Or else he is so convinced that Barack Obama will be our next president, he can only lash out with impotent rage.
Limbaugh ended his show today with a spittle-flecked rant against Sen. Obama and the Democratic leaders in Congress.
Rush actually called Obama “you little squirrel.” (Well, at least he didn’t call him a monkey.)
Click here for a 2-minute blast... and savor Rush’s voice-cracking anguish.
The boy needs to calm down. I hear there are pills you can take that will help.
He's getting back to the same bitter hysterics that defined Clinton-era Limbaugh, when he used to rage that Clinton "had no soul."
Doctor Memory, I'm sure Rush is quite familiar with those pills. He's probably still got a stash somewhere.
So A.C.O.R.N. cause the sub prime mortgage crisis, wow that's rich.
Well isn't Obama a little black squirrel? On the other hand he looks like a direct descendent of a chimp..so there you have it.
Rush it right on just as he always has been.
Dr. Limbaugh keep up the great work.
A.C.O.R.N. certainly played its part in the subprime mess under the direction of Talbott. According to the Chicago suntimes in the 90's she took credit for involving Fannie Mae in some of the first runs of subprime lending. However, the fact no one wants to admit is that Both sides, (i.e. banks & mortgage brokers AND homeowners, developers, and speculators) share responsibility. I do not care what anyone says. If you sign a contract, it is your responsibility to understand it and follow through. I do not want to see one more person on the news media paraded out as some horrible victim. Personal responsibility is important and many of these people either upgraded to a nicer home or took what look like an easy route to owning their first home. Their greed and responsibility should not be overlooked either. If its too good to be true, it probably is, and if you sign a deal with the devil you have no one to blame but yourself. If Americans would only read....
Well, fake brother Obama is squirrely. He's like the fat cat that comes into the hood, claiming to be one of us, the starts selling drugs. All that pretty talk is just talk, he has never helped a brother, just flapped his grills.
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