The result is a McCain attack ad embedded below.
We’ll never know whether Obama intended his “lipstick” remark as a crass insult against Sarah Palin... or a pseudo-clever double entendre... or whether it was purely innocent. (Here is a clip of the full quote in context. Andrew Sullivan says purely innocent.)
But I find it hard to believe that no one on Obama’s team – which has run the most competent Democratic campaign for president in my adult lifetime – bothered to say, “You should forget that ‘lipstick’ line. Somebody might think you’re talking about Palin.”
I say once more: Obama needs to tighten his game up... and get the other guys out of his skull. He has to be perfect to win, and the “lipstick” line was the opposite of perfect.
UPDATE (09/10/08): YouTube just pulled the McCain attack ad... because CBS complained about a copyright violation. Team McCain used an unauthorized clip of Katie Couric talking about sexism.
McCain is sure to upload a revised version, and I will embed that one. In the meantime, the original ad (Katie Couric and all) is here on the official McCain website.
Oh yeah, I must have forgot. Only Republicans can mention lipstick on animals in reference to themselves.
I don't think he really meant anything by it, but his timing was definitely poor. That close to the RNC, with Palin's little pitbull/hockey mom joke fresh in everyone's mind, it would be easy to think that Obama was attacking her. I also don't believe the McCain campaign really thinks it was directed at her, but any campaign would jump at the smallest gaffe by their opponent.
this is so not important. i am getting sick attention being paid to stupid stuff. where is the issues coverage?
i can't even look at huffpost anymore...i can't look at drudge...the hedlines are hurting my head.
none of this cat fight shit matters! no one is going to vote in nov. if this crap keeps up. they will just too disgusted to care anymore.
about either side.
none of this cat fight shit matters!
I hear you, maria. Except that this stuff is real. The 24-hour news cycle, the cable-news echo chamber, the Internet rumor mills, the talk-radio character assassins, the high-tech rapid-response smear machinery... this is the landscape of the modern presidential campaign.
And it is a test of Obama's intelligence and his grace under pressure how he deals with stuff like this. And he messed this one up big time.
this is so not important. i am getting sick attention being paid to stupid stuff. where is the issues coverage?
i can't even look at huffpost anymore...i can't look at drudge...the hedlines are hurting my head.
none of this cat fight shit matters! no one is going to vote in nov. if this crap keeps up. they will just too disgusted to care anymore.
about either side.
Unfortunately, this is what our country has come to. Everything is just soundbites and YouTube. The majority of Americans (on both sides of the political aisle) do not have a clue what the issues are, much less how they feel about it. The truth is, more people will vote for American Idol than will vote in the election in November. Now I can see why Neil Boortz refers to majority of people as the dumb masses (say it quick :-)
man up nukka....,
^ Tell that to Baraka.
McCain used the same lipstick analogy when speaking about Mrs. Clinton.
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This entire election has become so incredibly silly that I can only laugh and sigh at the ridiculousness of it all.
That there are American voters whose decisions are actually influenced by the kind of sleaziness we've seen throughout, is even more mind-numbing!
Obviously McCain is counting on that (see his newest ad that states Obama wants to teach sex ed to kids in kindergarten).
The process has gone on for far too long, as far as I'm concerned, and I can't wait for it to be over.
At this juncture, if you don't know who you're going to vote for, based on the wealth of information available on each candidate, then you simply haven't been paying attention.
I would think that every eligible voter - or, the 50% who will actually participate in the process - have long decided on their choices, regardless of party affiliation, including independents.
There's nothing left to be said or done! So, when I see these silly attack ads, essentially attempts at swaying voters I guess, I wonder who really is pay attention to them, allowing themselves to be influenced, and to actually reconsider the choice they may have already made for themselves? Who are these freaking people? They should have their voting privileges stripped away until they evolve into human beings with even a modicum of common sense!
It's so ridiculous... maybe even beyond that now. I realize I'm likely preaching to the choir here, as the saying goes, but if there's anyone reading this who still isn't sure who they are going to vote for, and is actually still affected/influenced by the onslaught of campaign ads, do enlighten me, please, because I'd really like to know why that is.
It's just a game now - then again, I suppose it's almost always been a game. So anyone upset over the lack of focus on the so-called "issues" shouldn't be. It's not about any of that. It's about winning at any cost to assume control of the most powerful nation on this planet. Although, I'm not sure how long that will last. As history tells us, empires eventually fall. It's just a matter of time. And there's a part of me that'll relish seeing this empire fall, even though I'm a member of it. But I think something disastrous has to happen to really shake people up out of their comas and start paying closer attention and thinking logically, and acting decisively and responsibly.
Bleh...! Pipe dream, I know...
POTUS 08 (love that XM radio) was talking about this this morning and played a clip of McCain using the exact same expression a little over a year ago when describing Hillary Clinton's proposed plan for health care.
It was even being used in the same context, as in "they're calling this thing new but it's really the same old thing".
The expression is ridiculously common among politicians. Obama didn't screw up.
Here's McCain saying the same thing...
