But do you remember Judy Pace, the hottest black sex symbol this side of Pam Grier? If you’re a black guy between the ages of 45 and 55, I know you do.
Judy Pace appeared in blaxploitation movies like “Cool Breeze” and “The Slams.” But she is probably better known for her television work... in quality productions like “Brian’s Song” and as a guest star on hit shows like “Sanford & Son” and “Kung Fu.”
Now guess what? Judy Pace has a daughter who’s a Hollywood actress as well. Julia Pace Mitchell is her name. (Her father, Don Mitchell – Judy’s first husband – was a co-star on “Ironside.”)
I haven’t seen “Notorious” yet, but Julia Pace Mitchell is in it.
Let me salute both women, YouTube-style. The first clip is Judy Pace in “Good Times.” (Blazing hot!) The second clip is Julia’s “demo reel,” containing a variety of scenes and TV commercials.
I was just thinking about the lovely Ms Pace the other day. I loved her in Brian's Song. Just a beautiful sister. And her daughter is just as lovely.
That was/is a beautiful chocolate sista who reminds me of why I love sistas. Remember that ass in "Cotton Comes to Harlem"? I think I have that on videotape. Might have to revisit it.
Gabrielle Union is smokin' hot!
I remember Judy Pace. She was gorgeous!
she was a vision in COTTON COMES TO HARLEM.
I can't remember Judy, but I hope that her daughter does well. I do remember that clip from L&O. I hope that she gets more roles like that than the Meet Bill clip.
I LOVED Judy Pace's look and clothes in Cotton Comes To Harlem.
Daughter is cute, but no is sex-zay like mommy.
I was pretty certain I'd seen "Cotton Comes to Harlem." Then I find the trailer on YouTube and none of it looks familiar. Can't believe I never saw it...
What is better that a beautiful, black woman ? I am now a Julia fan!
Your mention of Don Mitchell and Ironside caused me to listen to the theme song on Quincy Jones' Smackwater Jack. Man, that was a baad song!
^Just the other day I purchased a bunch of Q songs at Amazon. I thought I'd bought the Ironside theme but I didn't.
Re: Julia Pace Mitchell, I remember that Luster's Pink Oil Moisterizer commercial! But, I'd never heard of her until this post. I probably wouldn't have made the Pace/Mitchell connection either.
Yes I remember Judy Pace and her sister Jean, who was married to Oscar Brown Jr. Both are beautiful women and talented to boot.
^ I didn't know about her sister!
Follow this link and scroll down to see a portrait of Jean Pace.
Oh, I've heard of Judy Pace but she was before my time. But after seeing the pics, I see what the hype was about!
"Dark skinned"...too subjective. That could describe any black person who's not white skinned, right? Besides, Gabby Union would be more medium than dark brown in relation to the entire shade spectrum. No?
"Follow this link and scroll down to see a portrait of Jean Pace."
Scroll down even more...ummm, Mary Tyler Moore 1958--whaaat?!
^ She was hot.
Saw Judy Pace At LAX (airport) back in the day. I was tongue tied!
Long time fan.
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