In the meantime, I’m streaming a 3-minute audio clip from last weekend’s “McLaughlin Group.” Click here to listen.
Cool thing about that was, when John McLaughlin asked Chicago Tribune columnist Clarence Page whether Mrs. Obama is a “black militant,” Page replied: “I’m a black militant, John.”
Part of this mess is about language. And I’m glad Clarence Page was hip to that.
Hillary Clinton didn’t exploit the “proud of my country” moment, and the mainstream media has moved on to other scandals-du-jour. But don’t get it wrong: We haven’t heard the last of attacks on Michelle Obama (and her husband) as “anti-American.” Far-right bloggers will keep it going until the game is over.

Please, go read Dr. Jobling’s analysis of Mrs. Obama. And leave a comment there... just to let Ian know he’s being read. Be polite. Be intelligent. And then, like rattling the monkey cage at the zoo, be ready to dodge the flying feces that comes back at you from the Inverted World’s racist regulars.
Try it; it can be fun. Just stay polite and stay intelligent.
UPDATE (02/28/08): Looks like a couple of you have waded into the water. Well done, mates.
I do believe White women won't be able to stand a Black woman as the 1st Lady, it will be too much for their egos.
Do you also believe that Black men won't be able to stand a White woman as president?
Or would that be a racist stereotype?
well i guess i'm the exception that proves the rule-- i'm so white i'm freaking *clear* but i do love me some michelle obama. she's extremely smart, extremely driven, extremely successful, and she is also a great mother. i'm nearly envious of her!
the linked website is gross. i feel icky for reading it. and i couldn't stay polite so i didn't say anything. pounding on the keyboard in rage isn't very good form.
^ I hear you, Michelle. But it pays to remember: they are us. We are all united in our humanness.
They're not evil. Just wrong.
they are us. We are all united in our humanness.
They're not evil. Just wrong.
they're evil oxygen thieves who should be quickly yet painfully expunged from the biosphere...,
What's going on in the comments seems to be a lot less about discussion and a lot more about speech making. At least most of them can spell, but they scare me. Any group of people who get together and blow hate filled sunshine up each other's butts scare me.
It seems like that whole post is based on what he's projecting on to Michelle Obama instead of any kind of reality about what she does or says, much less seeing her for who she is.
We are all united in our humanness but that's a kind of wrongness that is used to rationalize hate crimes.
I am terribly concerned for the safety of Barak Obama and his family because of people like these. They remind me of nazis sitting around discussing the Jewish problem in 1931.
Craig: I know that's not your heart speaking. (Well, I don't know it. But I would bet.)
Dude it's all good. White Nationalist support Obama:
And how do you, David, differ in your pronouncements from this guy?
"There are a lot of differences between whites and blacks
, but it is their narcissism that I find to be blacks’ most shocking and alien quality."
I think the note at the top of his Wikipedia entry pretty much sums Mr. Jobling up:
It is proposed that this article be deleted because of the following concern:
Non-notable racist webmaster
Holy crap.
I almost choked on my Hebrew National Bunbuster, (thats a big hot dog so stop thinking that).
Fisher, are we in agreement about Jobling?
Here's a question:
If Obama had a white wife do you think the black community would have embraced Obama so whole-heartedly? I remember reading an article in the NY Times where a black guy in a barber shop said that due to his wife being black people accepted him more easily. Of course that's just one guy's opinion but I was wondering what y'all thought.
If Obama had a white wife do you think the black community would have embraced Obama so whole-heartedly?
Absolutely not, SJ. Black wife and black daughters -- crucial.
"If Obama had a white wife do you think the black community would have embraced Obama so whole-heartedly?"
Hell no, and neither would have all these white men out there voting for him.
Gotta love the internet.
I know Stormfront loves the internet.
Funny how these folks are so keen to tout science and genetics when someone, somewhere, managed to warp it enough to fit their purposes.
You get people saying shit like
Even if an individual were 25% white, they could be fortunate enough to have most of their genes that are of white ancestry be the ones that are dominant for intelligence.
yet somehow forgetting that humanity originated in Africa. We were all the same color at one point. I know I saw a study recently about how pale/blue eyes were a mutation from the standard brown at one point, and I suspect that if the same hasn't already been shown for skin color, it will be eventually.
Fisher wrote: "Hell no, and neither would have all these white men out there voting for him."
You're good, Michael.
Somebody, explain to the doctor that prepositions are something you should never end a sentence with.
I submitted a comment on his blog that should a) make him realize that Condi is still Black (I think), and b) make him either admit that I'm right or claim that Mendel was wrong.
I want somebody to do a review of Mr Jobling's family history. I bet you that somewhere, somebody jumped a fence, and it will keep his lily white ass up at night for months.
This is a very interesting read due to the many comments from white american voters. Also, the british commenters have some interesting things to say also.
The Chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission of the UK says "If Obama can succeed, then maybe they can imagine that [Martin Luther] King's post-racial nirvana has arrived. A vote for Obama is a pain-free negation of their own racism."
He appears to allude to many of Shelby Steele's stated opinion of Obama but I think that he is yet another person who views Obama through their own personal pain or hope or anger and then gathers enough data (or pulls nonsense out of the butts, you say potato, I say messed UP) to bolster their refusal to allow any possibility that they might be wrong. Phew.
Maybe he's right, that there are many whites who instinctively feel that this is a chance to make blanket reparations. If so, I certainly am interested in conversing with one. I would also like the winning number to this week's lotto, please.
After I read the article itself it hit me that that sort of opining is a convoluted way of saying that voting for Obama is like buying a ticket for Black Lotto and the only winner is Obama.
I am terribly concerned for the safety of Barak Obama and his family because of people like these. They remind me of nazis sitting around discussing the Jewish problem in 1931.
Godwin! ;^)
The one good thing about these bozos is that they keep busy posting their views to their internet "fan base," so we always know where they are (i.e., not on the streets where they could do physical damage). Let them stay in their mom's basement railing against the world while the world moves on without them.
"You're good, Michael."
I appreciate the compliment David, however, the question still stands, how do your pronouncements on "race" and intelligence differ from this guy?
OMG. Alan Keyes commented on Jobling's blog. Bwaah ha ha ha!
... the question still stands, how do your pronouncements on "race" and intelligence differ from this guy?
Shit, Michael... you won't let me dodge one?
Okay. I would say the difference between our views is that Ian Jobling thinks it's been proven that different human subgroups have different cognitive capacities.
I think this hasn't been proven yet, but may be proven in the future, through the science of genomics, and that it's a legitimate subject to pursue.
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