^ITA. Obama needs to pull up that McCain clip. And move on. This is friggin' ridiculous.
BTW, when is the media going to get a crack at interviewing Palin? What is McCain afraid she'll say that she needs so many weeks of prep time? And by media, I mean not Fox News.
^ Less than a week ago, Sarah Palin changed the whole context of "lipstick" in this campaign when she whipped out that one-liner about hockey moms and pit bulls. It was the first big laugh line of her speech... and I dare say it became an instant part of American political history.
That's the context in which Barack Obama chose to use the "lipstick on a pig" line. So, at best, it was careless and tin-eared. And obviously short-sighted, seeing how it's blowing up in the media.
Now be honest: Has Obama been conveying confidence over the past week?
but david, you are perpetuating this. you can't complain that's what the world is coming to, and then do the same thing. you're in it but not of it?
no way was that his "worst day." on the same day, sarah palin said the govt. had to take over fannie and freddie mac "because they got too big for the taxpayers." what the fuck. total airhead. these were private companies BEFORE WE TOOK THEM OVER, idiot.
THAT'S a mess-up!
BTW, when is the media going to get a crack at interviewing Palin?
That's what I'm saying, dez. Why is Obama getting all rattled over her? McCain won't even let her out of the house to play.
Evidently Craig Nulan has a clearer grasp of the Palin Effect than Obama does. White people are clinging to her not because of her... but because of them. So don't talk about her. Try to figure out a counter-move to the identity politics now in full effect.
I'm saying, maria, that today is Obama's worst day. Hit this link to see what I mean.
This entire news cycle -- including all the cable talk shows tonight -- will be devoted to "lipstick on a pig." So obviously he messed up.
This wasn't unforeseeable. It conveys a lack of sure-footedness on Obama's part.
Time to up the ante and make them just say NIGGER and be over with it!!!!!!
Let's make this happen magne.
Lame. Clearly, he didn't learn to play the dozens growing up.
"Maria" I'm glad you're fed up with this "stupid Stuff." But I hope you are wrong... I hope people DO get out and vote! Not voting would be the ultimate mistake. The other mistake is to continue to fall for Republican campaign trickery. And not being smart enough to see through the lies of their campaigning strategy. The irony here is that they would be happy to put "lipstick on a pig" and tell (prove to) everyone that the pig is a great Presidential candidate or that their administration is all about change when in fact, it's more of the same Bush isms with a slightly different twist (or a different shade of lipstick.) Personally, I don't think Obama flawed with his comment. His analogy was right on the money. Any resemblance to "lipstick on Sara Palin." was purely coincidental. McCain's people seized the opportunity because that's consistent with their tactics. Their strategy is all about making Obama look bad, smearing his image, and invoking fear and doubt in the public. Let's assume Obama made the statement intentionally. Guess what? If you put Lipstick on Sara Palin, she's still Sara Palin. She's no more about change than McCain is. As UBM says, Obama's got to be on the very top of his game to win. But We the people can't afford to fall for these "Swift Boat" tactics again. Get out and vote people! Nice Post UBM... Nice discussion!
no way was that his "worst day." on the same day, sarah palin said the govt. had to take over fannie and freddie mac "because they got too big for the taxpayers." what the fuck. total airhead. these were private companies BEFORE WE TOOK THEM OVER, idiot.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were pseudo-private companies. They were created and sponsored by the Federal Government, but also had individual shareholders like a private company
He should have said it's like putting lipstick on a hick.
Actually, the original line in Obama's speech was worse:
"You can put eyeglasses on a Down syndrome baby... but it's still retarded."
It's only an issue because the repubs go out with their talking points to FOX and am radio and holler over and over and over til the news covers it. Non-issue. I'll call Palin a frost-bitten heffa to her face.
I'll call Palin a frost-bitten heffa to her face.
UBM: Aha!
dickster--i'm fully aware of what fannie and freddie are.
you don't need to correct me; i wasn't wrong.
sarah palin is. but you don't want to touch that. so you project back on to me.
"You can put eyeglasses on a Down syndrome baby... but it's still retarded."
It's a non-issue.
If the republicans want to have a stink about the use of that phrase, they should be reminded that we have both McCain and Cheney on video using phrase themselves.
See video here:
^ I say again: Sarah Palin re-contextualized the word "lipstick" in her speech one week ago. And Obama should've known that.
Oh, c'mon. Messed up? the idea that it's a dead heat between Obama/Biden and the undereducated representatives of a party that have wrecked the nation is messed up.
Palin can try all she wants to re-contextualize words, but her name isn’t Webster, so she doesn’t get to choose the meaning of words or how they are applied.
The lipstick on a pig was a reference to McCain, not Palin.
If the republican nominees don’t want to spend time on useless things like these, perhaps they might consider allowing their nominees to speak without a teleprompter.
The real re-contextualization is their attempt to change the normal political process. You don’t throw an amateur into the ring, refuse to answer any questions, and then cry foul when anyone is so un-chivalrous as to ask them to explain contradictions in their statements.
