Seriously, peoples... do we really want these two shysters back in the White House?
Given how Hillary and Bill have been twisting Barack Obama’s words in recent days, how could we ever expect her as president to tell us the straight truth about anything?
I would vote for John McCain before I’d vote for her.
I'm with you: I'm not crazy about Obama, but can't stand Hillary. I guess I'll have to vote for Bloomberg is she's nominated.
McCain is what, older than a Mosesasaurus Rex made of dirt, and, AND he looks like he's been boiled to lobster-y perfection, but he's not Hillary Clinton.
Thanks for the forum in which to express my unimportant opinion--telling family and friends that I couldn't vote for Mrs Clinton is right out. Everyone close to me is working on the "chicks before dicks" assumption.
Their attempts to distort Obama's word is despicable, but I'd still vote for her over any GOP candidate. While McCain isn't known for dirty campaign tactics AFAIK, the Republican attack machine has no problem being unscrupulous. And he's been too friendly with the Sectarian Right as of late. Hil impresses me in debates with her poise and her knowledge. I still prefer Obama but given that I'm in NC and our primary is May 6, I have no say in who will get the nomination.
I support Obama over Hillary, but to vote for McCain is to vote for another "fifty, make it a hundred years" in Iraq. I'm not sure what Hillary could do to the country that would be worse than that.
Hillary will do what she has said in Iraq, which is to keep up there.
Considering the way she's been running her campaign lately, she's going for the white and latino voting block and will be leaving black people behind. Maybe then we will wake up to the politricks of Bill and Hillary and all thier civil rights era NAACP "pay the negro" friends.
If you can't tell I really don't trust that woman.
^ It's gotten to the point, Doug, where I simply don't believe her. Another four years of a president whose every word I mistrust... that would be hard to bear.
For the love of all that is holy - kick the crazies out of the White House in 2008. No McCain, no Giuliani, no Romney - just no.
After Hillary's campaign's vile race-baiting - especially that Bob Johnson crap - I support Obama. But I'll still vote for Hillary if she ends up the nominee.
Hillary is smart and tough and sneaky. In the debates she out-maneuvers Obama. To get anything done past the Republican legislative block, those are qualities that the next President is going to need.
I'm glad to see many women on this comment thread not going for Hillary's "let's-break-the-glass-ceiling" hustle... the rawest appeal to identity politics yet seen in this campaign.
For more than 18 months I've been saying that the Democratic Party leadership is smoking crack if they think Hillary can win. Right out of the gate, 40+% of Americans hate her. That's before they hear what she has to say about any of the issues, before any of her opponents start bringing up Whitewater and all the other Clinton scandals.
The Republicans are laughing themselves silly, watching the Democrats choose another Mondale. I think even Ron Paul could knock off Hillary in November.
UBM: I don't trust McCain nor Hillary totally. I marginally trust Hillary since she's been the same triangulator since the early 90s. At least she's consistent in that way. She will stay pro-free trade, unfettered free trade, she will remain willing to accept GOP talking points on many though not all issues, and she'll still feel the need to look tough by bombing a bunch of brown and black people. That has NOT changed, it's more or less a question of when than if.
McCain, however, is completely playing the American people and media into thinking he's a "maverick". His presidency would have people like Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham playing a MASSIVE role. He's the Republican side of Obama's bipartisan unity message, except he's more into using it merely to advance far-right ideology than actually working with progressives.
How hast he scorned me? Let me count the ways...1) He was against Falwell and Robertson and now he LOVES them. 2) He was deeply distrustful of Bush, but now they're just two snugglebears over this war in Iraq. 3) He thought the trillion dollar tax cuts were insane...until now when he thinks they need to be made permanent for the growth of the economy. 4) He used to be known as a pro-choice Republican, but...he's not. These are some of the things that irk me about him, and I'm trying to keep it substantive on this front.
The only things I sort of like about him are that he supports campaign finance reform and hates torture, but that's a low, low, low standard.
If you're going to vote against Hillary, at least vote for someone who is a little more in line with progressive values and not this flip-flopping neo-con Methuselah.
Me? I am thinking I'll probably support Hillary if she runs, sadly, because the Republicans of all stripes are too awful for me to pursue what I see as a somewhat lesser justice in punishing Clinton for her numerous misdeeds.
way to come out swinging,david. i have to say, trust is an issue with hillary. the whole crying thing to gain favor is so obvious. people had been accusing her of being robotic so crying will fix that. i really don't want four to eight more years of the media circus that follows them. pass.
^ The "media circus" justjudith is talking about is the one we're witnessing right now... Bill Clinton in the spotlight, running game, twisting the truth, engaging in destructive politics.
The only people willing to sign on for that are hardcore partisan Clinton fans... and I seriously doubt there are enough of them to carry the day in a general election.
The more I see of Bill Clinton on the campaign trail, the more ready I am to turn that page.
if McCain got the nomination he should court the black vote. People are so angry with Bill and Hill they may just be willing to vote against another Clinton white house.
sometimes, you gotta hold your nose. while we are looking at the left and right wings of the capitalist party, it does make a differnce as we have been shown over the last 8 years
I'm with you: I'm not crazy about Obama, but can't stand Hillary. I guess I'll have to vote for Bloomberg is she's nominated.
McCain is what, older than a Mosesasaurus Rex made of dirt, and, AND he looks like he's been boiled to lobster-y perfection, but he's not Hillary Clinton.
Thanks for the forum in which to express my unimportant opinion--telling family and friends that I couldn't vote for Mrs Clinton is right out. Everyone close to me is working on the "chicks before dicks" assumption.
Hillary no! Eight years of one Clinton was enough. He hurt us but, she will finish us off. The way she's attacking Obama come-on.
Co-sign UBM.
