Friday, May 16, 2008

Rematch in Zimbabwe

The government of Zimbabwe has set a date for the runoff election between longtime ruler Robert Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai, the challenger who got more votes than Mugabe the first go-round.

The new election will be held on June 27.

Tsvangirai has been out of the country for weeks while his supporters have faced a violent crackdown by pro-Mugabe forces. But Tsvangirai is due to return to Zimbabwe tomorrow to renew his campaign for the presidency.

Below is a 4½-minute profile of Morgan Tsvangirai produced by the U.S. government’s Voice of America. It was uploaded to YouTube two weeks ago.

UPDATE (05/19/08): Tsvangirai canceled his return trip to Zimbabwe, citing a supposed assassination plot against him. It’s a damn shame, because now it’s starting to look like Tsvangirai might lack the courage to see this thing through.

In the words of one political analyst at the University of Zimbabwe: “If he doesn’t come back, he will be demonstrating that he is fearful of Mugabe, therefore he is less of a leader than Mugabe.”


  1. Absolutely and completely off topic, but what's up with the pix of Barack and Hill? Are they real?

  2. ^ Hey IW. Somebody did some artful photoshopping. Reflects a certain truth though, don't it? This process has aged 'em both.

  3. You’ve been nominated in’s Best Black Blogs Contest

  4. I feel for the Zimbabweans! they ran away from Mugabe and came to S-Africa, now they are being Burned to death by S-Africans, 22 have been killed in 1 week.

  5. ^ I was sad to read about that Aquilogy. But it reminded me that even eight years ago, when I visited South Africa, anti-immigrant sentiment (and occasional violence) was an issue.
