I haven’t felt a shaker in years. This one lasted all of 10 seconds... just long enough for me to start wondering how embarrassing it would be if the whole house fell down around my nekkid ass.
UPDATE (07/29/08): Those MSNBC fuckers better not cut into my “Hardball” time with their quake coverage. It was a nothing earthquake... no damage! Move on.
Me? I’m going to the laundrymat.
Have you been watching MSNBC's coverage of the quake? That's a holy shit -- it's super embarrassing. They keep talking about waiting for "pictures" of stuff flying off the store shelves and images of damage like they're rooting for it. Two seconds after getting reports of the quake the newscasters, with no information, started talking about Loma Prieta and Northridge (not by name, of course, they'd have to know what they were talking about to do that). It really cuts to the quick as to what motivates the news media. That's why I got out -- you find yourself sitting on your hands, bored until there's bad news.
We just had an earthquake... and I’m sitting here butt naked!
I half expect it your neck of the woods, UBM. There was a 2.1 quake in New Jersey yesterday.
And just today I was wondering:
"When is Yosemite gonna blow?"
When are you going to join Twitter?
Also, there was a 2.1 earthquake in NJ yesterday? I'm in NJ - didn't feel a thing.
When are you going to join Twitter?
Twitter? Shoot... I just got with Facebook (and don't know what all the fuss is about).
I'm not looking to be pulled further into the grid.
Invisible Hand: Welcome to the blogosphere.
What's worse than being caught in an earthquake with no clothes on? Being caught in an earthquake with nothing on but a pair of dirty underwear, which you immediately remove because your mama always warned you about getting caught with dirty underwear in an emergency.
You can get sucked in with Twitter - but it is controllable.
Anyway, glad you're okay but you can probably forget about overboard earthquake coverage (haha)
Heh, a friend of mine was taking a shower during the last big SF earthquake, panicked, and ran outside buck-nekkid. His dad still won't let him live that one down.
We had lots of stuff falling off shelves here and people running around like dumbasses. I got the most puzzled looks because I was the only one in the pharmacy who stayed calm (not because I'm supersanguine as much as sick as hell and out of it, hee hee). It took me about 20 minutes to pick up all the crap that fell in my house, too (nothing broke, phew!).
"and I’m sitting here butt naked!"
That's just wrong, David. I really wish you didn't invoke mental images like that. Just wrong.
yea david, stay away from the facebook. my aunt and dad just friended me. booo.
We just had an earthquake... and I’m sitting here butt naked!
I second that emotion, thembi! :) Take your butt to the laundromat, David. Nobody wants to pull an naked ambiguous black man from apartment rubble.
I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't watch Hardball. Its a slow news cycle, they need something to talk about, just don't turn on CNN. You might drown in earthquake coverage!
I'm just glad I'm not out there David. I thought about visiting LA when I was out in San Diego, but nixed those thoughts. Comic Con wore my ass out.
An Emmy-winning writer at the laundromat? Dave, they have these things you can put in your home. They're called washers and dryers.
I remember the one earthquake I experienced 16 years ago on an overnight layover in LA on my way to Hawaii with the missus. I woke up and felt the bed vibrating and I knew I hadn't put any quarters in the slot
^ Dang, Dick... you were here for the big Northridge quake? Now that did damage. I missed it by a couple of years... you could still see wreckage in 1994.
Glad to hear you are OK Dave-o!
Now, as per my mandatory contract to remind you to get off your ass and start writing pilots!!! If you ain't getting the love you deserve in the U.S. Go to the BBC, or to Televisa, Univision and TV Azteca if needed. Dude, Seriously, the world needs another series as kick-ass as 'Kingpin' and one less butt-nekkid blogger.
Yeah, Dave. It was real fun sitting in the courtesy van at LAX listening to the radio and hearing the broadcasters talking about an aftershock rolling through, then having the van start rocking. It was also a little disconcerting watching the light poles swaying back and forth like blades of grass in the wind
Glad you're okay.
Thanks to all well-wishers.
@francisco--are you saying that DM, nude at 11:45 pm., with nary a shred of clean clothes in sight, is not in this condition cuz he's working?
oh uh, dm. also, i think it is OK to be in stinky clothes when there is an earthquake, if your only other choice is skin.
also, add my tag to the well-wisher wall, pls.
... i think it is OK to be in stinky clothes when there is an earthquake, if your only other choice is skin.
Well... if I knew an earthquake was coming, I would've put something on, definitely. ;^D
"We just had an earthquake... and I’m sitting here butt naked!"
I...I...I'm speechless. In a good way.
glad you're ok.
UBM I hear you! I'm sitting here naked as I type. It's not just because we are waiting for the clothes to dry!
what thembi said! LOL
Since Liberia already has a General Butt Naked, I'm going to dub you "Field Marshall Butt Naked". Don't shoot anybody unless you're wearing a blond wig.
UBM, I think Northridge WAS '94....
I grew up in the SF Bay Area, so I remember duckin' n' coverin' in elementary school for a good sized one......
And I was driving down the street during the '89 quake - thought my tire blew out - My friend thought I was screwing around - But when I pulled over we were still rocking like we were on a boat. It was damned funny 'till we got home and saw the footage of the Bay Bridge.
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