Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday morning cartoon


  1. Lutherans. Thought Davy and Goliath was put out by the Mormans. Guess I lumped them in with those other PSA commercials I used to see as a kid.
    Also remember something called Insight (I think) that reminded me of a religious Twilight Zone. Dunno who put that out, but it was on Sunday mornings, of course.

  2. Also remember something called Insight (I think) that reminded me of a religious Twilight Zone.

    Dude, I loved "Insight"! Right down to the theme song. I saw many episodes, and remember one quite vividly to this day... a game show called "Tell a Little Lie About Yourself." Creepy.

    As a moral lesson on how people will debase themselves to win a little money, that ep. is more relevant than ever.

    "Insight" was produced by the Paulist Fathers, a Catholic group. The priest who did the Rod Serling thing on camera was Father Bud Kieser... who also founded the Humanitas Prize, which is a coveted award for screenwriters. Father Bud's goal was to encourage writers to explore the human spirit.

  3. "Insight" was that Sunday morning show that was like a half-hour Catholic "Playhouse 90." I'm sure that I saw Martin Sheen on it a couple of times. Now I gotta go find out if they've got dvds out there! And speaking of PSAs, do you remember one from the Ad Council in the mid-to-late sixties that was for Radio Free Europe? It was in black and white and started off with this young twenty-ish guy walking through the streets of a European city, up and down stairs and ending up in a cramped radio studio where he puts on a headphone set and introduces a record in rapid-fire German, tagging it with the words "Awnn Brawd-Vey..." just as the Drifters start singing, "They say the neon lights are bright...." It made me, a little kid, want to get into radio.

  4. ^ Hey chacha. I don't remember that Radio Free Europe PSA... or even this one, the full-color update. But it's cool to think about all the TV marginalia from childhood.

    Like tourist ads. I grew up in D.C., and I remember the tourist ads for Pennsylvania... with a distinctive jazzy walking-bass-line theme song that went "Penn-syl-vaaa-nia."

    I sure hope that one's on YouTube.

  5. UBM, that's good knowledge. Thanks for the youtube link to the Radio Free Europe psa!

  6. That was ultra cute.
