Monday, May 26, 2008

Liz Trotta has apologized...

... for her “lame attempt at humor” regarding the thought of Barack Obama being killed. It came at the end of a 3½-minute piece on Fox News earlier today. It is embedded below. (Hat-tip: Politico.)

Meanwhile, Team Hillary blames the Obama campaign for “inflaming” the controversy over Hillary’s own assassination remark.

You know what? I’m thinking that Barack Obama’s greatest deed in life could be his preventing the shameless Mrs. Clinton and her swarm of dirt dobbers from rising to power.


  1. It didn't sound like an off-the-cuff joke, but something very calculated. The apology didn't sound sincere at all. She did not apologize to Obama directly. No slap on the wrist from Fox. Very poor form.

  2. "You know what? I’m thinking that Barack Obama’s greatest deed in life could be his preventing the shameless Mrs. Clinton and her swarm of dirt dobbers from rising to power."

    Oh, you're just figuring that out? (smile).

    Really, if there's one thing this campaign season has taught me is that the Republicans were spot on about the Clintons all along. I hate to admit it but it's true.

    And the worse sin they committed was getting gullible liberals like me to carry their water for them. What a sap I was!

  3. I'm with genevagirl. The first comment wasn't a slip, and the apology didn't sound sincere. In fact, it sounded really forced and rehearsed. The way Fox handled it - both on and off the air - no surprise but was whack.
