A tip of my hat to
justjudith, who is having a ball with the Google Video Bar on her blog. She recently pulled up some clips of
Alexyss K. Tylor, the Georgia sex lecturer and public-access cable guru who has become a mini-phenomenon on YouTube.
Ms. Tylor’s ridiculously frank disquisitions on “penis power” and “vagina power” will blow your mind, or crack you up, or squick you out. Either way, she’s never boring.
I came across her videos a few months ago. Well, I only watched one. What's up with her and "jack rabbits?"
Work the middle!
Jackrabbit RMX
thanks, ubm.
and yes, she cracks me up and creeps me out all at the same time. my fave line comes from the first one i saw -- i will never think of long john silver's the same way :)
Yes! Check this out from May 2007, “Alexyss K. Tylor and Almost Every Flashy Female Poet since Zora Neal Hurston”…
^ Coolest. Spam. Ever.
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