Hillary will make an excellent president. And Barack will make a very good vice president. You'll see.
Caption: Let's call her Monica.
Their attempts to distort Obama's word is despicable, but I'd still vote for her over any GOP candidate. While McCain isn't known for dirty campaign tactics AFAIK, the Republican attack machine has no problem being unscrupulous. And he's been too friendly with the Sectarian Right as of late. Hil impresses me in debates with her poise and her knowledge. I still prefer Obama but given that I'm in NC and our primary is May 6, I have no say in who will get the nomination.
I support Obama over Hillary, but to vote for McCain is to vote for another "fifty, make it a hundred years" in Iraq. I'm not sure what Hillary could do to the country that would be worse than that.
Hillary will do what she has said in Iraq, which is to keep up there.
Considering the way she's been running her campaign lately, she's going for the white and latino voting block and will be leaving black people behind. Maybe then we will wake up to the politricks of Bill and Hillary and all thier civil rights era NAACP "pay the negro" friends.
If you can't tell I really don't trust that woman.
keep us there.
^ It's gotten to the point, Doug, where I simply don't believe her. Another four years of a president whose every word I mistrust... that would be hard to bear.
For the love of all that is holy - kick the crazies out of the White House in 2008. No McCain, no Giuliani, no Romney - just no.
After Hillary's campaign's vile race-baiting - especially that Bob Johnson crap - I support Obama. But I'll still vote for Hillary if she ends up the nominee.
Hillary is smart and tough and sneaky. In the debates she out-maneuvers Obama. To get anything done past the Republican legislative block, those are qualities that the next President is going to need.
I'm glad to see many women on this comment thread not going for Hillary's "let's-break-the-glass-ceiling" hustle... the rawest appeal to identity politics yet seen in this campaign.
Don't hate.
I thought she was ya girl.
Anyway, she's got the Dem nomination locked up. White women, Latinos, and po' folks equals victory everywhere but the South.
Are people so disgusted with Bush that they'll put any Dem in office? Most likely.
Hail president Hilary. (Hail naw.)
For more than 18 months I've been saying that the Democratic Party leadership is smoking crack if they think Hillary can win. Right out of the gate, 40+% of Americans hate her. That's before they hear what she has to say about any of the issues, before any of her opponents start bringing up Whitewater and all the other Clinton scandals.
The Republicans are laughing themselves silly, watching the Democrats choose another Mondale. I think even Ron Paul could knock off Hillary in November.
PS - To all the jackasses who say that America has already had a Black president (you know who are, Andrew Young), I have two words: Lani Guinier.
Then again, considering the way Clinton kicked the sister to the curb, maybe he is a Black man.
Hillary will make an excellent president. And Barack will make a very good vice president. You'll see.
ITA. I'm still for Hil!
UBM: I don't trust McCain nor Hillary totally. I marginally trust Hillary since she's been the same triangulator since the early 90s. At least she's consistent in that way. She will stay pro-free trade, unfettered free trade, she will remain willing to accept GOP talking points on many though not all issues, and she'll still feel the need to look tough by bombing a bunch of brown and black people. That has NOT changed, it's more or less a question of when than if.
McCain, however, is completely playing the American people and media into thinking he's a "maverick". His presidency would have people like Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham playing a MASSIVE role. He's the Republican side of Obama's bipartisan unity message, except he's more into using it merely to advance far-right ideology than actually working with progressives.
How hast he scorned me? Let me count the ways...1) He was against Falwell and Robertson and now he LOVES them. 2) He was deeply distrustful of Bush, but now they're just two snugglebears over this war in Iraq. 3) He thought the trillion dollar tax cuts were insane...until now when he thinks they need to be made permanent for the growth of the economy. 4) He used to be known as a pro-choice Republican, but...he's not. These are some of the things that irk me about him, and I'm trying to keep it substantive on this front.
The only things I sort of like about him are that he supports campaign finance reform and hates torture, but that's a low, low, low standard.
If you're going to vote against Hillary, at least vote for someone who is a little more in line with progressive values and not this flip-flopping neo-con Methuselah.
Me? I am thinking I'll probably support Hillary if she runs, sadly, because the Republicans of all stripes are too awful for me to pursue what I see as a somewhat lesser justice in punishing Clinton for her numerous misdeeds.
way to come out swinging,david. i have to say, trust is an issue with hillary. the whole crying thing to gain favor is so obvious. people had been accusing her of being robotic so crying will fix that. i really don't want four to eight more years of the media circus that follows them. pass.
^ And you think there won't be a media circus if Obama becomes the candidate and then president?
^ The "media circus" justjudith is talking about is the one we're witnessing right now... Bill Clinton in the spotlight, running game, twisting the truth, engaging in destructive politics.
The only people willing to sign on for that are hardcore partisan Clinton fans... and I seriously doubt there are enough of them to carry the day in a general election.
The more I see of Bill Clinton on the campaign trail, the more ready I am to turn that page.
^most people can't speak for me, david, but you summed my sentiments up pretty well!! the clintons are covered like britney thanks.
I'm still voting for her.
if McCain got the nomination he should court the black vote. People are so angry with Bill and Hill they may just be willing to vote against another Clinton white house.
^ McCain is about the only one who could make that play, Trish. Huckabee could appeal to black evangelicals, but I don't know about beyond that.
Mitt Romney? I don't wanna see him do the black-church thing. (Cringe.)
Giuliani? Mmm... no.
After that last debate, Hillary said Barack was frustrated and looking for a fight.
She essentially labeled him the 'angry black man'
oh no you didn't; McCain?
his position is more wars, fewer jobs.
sometimes, you gotta hold your nose. while we are looking at the left and right wings of the capitalist party, it does make a differnce as we have been shown over the last 8 years
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