Sunday, May 25, 2008

Oh no she di’in’t!

Thanks to commenter odocoileus for pointing out this jaw-dropping “joke” by Fox News contributor Liz Trotta this morning:


  1. I don't get it. I was never a fan of Reagan, but when news of his near assassination reached our school room, I never thought it was funny. Nobody breathed a sigh of relief.

    Why is the idea of shooting down Obama so amusing to some people?

    It also reminds me of Greaseman's unfortunate joke. "Kill four more and take the whole week off!"

  2. What an evil, greasy little fish Liz Trotta is.

  3. These faux Freudian--Osama/Obama--slips are pretty tired already. (They always seem rehearsed.) I think the pundits do it just for grins. They're so juvenile.

  4. Yeah, I'm pretty sick of this by now as well.

    Because it's not like they are paid to speak well on tv or anything. It's not like it's their job not to get shit mixed up.

    Don't they have teleprompters to feed them their opinions anyway?

  5. I hope these repugnant comments keep pouring forth. Still waiting for a pundit from a network other than Fox News to shit a bad joke like this broad talking out the side of her mouth.

  6. Wow, I think she might've of just set a record for (stupid shit)/time ratio. In ten seconds, she managed to refer to Obama as "Osama", give validity to the offensiveness of Clinton's remark when she was presumably trying to refute it, state that she wouldn't mind terribly if Obama were killed, and that Obama and Osama really are one in the same so far as she's concerned. Nice work.

  7. Just when I think I've become inured to the filth, something like this comes along and slaps me like it's the first time.

  8. I have a hard time believing that people watch this crap and think it's "news".

    It's no different than a couple of ignorant crackers sittin on a porch whittlin' and spittin' and displaying how deeply inbred they are.

    Also, she and Anne Coulter both look like men. Why is that?

  9. There's an on-line petition set up to kick this rotten egg (I could say a whole lot worse) to the curb:

    Petition - Fox News has to Sack Liz Trotta:

    I watched Blazing Saddles last night. Worth revisiting in these times. You definitely see Richard Pryor's hand in it - he was one of the writers.

  10. And here I was bitching about Keith Olbermann.

    One thing's for sure: Even if nobody else on TV mentions the Trotta remark, Keith will surely hit her with a Worst Person in the World. He lives for this.

    And since this woman can't get her tongue around "Obama/Osama," I hope Keith slips up and calls her "Liz Twatta."

    (Damn... this all is bringing out the worst in me...)

  11. I think I need to go see the new Indiana Jones for the third time. At least for a couple of hours, I can pretend this shit doesn't exist, guh.

  12. Here's her "apology" from this morning's broadcast. Saying "I'm sorry" does not = getting off the hook or going out to the yard to break off the switch for somebody to tear your ass up to make sure you don't do it again. I learned that from the grown ups long time ago. I think I'll put another DVD in the player and pop another cork. I need a break.

    " Oh yes, I am so sorry about what happened yesterday and the lame attempt at humor. I fell all over myself, making it appear that I wished Barack Obama harm or any other candidate, for that matter, and I sincerely regret it and apologize to anybody I have offended. It is a very colorful political season, and many of us are making mistakes and saying things we wish we had not said."

  13. I think I need to go see the new Indiana Jones for the third time.

    If not for Cate Blanchett, I would've had no fun at all with the new "Indy."

  14. "(Damn... this all is bringing out the worst in me...)"

    I have 2 good long distance friends who are 1 Osama away from setting something on fire....

    Let me remind Everyone....SUMMER'S COMING....

    One of these "SPARKS" is gonna turn into a "MATCH"

  15. Imagine what Liz would say if Snoop or DMX wrote a song about peeling her cap back in response to her remarks. She'd be calling for their arrest. All this talk about dirt naps is real cute until you get name checked.

  16. ^ Mmmmm-hmm. Which reminds me... did Ms. Trotta ever apologize to Obama, I wonder?

    This makes David Shuster's "pimped out Chelsea" remark look like small beans. And Hillary went to the mattresses against MSNBC over that one. She made it seem like a human-rights violation.

    Oh well...

  17. If not for Cate Blanchett, I would've had no fun at all with the new "Indy."

    Whatever, ya old crank :-D

    @des, gimme a break. Ain't nothin' happenin' with this election worth violence.

    Stopping the war in Iraq and rising gas prices, OTOH....

  18. I hear you dez....

    ...but to paraphrase The Wire...

    "worth ain't got nothing to do with it"....and it never has.
