In case you don’t know, Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a Democratic congresswoman from Florida. I saw her on MSNBC Friday afternoon. She’s on MSNBC a lot.
Anyway, Eric Easter (of EbonyJet.com) replied: “You too?”
Donnell Alexander responded: “I’ve got the same jones, even knowing about her double mastectomy. Now that’s hot!”
My old friend George Darden commented: “I thought I was the only one. That hair! She is too cool.”
Lisa Langford (a.k.a. Kellybelle) added: “she’s gonna be the first woman president. watch.”
All this black love for a white Jewish politician. What’s the deal with Debbie Wasserman Schultz?
Journalist Amy Alexander put her finger on it: “Have you noticed that she seems kind of like a ‘sista?’ ”
Indeed. I vividly remember when I became aware of Rep. Wasserman Schultz... during last year’s presidential campaign.
The TV was on in the other room, and I heard the voice of a woman I thought to be black. Went to check her out, and I was like, “What?”
Been a fan ever since.
Here she is on a recent edition of “Hardball”:
According to her site: Born on Long Island. Next milestone is college in Florida. I'm no Henry Higgins but I'm guessing she grew up and went to high school on Long Island.
When you hear her voice, does Long Island come through? Is it attitude that makes you think "sister?" Accent? Cadence?
^ Timbre, actually, for me.
So you've joined the Debbie fan club. I'm not sure why others like her but I just think she's cute and seems like a nice person. I've been a fan of hers for a few years now.
Did you know that she has been fighting breast cancer? It appears that she may have beaten it. I hope that's the case.
Just dropping by, late at night, and not in a mood to do the required research, please forgive me, all of you. But, I cannot stop thinking of the "In Living Color" sketch. Can't remember the character names or the actress, but the photos of Congresswoman remind me of that whole thing.
I liked Rep. Grayson's apology to the dead.
Lisa Langford (a.k.a. Kellybelle) added: “she’s gonna be the first woman president. watch.”
Yo Kellybelle... did you see the Huffington Post today? Piece called "Debbie Wasserman Schultz for President/Vice President in 2016?"
Black dude wrote it.
She's 'aight.
My JAP crush is on Stacey London though.
"Jewish soul sister".....*SMDH*
sad,sad indeed.
Just saw this. Shoot her as a target silo - it's 'just a joke'!
Pretty ridiculous crap, oy vey!
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