Is the political Cinderella story to end all Cinderella stories about to get grim?
The second part of Gov. Palin’s interview with Katie Couric aired on CBS last night. It was so damn shaky, even Republicans can’t put a good spin on it. (And more is coming, too!)
“It did not inspire confidence,” said Pat Buchanan this morning, referring to Palin’s rambling assertion of expertise on Russia.
Joe “Morning Joe” Scarborough (former Republican congressman) said just a few minutes ago: “She has given ample evidence that she may not be up to the task.”
And Ed Rollins (Reagan’s former campaign director) said on CNN last night: “I wouldn’t put her in any more interviews like that.”
If Rollins were running the campaign, he said, he would use Palin only for fundraising and talking to conservative audiences. (Wow. This woman could become President of the United States... but for God’s sake keep her away from Katie Couric!)

“Only Palin can save McCain, her party, and the country she loves. She can bow out for personal reasons, perhaps because she wants to spend more time with her newborn. No one would criticize a mother who puts her family first.
“Do it for your country.”
Double wow. That’s a conservative writer urging Sarah Palin to quit! Why? Because, she writes, Sarah Palin “Is Clearly Out Of Her League.” (Parker herself capitalized those words.)
“... I watch her interviews with the held breath of an anxious parent, my finger poised over the mute button in case it gets too painful. Unfortunately, it often does. My cringe reflex is exhausted.”
Brrrr. Icy.
And this is the same Kathleen Parker who, three short weeks ago, was singing Palin’s praises: “She has animated voters who had little enthusiasm for the race. She has given them the very thing Democrats have been enjoying the past several months: hope and change.”
Well... as Parker writes today: “It was fun while it lasted.”
Yep. Cinderella felt the same way. Watch and wince, y’all:
i hope she stays in. just helps us.
brooks has been on her case since the beginning.
plus, her real undoing could be the national enquirer's story on her "affair."
i hope she stays in.
Too scary. I think she really could be our president within the next couple of years. The way things are going, red-state America might get just what they're hoping for.
McCain let the "identity politics" genie out of the Republican bottle... and this outlandish course of events might lead to an insane fulfillment.
jes dayyum...,
You were right though, there was never any need to go after her. She's downright pitiful and bound to self-destruct all on her own.
^ And it only took two interviews with real journalists. (Hannity doesn't count.)
mccain isn't going to win.
she has no chance of being president. i don't think she has any support at all, and what little she had is dripping away by the second.
i'm not scared.
^ Spoken like a true elitist.
Seriously doe, maria... check out the polls I be cutting-and-pasting to the bottom of my homepage every day.
This race is tight as Dick's hatband. And it's staying tight... all the way to the end.
Kathleen Parker's article reminds me of many a televised moment in which a local television reporter sticks the microphone in front of booboo the fool for a little local color commentary on this, that, or the other thing. Substitute "negro" for "parent";
I’ve also noticed that I watch her interviews with the held breath of an anxious parent, my finger poised over the mute button in case it gets too painful. Unfortunately, it often does. My cringe reflex is exhausted.
rotflmbao..., identity politics indeed!!!!
i dont have the breeding, education, family status, marital status, income or job that in any way would qualify me as an elitist. not to mention that i don't act superior to anyone.
i am reading and following the polls. and the pols. you said yourself her own party has turned on her.
This blog has inspired me to rap:
Yo/ Palin's flailin'/ trailing behind / inspiring concerted outbursts from worthless conservatives / the pundits that fund her bullshit tactics are tacitly calling for her to redact and return as a hockey mom / so she won't be pilloried presently / and we can all wish for Hillary, a real woman, for president, see.
How's that, UBM? Should I change my middle name to 'Hollywood' yet?
Funny, I had a conversation with friends last night about the possibility of Palin dropping out of the race. That would be coup!
I can't even get myself to watch her sit-down with Couric in its entirety. I've seen clips here and there, and I cringe every time.
What a sham. That people out there actually can’t see through McCain’s theatrics is perplexing.
Palin has looked less and less confident in recent interviews, partly because she’s been sealed up in a bubble by McCain and his troops, for obvious reasons.
The Republican ticket is laughable, and I’m sure even the Republicans know that. If they win this election... man, I can't even bring myself to imagine the possibility of that happening... but if they win, be afraid... be very afraid.
I see some of you must suffer from low-grade hyperempathy. She's that painful to watch, huh?
At another website someone commenting about the first Couric interview noted that Palin's fans might "view her efforts to answer without political evasion" as endearing. That's a way to spin it. Besides, anti-intellectualism is the new black so....
I had NO idea it was THAT bad--holee sh*t!
Could only get through the first few minutes...unbelievable!
