how to live life is cool and I agree with you, but what about John 14:6... "no one comes to the Father if not through me."?
Do you agree with this statement?
"no one comes to the Father if not through me."
Although not even close to being a biblical scholar, I feel this phrase is telling us to follow a life as prescribed by Christ's teachings if you wish to see the Father, that is Heaven (on earth), Peace, Serenity, Happiness, etc. - all of the fruits of life guaranteed us when we are provided with 'our daily bread'...
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