She’s the granddaughter of Lena Horne, the daughter of Sidney Lumet, and she wrote the critically acclaimed new movie “Rachel Getting Married” (directed by Jonathan Demme).
Ms. Lumet probably has a decent shot at an Academy Award nomination.
I haven’t seen “Rachel Getting Married,” but I was well entertained by Jenny Lumet’s conversation with Elvis. Click here to hear a 3-minute excerpt on my Vox blog.
To stream or download the complete half-hour interview, follow this link to KCRW.com.
Nice find. I had no idea of Ms. Lumet's work but I am inclined to have her baby now.
Six degrees of separation...didn't Jenny Lumet used to date a certain cast member on "Kingpin"?
^ More than that, Doug. She was married to Bobby Cannavale. They have at least one child together.
Also, remember the Sidney Lumet movie "Q&A" with Nick Nolte and Armand Assante? It was pretty good. Jenny played the female lead in it.
Wow, she still looks just as smokin' hot as she did in Q and A, an underappreciated film which The Shield probably owes a bit of a debt to. How can you not love a movie where Timothy Hutton gets to completely freak out?
Though Ms. Lumet was... well, I'm not surprised she didn't pursue acting full time.
^ I need to watch it again. I think I have it on VHS. I recall Armand Assante chewing holes through the scenery.
Mr. Geneva's two ultimate women are Lena Horne and Dorothy Dandridge. Many a Hollywood starlet has been dismissed with a, "She can't hold a candle to Lena Horne." Or, "She's no Dorothy Dandridge." (Don't even try to get into the psychology of 40-something idolizing these icons.)
Thinking he would be delighted, I showed him Jenny Lumet's picture and asked, "What do you think of Lena's grand daughter? He was underwhelmed, "She's down right plain in comparison." Ouch. Not everyone's hopping on the Jenny bandwagon.
^ Even I gotta say, GG... the older Jenny gets, the more she looks like Sidney Lumet in the face. You should see 'em side-by-side.
Interesting how black screenwriters are penning these light romantic comedies for the mainstream. The new Zellwegger flick is by a brother who went to Howard. Of course it was origially meant for Black people and called Chillin' in Miami.
People still cast Zellweger as a romantic lead? Why God, WHY?
David: Yeah, Assante does some fine scenery chewing, but not nearly as much as Nick Nolte.
Hey eeaster. Thanks, I did not know about that guy... whose name is Ken Rance.
"Down right plain in comparison" I would agree, she certainly didn't get her grandmother's looks.
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