Friday, May 16, 2008

Anti-Obama rumor of the day

A blogger I hadn’t heard of – former CIA officer Larry C. Johnson – is spreading a rumor about Michelle Obama. To wit:

“I now have it from... four sources (three who are close to senior Republicans) that there is video dynamite – Michelle Obama railing against ‘whitey’ at Jeremiah Wright’s church.”

Johnson continued: “Republicans may have a lousy record when it comes to the economy and the management of the war in Iraq, but they are hell on wheels when it comes to opposition research. ... I am told there is a clip that is being held for the fall to drop at the appropriate time. ... It is their October surprise.”

Sounds like bullshit to me. I’m willing to bet that this smear will go the way of the Hillary Clinton lesbianism rumor. That is, nowhere.

Even my favorite Obama-hater, Lawrence Auster, seems to suspect this is worthless hype.

According to Wikipedia, Larry Johnson is a Republican, but has posted at the liberal blog Talking Points Memo to bash right-wingers. Johnson is a Hillary Clinton supporter.

The pro-Clinton blog HillBuzz was all over Johnson’s rumor last night, with a post titled: “Michelle Obama Caught On Tape At Trinity United Making Racist Remarks.”

The rumor has spread this afternoon among conservative websites such as (“If this is true, it could be lethal.”)

I’m telling you... this is nothing.


  1. A lot of Clinton supporters are hoping that this comes out soon.

    I'll believe it when I see it.

  2. Johnson has been know for being "factually challenged" for a while.

  3. So the Clintons couldn't put together some cash, borrow some from Bob and Magic Johnson and Roseanne Barr and buy a copy of this supposed tape from somebody?

    Or they have it, and they're waiting until the Hillary campaign really needs it?

    On top of that, we're supposed to believe that it found its way past Obama's previous political opponents inside the Democratic Party into Republican hands?

    Color me skeptical.

  4. Character assassination is all the Republicans have left. What are they going to run on? The War In Iraq? The booming economy?

    Even the Mob lays off the wives. But not the party of "values".

  5. Character assassination is all the Republicans have left.

    please. Larry Johnson is not a republican and has been the media darling of the left and champion of Valerie Plame. He proclaimed to have sources about massive indictments coming down that never came to pass and no one on the left called him out on his rumors then, because absent proof they like the way they sounded. Now that he's up to his old tricks in trading in unbelievable rumors trying to pass them off as a republican surprise and has been one of the ugliest Hillary supporters out there, are people questioning him? You lay down with dogs, you get fleas. Democrats own Larry Johnson.

  6. Interesting. I haven't trusted Larry Johnson as a source since he linked to the Executive Intelligence Review. Unlike some people, I can't just ignore something like that. For anyone not familiar with the Executive Intelligence Review - click here and here to find out.

    I agree with everyone else who said it, I'll believe it when I see it. I 'll add to that: AND get proof that it isn't doctored.

  7. ^ Larry Johnson wrote that REPUBLICAN operatives had this material. His affiliation is irrelevant.

  8. arry Johnson wrote that REPUBLICAN operatives had this material. His affiliation is irrelevant.

    He has been discredited so many times it's not possible to count. So what he "wrote" is thinner than a piece of tissue. And if his affiliation is irrelevant than any affiliation sitting on a video should be irrelevant too by that logic.

  9. I'm frankly more worried about the gaffes Obama's made himself (like calling a female reporter "sweetie"). He's starting to slip up and the real heat hasn't even begun yet.

  10. I'm frankly more worried about the gaffes Obama's made himself (like calling a female reporter "sweetie").

    That wasn't a "gaffe." That's called "getting your mack on." ;^D

  11. I'm not sure if Larry Johnson was ever a registered Republican (I actually seem to remember that he identified his political affiliation as "independent"), but he also identified himself as "conservative" in several forums in previous years, where he was chiefly known as a cheerleader for his former colleague, Valerie Plame.

    I had actually been fairly impressed with Larry, until he seemed to become unhinged, and it was actually before he began his vitriolic attacks on Barack. I get that he's all for Hillary--this is America, and he can support whomever he wants--but I don't get his foaming at the mouth attitude when it comes to Barack.

    In any event, if Hillaryland had such a tape of Michelle, they would have used it long before now to knock Barack out once and for all. It would have been a one-two punch with Wright and Michelle.

    And assuredly, the rabid right
    would have used it, because they (in my humble opinion) would much rather run against their ole pal Hillary.

    My final(!)point is why in the world would anyone think that Michelle Obama would go on a rant against "whitey", given her family ties? She's going to rant against her husband's mother and grandparents? She's going to denigrate her husband's family? And Barack would have been just fine with that? The whole thing is an absurd notion in the extreme.

    I really need this election to be over, and let's get Barack to January 20th. This nonsense has not been good for my health.

  12. Obama instantly apologized to the reporter for calling her "sweetie" (after the event). It's a bad habit of his (he has done this before) and he acknowledged this to her in the apology.

  13. Well, if there's a video, there's a video. Given that John McCain agreed with O'Reilly on National TV that John McCain and O'Reilly are part of the "White Christan male power structure" and that an effort is being made by "The New York Times" and the "Far Left" (code speak for "The Jews"), any some such Michelle Obama video, if existent should pale in comparison.

    John McCain is on record in acknowledging the existence of a power structure of white supremacy and his opposition to tearing it down.

    If Michelle Obama is found to be on record to tearing such same structure down, is that a disqualifier for Obama's Presidency or a qualifer?

  14. Have you heard the one about Obama being gay? I stumbled upon this Larry Sinclair fellow's website where he makes the claim that he and Obama had a sexual tryst a few years ago. I was baffled by the amount of support he's received on the site... But word is that this is the poison pill that the republicans are planning to use when the time comes...

    The madness continues...

  15. ^ Hey Tambay. That guy Sinclair is so manifestly insane, I can't imagine him being of any value to the GOP.

    But if the Republicans indeed try to use that destroy Obama... it'll be time to riot.

  16. Fisher: Why have you and CNulan been flaying the skin off each other at Denmark Vesey's? Add a white anti-Semite to the mix and it's the most bizarrely triangulated discussion I've ever seen on teh intarnetz.

    It's entertaining and all. I just hope it ain't leading up to someone getting shot.

  17. Mills...

    "Fisher: Why have you and CNulan been flaying the skin off each other at Denmark Vesey's?"

    Well, I guess Nulan thought that a good counterargument against my position that there exists a gobal syetem of racism/white supremacy would be to allege that I am in pursuit of various dietary habits anywhere from sucking penises to consuming maggots.

    Though I do find his continuous homosexual alegories interesting. Didn't he brilliantly counter one of your arguments by alleging you are in possession of an estrogen saturated body or some such?

    I must concede, Nulan is an intellect par none.

  18. Obama instantly apologized to the reporter for calling her "sweetie" (after the event). It's a bad habit of his (he has done this before) and he acknowledged this to her in the apology.

    Point is that he shouldn't be making such stupid errors, especially ones that are patronizing and sexist. Bah.

  19. Yaphet Kotto.


  20. All I can say is that you are

    rumors, hate mongering, racial division, class divide, rovian tactics all...
    Guess what?!?!
    We are smarter that all of that... and we don't believe every rumor we see or hear.... so get over it...
    If, indeed she was railing on 'whitey'... she probably had good reason to do so as her people were treated as less than human...they were denied human rights, they were hung and burned because that is what you do to an insolent uppity (read elitist) black person... You disgust me in your narrow minded view of humanity.... go back under your rock... this is a new America where we value our diversity and we admire humanity in any color....
