Alas, this was the only nomination “The Wire” received for its fifth and farewell season. Which is a daggone shame.
Also, TV blogger Alan Sepinwall declares that Matthew Weiner – nominated for two separate “Mad Men” scripts – is a virtual lock to take home the trophy.
That may be. Because “Mad Men” is the hottest thing happening right now among TV-industry types.
But Dave and Ed will get ’em next year when “Generation Kill” reaps multiple nominations.
(For a list of this year’s top Emmy nominees, follow this link.)
Grossly unfair that "The Wire" never got nominated for Best Drama. I volunteer as an Emmy judge every year in the hope of voting for "The Wire". But each year, crap like "Boston Legal" gets nominated and Simon gets shafted. Guess this year won't be any different.
As I recall, "Homicide" never got a Best Drama nomination either. Two of my favorite series of all time!
Hey there!
Since I haven't owned a television in TEN YEARS...I never saw the show...but once I saw a You Tube clip with an actress named "Snoop" who was buying a nail gun in a store... THAT was my only exposure to the show.
I have heard that it was a show that had excellent development and writing.
Doug: Thanks for that. I mean, shit... "Boston Legal" is still on??
My heart breaks for the actors -- Dominic West and Andre Royo in particular. Nobody out-acted them on American television last year.
Lisa: The thing you've missed out on most of all is some extraordinary acting. The black actors in particular were so grateful to flex with such well-written roles.
Maybe some day you'll reach for those DVDs! :^)
Yes it's the lack of recognition of the wonderful actors which really pisses me off. Andre Royo, Dominic West, Wendell Pierce, Michael K. Williams and the stunning performances from the kids. Such a huge cast can't even get the best cast nomination?
David, absolutely off-topic, I know, I know!!
But I would really appreciate your opinion concerning the Obama cartoon controversy (The New Yorker). Obviously you do not consider it worth while to join the chorus. But one sentence????
Do I have to join the collective it's-racist-outrage, or am I safe if I consider it as a visual reductio ad absurdum of the whole anti-Obama rumor mill, what I admittedly do?
^ My problem with it, LeaNder, is that it's the equivalent of "satirizing" anti-Semitism by running a cartoon of a hook-nosed rabbi murdering a Christian child to use his blood in the Passover matzoh.
In other words, for some readers it merely enforces the libel.
I am just stunned that 'The Wire' was passed up again. I was just thinking the other day that it should have been a shoo-in, along with Andre Royo for Best Supporting Actor. But not even a nod? That's just depressing.
"the wire" wuz robbed.
can the wire get a best drama emmy's. i mean damn. this is silly.
at least "mad men" is a pretty good show.
"^ My problem with it, LeaNder, is that it's the equivalent of "satirizing" anti-Semitism by running a cartoon of a hook-nosed rabbi murdering a Christian child to use his blood in the Passover matzoh."
That's an argument I can understand. ... Instead of telling you what I think, I'll use your search engine and see what the black community thinks about it.
Thanks anyway for the answer. Admittedly I give the artist and New Yorker the benefit of doubt. After all the rumor were rather effective, but is the cartoon?
Funny you posted this UBM. I was just having a conversation today about how evrybody focuses on the writing of "The Wire" (no disrespect), but the performances were so very, very genius, and hardly anyone talks publicly about that. Very unfair.
On another note, for ome reason I have no interest in seeing "Mad Men". Oh well.
I read that last season The Wire wasn't even on the list of shows that could be nominated because it didn't make the first cut due to some byzantine nominating exercise. I believe the process is similarly described here:
I found this quote while trying to track down my source about Season 4:
"the website Metacritic, which compiles TV critics opinions ala Rotten Tomatoes style gave the fourth season of The Wire the greatest rating of ALL TIME"
The Wire may have been the best dramatic series ever. The writing and directing combined to make it look so real. And even the kids were superb actors...
I don't understand why it didn't get the nod as best dramatic series three years ago. Boston Legal, which I liked, doesn't even come close.
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