The series begins with Elvis’s interview with filmmaker Sydney Pollack, who passed away in May. The show will be followed at 8:30 by Pollack’s classic comedy, “Tootsie.”
In the coming weeks, Elvis’s guests will be Bill Murray, Laurence Fishburne and Quentin Tarantino.
I can’t think of anyone I’d rather watch chatting with movie people about movies than Elvis Mitchell.
A brief promo video is embedded below.
Bay Area blogger Michael Guillen recently did an entertaining interview with Elvis, and you can read it here.
UPDATE (07/07/08): I just watched the Sydney Pollack interview, and it is wonderful. Now I’m wondering why TCM has only produced eight episodes of this show.
Damn David! That's what I get for not checking your blog everyday like I'm supposed to. Hopefully they rerun this soon and I will make sure to catch Elvis interview Quentin Tarantino (love him!). That should be fun.
^ You ain't missed it, Wanda. It's coming on tonight.
I just really admire those classy, gray dreads of Elvis. I can't think of anyone else than can carry those with so much panache.
Francisco, I agree with you. I am so not into dreadheads, but Elvis carries them with dignity. Maybe it's the combination with intelligence. He's hot.
^ I love his fashion sense in general.
He'd invited me to the studio to watch them tape his Tarantino interview, and Elvis had on a button-collar shirt... but the collar was unbuttoned.
The director or somebody pointed this out to him, like maybe Elvis had forgotten to button down. And Elvis was like, "It's called style."
I remember when he was a film critic for the New York Times. One of my faves. Unfortunately I only have sub-basic cable, so I'm gonna have to find a patient friend with Tivo in order to catch this.
Crap, I forgot this was on tonight! Will it be repeated?
He'd invited me to the studio to watch them tape his Tarantino interview
Say What??
David, next time you see somebody's favorite director please let me know!!!
ps. that was pretty good interview! I wish they were an hour.
And...not only did they order 8 episodes, but 4 of them won't even be aired until later in the year!
I've heard a lot of good things about The Blacklist, his HBO documentary, and looking forward to seeing it. Didn't catch Under The Influence, but I will eventually.
I've heard a lot of good things about The Blacklist, his HBO documentary...
I missed it during a one-week run at a downtown L.A. theater. But I look forward to seeing it... even though Elvis's voice and image aren't part of the finished product.
Love me some TCM.
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