With a full belief in the equal rights of women, with a long history of respect for the strong women both in my personal and professional life, I say: she needs to grow a pair.
This isn’t an election for town council. This isn’t a popularity contest. If she’s not tough enough to handle the pig reference, how are we to believe that she is tough enough to handle the country (god forbid) if the president dies?
Besides…. Using that logic, the republican’s wouldn’t be allowed to use the words “hope” or “change”
What a sad fucking country. How did we go out? We went out like a bitch!
This is from Politics-buzz.com:
Whispered rumors concerning the pending lunch between Obama and Bill Clinton tomorrow in New York has the former President set to talk tough with the Dem nominee and tell him exactly what he needs to do to beat McCain-Palin. Word is that Bill is shaking his head and muttering plenty of I-told-you-so’s about the recent Obama collapse, but that the relationship is repaired enough that he is willing to give Obama and his team straight talk campaign advice and may even offer to lead the negative charge against the GOP ticket later this month. Watch for news out of NYC and Camp Clinton…
If Obama is smart, he'll listen and let Bill go do his thing (up to and including seducing Palin and leaking the photos, tee hee!).
Seriously, Clinton can help if Obama will let him.
That's the context in which Barack Obama chose to use the "lipstick on a pig" line.
Nope, nope, nope, nope. The context was clear: He was referring to McCain. Plus, it's an old expression. Palin didn't recontextualize jacksquat about it.
And...since she did compare herself to a pitbull...and she just had a baby...I guess I can call her a LIPSTICK-WEARIN' BITCH (although I like a nickname I saw on the intarwebz, "Moose-olini," better) :-D
The context was clear: He was referring to McCain. Plus, it's an old expression.
The question is whether Obama was trying to be cute... trying to be slick.
I say he might've been trying to be slick.
Let's be real: Sarah Palin's pit bull/lipstick line has been ringing like a bell ever since she said it. Which was only a few days ago.
I really don't follow the news all that much on a day to day basis. It's always nice when a story like this breaks because it reinforces how little I'm missing.
I don't think "Same monkey, different outfit" would fly either. How about the other oldie but goodie..."If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck..." But thanks Andrew for what you said.
Common phrase....... I'm over it.
But UBM, I sure am sensing a few more reasons to get over your discomfort of talking on the phone.
Obama's character is getting thrashed, his family, background and beliefs mocked - and folks "don't like to talk on the phone"??
It's a HUGE help to the campaign.
Pick up a phone, dial a number, ask who they're voting for, click an answer, or report if it's a disconnected # and move on.
The campaign can use help identifying supporters/recruiting more volunteers.
Buttttttttt I wouldn't wantcha to have to do something you "don't like" ----- (sarcastic tone, trying to make ya feel guilty).
Shit, if everybody on here made calls each day, you'd be doing a huge service to Barack.
Long time lurker. Appreciate all that you do. Have to say though we are quickly reaching rock bottom with this election. I think I am going all netflix and turning off the tv till my birthday no less November 4th.
There probably isn't anything Obama can do. He's caught in the classic black American dilemma.
Perform poorly, and you're too lazy, too dumb, too criminal, too whatever.
Perform too well, and you're elitist, arrogant, uppity. That is, you make trailer trash feel bad about themselves.
The only way to win the game is not to play. Don't ask them for anything. Politics is a dead end.
"No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."
Henry Mencken
updated by The Wire:
“Americans are a stupid people, by and large. We pretty much believe what we’re told.”
.....and that's all I have to say about that.
The fact that the white house was still in one piece 24 hours after GW got up on a stage one day and pretended to be searching for WMD's behind chairs....while laughing in AMERICA's Grill..........
.....and that's all I have to say about that.
Pay back is a bitch. Obama's campaign used racism on Clinton and McCain's campaign used sexism on Obama.
Why did Obama use the line so soon after Palin's hockey mom-pit bull line? It sounded juvenile and his campaign is sharper than that. He needs to stop responding and focus on issues. Stay on policy he wins. Move to personality he looses.
told ya.
washington post editorial today--what's with the pig comments, says mcCain is making nothing into something, says remark was not offensive.
One of many editorials on the John McCain's loss of honor: http://news.aol.com/political-machine/2008/09/11/john-mccains-dishonorable-campaign/
Also read that laprogressive site again where the guy is going into how the got the "Sambo beat the bitch" story and other things. I don't know his credentials, so I don't know how much of his story to believe, but he's right about the media needing to step up and grill McCain and Palin!
washington post editorial today--what's with the pig comments, says mcCain is making nothing into something, says remark was not offensive.
Well, that settles that. Thanks goodness. I rely upon the Washington Post editorial board to make sense of this complicated world for me.
hey, all i am saying is it's a big paper and they agree with me...so it isn't true that ALL the media is on BO for what he said..
plus, since my child support comes from them who am i to argue!
^ Oy!
Pure coincidence: On tonight's repeat of "Ugly Betty," one of the characters used the "lipstick on a pig" analogy while talking about the school dance. I'm sure McCain will take great offense at this liberal show making fun of his running mate anyway :-D
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