Who else but America’s favorite clown, Rush Limbaugh? Good thing I have a sense of humor, because it was hilarious to me when he said that.
I thought Limbaugh might be one of the right-wingers today who’d get mad at John McCain for blowing the final debate. Instead, Limbaugh says McCain whipped Barack Obama’s ass, but the media is brainwashing America into thinking otherwise.
Evidently Rush’s plan for the next two and a half weeks is to insist that John McCain can still win this election... and to crank up his insane anti-Obama rants to 11.
Hence the baby-killer remark. (Hey, if the “Obama-is-an-Arab” thing doesn’t stick, you gotta dig deeper.)
Click here to hear a 30-second sound bite from today’s Rush Limbaugh show.
I thought Limbaugh might be one of the right-wingers today who’d get mad at John McCain for blowing the final debate. Instead, Limbaugh says McCain whipped Barack Obama’s ass, but the media is brainwashing America into thinking otherwise.
That is one of the reasons why I can't listen to Rush, and I am a conservative. In my opinion, it was McCain's best performance of the three debates, but at best it was a draw. McCain needed a knockout, and I didn't see it. Unfortunately, conservative apologists like Rush can't see it any other way than as a victory for their guy.
^ Dick, did you hear about your boy Glenn Beck? Getting paid big bucks to switch to Fox News.
Dick, did you hear about your boy Glenn Beck? Getting paid big bucks to switch to Fox News
Had not heard that yet, but interesting. Hope the format of his show doesn't change. The thing I like about Glenn Beck (aside from being conservative) is that he blasts both sides of the aisle. He finds plenty of fault with both of the candidates.
By the way, he also still just gushes over Sarah Palin. On more than one occasion I have heard him say get ready for Palin/Jindal in 2012.
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