But I was caught off guard when I heard a musical saw on a dance record. Yeah... a saw. (Sounds kinda like a theremin.)

Fernando Paiva da Silva is a Vienna-based percussionist who has recorded with electronica groups like Madrid De Los Austrias.
The track in question is “Orfeu Negra.” Music podcaster Anji Bee included it on her Thanksgiving Day “Chillcast.” She provided a download link also.
To grab this FREE MP3, go to Anji’s playlist and look for No. 2.
To listen to “Orfeu Negra” on my Vox audio stash, click here. It sure is trippy. And the beat’s nice too.

Is the photo you put of Fernando Paiva da Silva?
Very cool.
Since you like the musical saw... there are some cool saw tracks on www.SawLady.com
But even more fun - check out the cowbells tracks there.
Hey Michelle. No, that's not Paiva... that's some old guy I grabbed. Couldn't find an image of Paiva.
Thank you for pointing to the Saw Lady.
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