Story goes that Mr. Perry once burned down his own recording studio because he thought it was possessed by Satan.

“If it wasn’t for my shit, I wouldn’t be here now, and if it wasn’t for my piss I wouldn’t be talking to you. My shit is my doctor and my piss is my psychiatrist.”
Lee “Scratch” Perry is 72 years old.
The Jamaican-born producer and performer, now living in Switzerland, has a new CD coming out next month. It is called “Repentance.”
I’m streaming the track “Pum Pum” on my Vox blog; click here to listen.
As for this bit of strangeness below... that’s a 3-minute vid I swiped off Mr. Perry’s MySpace page.
My best friend Molly is an open-mineded white single girl who love sports. She told me she met a black rich man at a dating club named ((((((((+++++==== Black White Meet . com====+++++++=))))))))) recently. She said they are happy now since both of them think love is color blind. Black & White singles, will you find your match online? Do you belive online dating and love?
^ No... but I believe spammers should get rectal cancer.
And don't forget that Perry also produced what may be the greatest punk record ever, "Complete Control" by The Clash. Now if that isn't a bizarre combination, nothing is.
I like that Mount Rushmore in Blackstyle, Dave.
I just stumbled on your blog a few minutes ago - I had no idea that Lee "Scratch" Perry was still around!
This is a really cool site, I like your sense of humor - I'll definitely drop back by.
^ Thanks, Matt. Welcome.
(And that Wired Internet fame algorithm hurted my feelings. I got a measly 6. That can't be right...)
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