You’ve probably noticed, I am embedding music-related videos in the upper right corner of this blog. I will update that spot with fresh hotness every day or two. It’s all about good music... especially stuff off the beaten path. (Like that Roland Kirk jawn.)
With a tumblelog – a no-frills blog, basically – I can have a repository of all my UBM-TV selections. No text, no comment threads, just video. Kind of like my Vox blog is a repository of audio files (more than 500 and growing).
So just hit that UBM-TV archive link if you even wanna scroll through those clips. (So far, we’re talking about Miles Davis, Nina Simone, Gil Scott-Heron, Kid Creole & the Coconuts... and more.)
As a self-described amatuer musicologist, I would like to commend you on the varied amount of music you provide to the blog.
Rahsaan is one of my saxophone heroes (being a saxophone player in my other life). Actually one of the underrated saxophone heroes because he's always been viewed as a novelty act with his circular breathing and ability to play multiple woodwinds simultaneously (an extremely difficult feat to play in tune and play melodies and/or harmony).
Oh, meant to give you a shout-out to the Jimmy G. and the Tackheads clip, "Clockwork." An underrated album from the 80s. Got panned by Funkadelicphiles who have analyzed each Clinton production for its use of drum machines and synthesizers. Hell, that's what was the move in the 80s. P-Funk just did it better than anyone else. And I REALLY dig the cut "Clockwork." Been working off a chewed-up tape. Can't find the cd and your clip sounded clean enough to come off a cd.
Keep it flowing, bruh.
Thanks, DeAngelo. I'm having a ball searching for the good stuff on YouTube, Brightcove, DailyMotion... wherever there's video out there.
Rahsaan's "gimmicks" are truly amazing. And I've always liked his flute playing.
As for that Jimmy G., it's a CD. EMI put it out in Holland a few years ago. Which tells you how deep the Dutch are into the funk. If you want a burn, lemme know.
I would like to commend you on the varied amount of music you provide to the blog.
I concur!
I've purchased a few CDs/mp3 downloads based on your shout outs, UBM!
Bklyn6: Thank you. I'll never forget that you're the one who turned me on to Calabash Music.
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