I heard a comment this morning from former Republican Congressman Fred Grandy. They played a Palin sound bite and the other conservative host posed the question of is she losing her appeal. Grandy called it "The Quaylin' of Sarah Palin." He thinks the Republican spin doctors are trying so hard to memorize the playbook that she isn't able to be herself, and it is hurting her. He felt the same thing happened with Dan Quayle when he was selected to be VP candidate. He feels they selected her for who she is, but the campaign is not letting her be that person.
ps-at watch us explode: i don't want her to drop out. at all. she is our best chance for an obama win.
I am loving this. Palin hasn't had one good piece of news since the convention. It's just been one failure, hiccup, and embarrassment after another. I'm not confident that the Dems haven't sealed the election at this point (I still wonder about a Swift Boat/Willie Horton attack ad), but I can't imagine McCain winning. Or at least I don't want to.
Beyond her being an embarrassment to her state, our county, her party she's an embarrassment to whichever of those five colleges that actually granted her a degree in journalism. She can't even come up with the word "mock"? She sounds like the hockey mom who's been hit in the head one too many times with a puck.
Her talk of "good guys, bad guys," etc. is more like a John Wayne movie than a politician with gravitas.
If McCain's election wouldn't be such a disaster for our planet, I'd like to see him win - and then drop dead. If nothing else she'd be great, albeit cringe-worthy, entertainment.
He feels they selected her for who she is, but the campaign is not letting her be that person.
Well, Dick, that highlights the real problem. "Who she is" is someone who can attract a certain chunk of votes just by standing there and being a white Christian woman.
"Who she is" is not someone ready to be president.
Therefore, McCain -- the maverick who would "rather lose an election than lose a war" -- has put an unready person on his ticket... for 100 percent political reasons, not for the good of the country.
If she thinks she's being Cari... Carika..... Mocked now... Wait until a prominent somebody mealy mouths something signficant or makes a major gaffe....and the Press refers to it as "Palinesque".
Kirk Lazurus put the warning out there....but apparently it wasn't heeded.
And, now Quayle is looking like Negrodamas:
"What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is."
you said yourself her own party has turned on her.
No, maria, the intelligentsia of her own party has turned on her.
I'm talking about those millions who listen to Rush Limbaugh and watch Sean Hannity. Those who could turn Missouri and Ohio and Pennsylvania and Florida.
Truly those voters trust their own hearts rather than the armchair analysis of Joe Scarborough. And in their hearts, they've bonded with Sarah Palin.
She's that painful to watch, huh?
Like watching Michael Phelps host "Saturday Night Live." I cringed for him too.
She absolutely terrifies me. This race is waaaaaay closer than it should be. My biggest fear is that people - the people who live in those states between California and New York - would rather have a scared and angry old man in poor health and a petty, ignorant woman running this country than a black man.
I don't think a lot of my friends who are so sure Obama is going to win have any idea how deep that shit goes.
My prayer is that he wins because he is the best person to take that job at this time and lead us into the future. If he does then some of my faith in this country will be restored.
If he does not I will seriously consider leaving. There's no work here anyway.
Oh my, I watched Sarah "I can see Moscow from my house" Palin last night and started packing my bags. Canada here I come!
I just cannot imagine someone being so delusional about their ability to do something. She has foreign policy experience because why; because Alaska is near Russia? Does she really believe that? If I live next to an airport does that mean I can fly planes?
I am SO scared that Gramps McCain might win and Palin will be just a (72 year-old) heartbeat away from the Oval Office.
My prayer is that he wins because he is the best person to take that job at this time and lead us into the future. If he does then some of my faith in this country will be restored.
He won't lead any demographic toward concentration camps.
At this juncture, that's the FULL extent of what I can reasonably count on from an Obama presidency, period.
^ Keep a happy thought.
undercover black man said...
Seriously doe, maria... check out the polls I be cutting-and-pasting to the bottom of my homepage every day.
Has Barack asked you to serve in his cabinet?
Why are you watching polls in September? I thought I had too much time on my hands.
Also, I cannot believe how totally engulfed you are with Sarah. I agree, the black woman she lost to is more attractive. I agree she has 'stumbled' and will continue to do so. But, you must agree, the blogs and the news pages have virtually forgotten Sen. Obama since the RNC. And, fortunately for the McCain campaign, people like you will continue your barrage against a woman who has simply agreed to run as the vice-presidential candidate. Boy, she'll have some neat stuff to tell her grandkids, won't she??
Make sure you, Fisher & Nulan save your posts between August and November and show them to your grandkids. They will be so proud of you guys...
Why are you watching polls in September? I thought I had too much time on my hands.
So when you go to Pimloco, Vince, you don't cast your eyes upon the track till the horses make the final turn?
You're no fun.
... people like you will continue your barrage against a woman who has simply agreed to run as the vice-presidential candidate.
That decision in itself was an insult. Even conservative writers are acknowledging this now.
I just love it that old Vince is perpetually butt-hurt by anything I've written!
knowing that you're impactful makes commenting SO MUCH MORE worthwhile....,
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