Back in September, I blogged about America’s top ventriloquist, Jeff Dunham (and one of his puppets, a jive-talkin’ black pimp named Sweet Daddy Dee, which has been seen 9 million times on YouTube).

And it was the most-watched show in the history of Comedy Central... with 6.6 million viewers. Which means that damn-near everybody in Hollywood wants to be in the Jeff Dunham business right now.
The Comedy Central executives didn’t even see that coming.
It’s all about teh YouTube.
Embedded below is an 11-minute clip of Dunham with another one of his politically incorrect puppets... Achmed the Dead Terrorist.
You might not believe this – it sure shocked the hell out of me – but this clip here, y’all... this clip right here, y’all... this clip has been watched 73 million times. It is the No. 1 most-viewed entertainment clip on YouTube ever. It is the No. 2 “top favorited” YouTube clip of all times!
That’s bananas! And it just goes to show you: Sooner or later, everything comes back in style.
Hey there!
This is quite interesting!!
I am not sure it's MY preferred brand of comedy....but the audience was having a blast!
Thanks for sharing!
Ugh I absolutely HATE that "Achmed" skit. First of all, "Achmed" is not even an Arab name. It's "Ahmed". And it's totally not funny. It just gets to me for some reason.
Where's Willie Tyler & Lester when you need them?
I like this guy, ventriloquism is one of the lost arts we have. Dunham is a very talented man. Nobody cares, because America form of entertainment is one of these reality shows, you know, we have been 'dumbed down'. Thanks for pulling this up.
Many (MANY!) years ago, some old friends of mine used to quote Dunham's sketches frequently--they loved him. A few of my friends now love him, too. I'm kinda meh on the stuff of his I've seen, though I'll still pull "on a steeeck" out every so often.
American Idol, the NFL, now this...
Just goes to show that high ratings don't really amount to shit when it comes to quality.
What does this say about our culture?
I'm sorry but the same way some people are creeped out by clowns, I just get an "off" vibe from ventriloquists. I guess there's an art to it but what's the point?
Sorry, don't see the hype, political incorrectness and all.
don't you think really youtube is responsible for the crassness and growing coarseness in america? can those 73 million viewers be voters?
on the other hand, we did just elect BO. phew.
@maria: The coarseness in America was growing long before YouTube hit the scene.
Willie Tyler's son played Terrance, Colonol Taylors son with that nasty rattail and the glasses, on A Different World.
That's my contribution/
^ I did not know that!
I fond it an odd way
^ The guy knows how to handle a puppet, that's for sure.
Thanks for the comment, Hippolyta.
THIS is what brought back ventriloquism.
Jeff Dunham is perhaps the greatest ventriloquist alive... or at least the funniest
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