If you know about
Betty Davis, then you probably own all of her albums already. But here’s a FREE MP3 from her 1973
debut LP.
Click here to stream “Anti Love Song” on my Vox blog. (That’s Larry Graham on bass.)
“Anti Love Song” (MP3)

Album available at
iTunes Music Store
Album available at
Album available at
Amazon MP3
Thanks! (I only own "They Say I'm Different.")
If Ms. Davis were coming onto the music scene today, she'd probably be from Brooklyn by way of North Carolina. *smile*
12 29 08
Schoo B doo and cop him is the song that I love the most. Thanks UBC.
^ You're welcome, Mahndisa. And yeah... that groove is killer.
Larry Graham - Bass
Greg Errico - Drums
Both had just left Sly and the Family Stone. Super Funky Duo.
^ I didn't mean to leave the funky whiteboy out! Errico produced the "Betty Davis" album, matter of fact.
I first heard Anti-Love song as a cover performed by Skin (of Skunk Anansie) and Lenny Kravitz. Didn't realize at the time it was a cover.
It might've come from a TV appearance which was included on a bootleg Skunk Anansie CD called "Don't Touch Me There".
Now I'll have to get the original.
^ And I'll have to get that cover.
Um, I dunno who put that there.
^ Thanks, Edshugeo!
Instant addict. Love it! Thanks for introducing me to yet another great artist of the past. It's gonna to be a Betty Davis week :)
^ Yay, Kenn! She will satisfy you... and then some.
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