Most of the tunes are a bit too shoegazey for my taste. But one track – “Give Blood” – is one of the hottest alt-rock jams I’ve heard in a while. I loves that cut!
And it’s available as a FREE MP3 from Seattle’s KEXP.org.
Click here to hear “Give Blood” on my Vox blog. To commence downloading the MP3 right now, hit this link.
Most of the tunes are a bit too shoegazey for my taste.
Totally had to look up "shoegazey". Found "shoegaze." NEVER heard of that genre before. :-/
As a Mineapolitan I love your Prince take off.
I actually jumped when I opened up your site. He's sort of scary looking. I'll give him a listen.
^ I love Kyp Malone's look, GG! Just love it.
His look kinda fits his name... and both fit his chosen profession. I wish I could rock that look.
NEVER heard of that genre before. :-/
No need to frown, bklyn6. Too many labels to keep track of. The Brits in particular love to come up with new labels for musical genres. (I still don't quite know what "drum 'n' bass" is.)
I'm just glad I wasn't the only one who didn't know what "shoegazey" meant.
As a Mineapolitan I love your Prince take off.
(Hope you're not one of his attorneys. :p )
I bet under his Grizzly Adams exterior, Kyp is studly.
(Hope you're not one of his attorneys. :p )
I met him many, many moons ago, and he looks exactly the same now as he did then. It's like a time warp. Very creative, very congenial, very...uhhh..."unique" look and personality.
^ Long live Eccentric Blackness.
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