But this year, for reasons unknown, Johnson decided to become a full-time character assassin, devoting his No Quarter blog to the slurring, smearing, sliming, mocking and libeling of Barack and Michelle Obama.
Now Larry Johnson has the nerve to howl in protest against the “smear” of Sarah Palin by leftist bloggers who question whether she really gave birth to her Down syndrome baby.
Andrew Sullivan, who blogs for the Atlantic Monthly, jumped on the baby-mama rumor yesterday... and he’s barebacking the hell out of it.
Larry Johnson responded this morning with a blog post titled “Fuck You Andrew Sullivan,” in which he threatens violence:
“You piece of human scum. Pick the time and date. I will kick your ass. You are despicable. There is one indisputable fact–Sarah Palin gave life to a baby boy who has Down’s Syndrome. And you dare to suggest that this was an illegitimate birth by her daughter. You have no sense of decency or honor. You deserve to be beaten in every manner conceivable. You and your cohorts spread this vicious lie. You are a spineless coward. ... I will fight you with one arm tied behind my back and destroy you. ...”
(This motherfucker used to work for the State Department?)
Obviously, Larry Johnson is the one with no sense of decency or honor. Larry Johnson spread vicious lies about Barack Obama having gay sex with a crackhead. Larry Johnson is the spineless coward who smeared Michelle Obama with the “whitey tape” rumor.
No one has done more to poison our political culture this season than Larry Johnson. He troubled the waters into which Sarah Palin and her family have now been thrown, without benefit of life jackets.
So, Mr. Johnson, for all this and more, I crown thee... King of All Assholes!
Just another pissed off loser. Which makes him a powerful force in conservative politics. I am surprised he does not have a syndicated radio show, a best selling book, and a show on Fox.
for reasons unknown
Oh, come on. You know what the reason is.
Meanwhile Sarah and the rest of the Palin clan continue to play out the lyrics of a bad country song. 17 y.o. Bristol is having a baby.
The Pubbies love to pander to the pickup driving, shotgun toting, NASCAR demographic, but they don't really associate with people like this.
How long before Palin's personal history, family background, & meager educational accomplishments brand her as unfit for the job?
UBM, I tip my hat off to you. Do you shower right after you read these douche bags' blogs? I second the crowning.
btw - the baby mama story was an almost, but not quite. The 17-year-old daughter IS pregnant as of today. Question now...is this be her first or her second? Operators are standing by.
And you dare to suggest that this was an illegitimate birth by her daughter.
Barack Obama, by the way, is handling this issue beautifully.
"I have said before and I will repeat again: People's families are off limits," Obama said. "And people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as a governor and/or her potential performance as a vice president. So I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories. You know my mother had me when she was 18 and how a family deals with issues and teenage children, that shouldn’t be a topic of our politics."
Damn straight. Won't stop the assholes from blaming him for leaking the story, though.
oh, and Larry Johnson is utterly deranged, like most ex-CIA types.
Undercover: I'm amazed. I used to read him on the blog Truthdig. And I've heard him on the Ed Schulz show, a progressive program.
For example, he spoke passionately and eloquently against Bush and Cheney people for outing Valerie Plame, using reasoned arguments...I guess I'm wondering what happened to make him change?
The 17-year-old daughter IS pregnant as of today. Question now...is this be her first or her second?
Her first...she's reported as being 5 months along, and little Trig is 4 months old. I doubt even an immaculate conception could accomplish that.
McCain completely imploded his chances with this pick. Palin is getting ripped to shreads, and for the right-wingers to cry fowl now is bullshit.
There's no crying in baseball. You want to run with the big dogs, you gotta get hit by a few cars.
This just in, apparently she was a member of an Alaskan secessionist party as well. OK David, at this juncture, I'm willing to concede that this was all purely and strictly a McStain's damaged brain selection..., Rove and the boyz would've done at least a little bit of vetting before putting this buffoon on the list.
^ ... this was all purely and strictly a McStain's damaged brain selection...
And thank goodness for that. Because that means, eventually, the GOP will have to unhitch itself from this mishap.
Cheers, Craig.
what a loser
And thank goodness for that. Because that means, eventually, the GOP will have to unhitch itself from this mishap.
A friend passed along a conspiracy theory that McCain's team is waiting to see how Bobby Jindahl handles Gustav's aftermath and if it goes well, Palin gets jettisoned and Jindahl is in. Rest of the theory is that he didn't pick Jindahl first because of the looming threat of Gustav (and it maybe turning into Katrina II), instead grabbing a lightweight "placeholder" until Gustav passed.
I love conspiracy theories. The more whackadoo, the better ;-D
^ I tell you what, though... Jindal impressed me during all those Gustav press conferences. The GOP has some talent in its farm system... but they shouldn't rush young players into the Major Leagues. It could ruin them for life.
this is the coolest site i've been to. and i've been to the no quarter blog. it's a nuthouse.
^ Thank you, bathalax. Welcome to the House of Love.
From his photograph, it also looks like he's King of the Bad Hairpieces.
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