Ms. Taylor’s recording career spanned more than 40 years, highlighted by her signature hit, “Wang Dang Doodle.” She performed that tune just a few weeks ago at the Blues Music Awards in Memphis, where she received an award.
I’ve blogged about Koko Taylor twice before... here and here.
In her memory, let me spin another record. Click here to hear a funky 1975 track called “Voodoo Woman,” which Ms. Taylor wrote.
This is really sad...
I became a blues fan a long time ago when I started researching African-American history. She was one of my favorites. Used to have some of her music (ex stole it - wanker)and would listen to it while writing papers.
Thanks for posting the track.
Oh man R.I.P KoKo!!
when I lived in Chicago...one of my favorite things to do was to take a walk down Halsted St, past Kingston mines, Blues and the other blues clubs in the block...On a hot sticky chicago summer night...there was nothing like strolling and listening to the music...the clubs had their doors open to catch the breeze...and if you lined up right...and stopped your stroll...you could see the stage...KoKo straddling a stool screaming into the mic...big time sarah with her wig sung crooked and Buddy Guy, the mighty Buddy Guy, to name a few...doing what they do best...
I miss Halsted street...and I really miss Miss KoKo Taylor...However, she, like those steamy chicago summer nights live on in my memory...
Loved "Wang Dang Doodle" I'ma pitch one as soon as I can.
I thought she was already dead. Sorry. :-(
Goodbye, Miss Taylor.
Noooooooo! This is too sad. She was still rocking it.
I'm glad you're still writing here Dave, but every time I check in someone else has died.
Thanks Koko for alllll the good times.
As a resident of Houston Texas, I thought I would send this info on to you.
Mr. Huey Long, the last survivor of the InkSpots passed away June 10th, he was 105 years old.
For more information about Huey Long, his life and career, visit the museum’s Web site at www.inkspotsmuseum.com.
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