This year, there are only two... and they’re both in the same damn category! Taraji P. Henson (“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”) and Viola Davis (“Doubt”) will compete for the Best Supporting Actress trophy.
Rock on, black woman. Nobody has it harder in Hollywood than you.
The full list of this year’s Oscar nominees – announced this morning – is here.
Seen both performances. I'm going with Viola. Despite being in a single 10-minute scene, she quietly, confidently demands your attention. I bought what she was selling...
I'm with you...bursting with pride, bummed I have to pick one.
And yes, it's Viola.
Went to drama school with Vi.
Win it, girl.
I love Taraji, she's too underrated. We won't have a Denzel or Cuba Gooding this year but hell, at least we may have something.
UBM said...
Y’all muhfuggas can be all “post-racial” if you wanna be. AND... Rock on, black woman. Nobody has it harder in Hollywood than you.
I think Taraji did a better acting job and deserves the award more than Viola. But, Benjamin Button was a post-racist and no one from his film should have been nominated.
>Nobody has it harder in Hollywood than you.
Mmmmmmmm... I suspect a few Native American actors (male and female) - the VERY few there are! - would disagree with you on that. :)
...and ditto that squared for clearly Arabian actors.
^ Not to mention dwarfs.
C'mon Halle Berry won an Oscar a long time ago. Now it's time for us other minorities ;)
You go, Sistuh girls! Congrats!
(I hope Ms. Davis wears a better lace front to the Oscars.)
Haven't seen either film, but I like both actresses, particularly Henson, who stole every scene she was in on the fourth season of Boston Legal.
"^ Not to mention dwarfs."
"Post-racial" as favorite a term as "minority." I think Nipsey and Doc should discuss this topic, Dave.
SJ there are 20 nominations for acting.s
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