Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Random wrongness

Remember this tune?

It was a long way from her world to Barack’s.


Kellybelle said...

Eww, she makes it seem like the N-word feels so good in her throat--the way she hits that "guh".
I hope she was singing it for some archive or something. She was probably campaigning for Hillary.

Anonymous said...

Poor woman. She can barely get words out without garble and spittle and she's cackling hate with all she has (sigh)

Undercover Black Man said...

... and she's cackling hate with all she has...

Don't miss my first link, Kenn. The irony is that this was originally a Negro folk song.

(Although this woman probably never knew that.)

Anonymous said...

Those suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's shouldn't be allowed on YouTube. There needs to be an old people police that deletes them - and that crazed Hillary supporter.

This is just wrong, wrong, wrong on so many levels.

bklyn6 said...

I had no problem listening the the Jonestown death tape you posted a couple of weeks ago. But, for some reason I can't/won't bring myself to watch this or the other "Random wrongness" video you posted on 5/31.

I can't quite put a finger on it.

Anonymous said...

Sounds and looks like my third grade teacher.

Anonymous said...

she know she wrong for that and why they couldnt bep out the N word

Anonymous said...

That lady ain't racist -- she's a reader! LOL

Unknown said...

"Cackling hate" takes some presuming. You can't say much regarding this woman from this clip except about her pronounciation and intonation.

Some old whiteys came from a place where, whether you were filled with hate or not, "nigger" was a common enough word. Not that this excuses the use of it, but just that there were/are varying levels of its use. If you deny that, you're making a political statement that expresses your own (understandable) exasperation, but doesn't reflect reality.

The Obenson Report said...

It's so pathetic that I couldn't help but shake my head and laugh! Reminds me of the scene in that ridiculous Queen Latifah movie, 'Bringing Down The House,' when, for laughs, the old lady starts singing an "old Negro spiritual" at the dinner table - "Mama, is master going to sell us tomorrow?"

Undercover Black Man said...

Bklyn6: Don't fear the wrongness!