Let’s start with the music vid in my UBM-TV corner. The track is called “Oyi Oyi.” The artist is Arthur Mafokate, known simply as Arthur. (You’ll need external speakers to appreciate the bass.)

I got turned on to kwaito whilst visiting Johannesburg in 2000. I dig Arthur’s stuff in particular (as I blogged in February).
Arthur’s CDs are impossible to find in the U.S. But I can vouch for the South African online music store One World.
UPDATE (07/27/08): Click here to watch the “Oyi, Oyi” video.
A couple of weeks ago I watched this three part documentary on the history of house music called "Pump up the Volume." After watching it it dawned on me that they hadn't even mentioned kwaito. Kwaito's more "house" then techno which evolved from house. I listen to some kwaito tracks and think: "This would rock in the clubs." Well, I'm not in the clubs these days, so who knows, maybe they're playing it.
I haven't visited Calabash in a while. I need to check it out. btw, I bought Amampondo's "Electric Pondoland" there. They're from South Africa and one of Nelson Mandela's favorite bands. This album is mostly remixes. I think these songs would sound really nice on the dance floor, not quite kwaito, but definitely danceable. My guess is that Mr. Mandela probably prefers the bands unmixed stuff like the songs on their "An Image of Africa" cd but, who knows. Maybe he likes to get down too. :-)
Arthur is old and washed up, check out Brickz or Brown Dash for some new listenable Kwaito
Good calls, aquilogy! I would also like to add Mzekezeke.
Arthur is old and washed up...
Respect those who led the way, young'un!
I went looking for Brickz the other day at the One World site. Actually, I went looking for "Bricks" with an S... which is why I couldn't find it.
They got the "Face Brick" CD, and I'm gonna buy it. Thanks Aquilogy.
Respect those who led the way, young'un!
Lol. but he is, a few years back his song "sika le khekhe' got banned because it showed little girls dancing provocatively at him.
BTW Sika le khekhe literally means "cut the cake" in Zulu but in Soweto it means "Eat some P*ssy"
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