King Britt, the former DJ for Digable Planets, put out a CD in 2005 called
“King Britt Presents: Sister Gertrude Morgan.”
What he did was, he took an obscure 1970 a cappella LP by an eccentric New Orleans gospel singer and folk artist – that would be
Sister Gertrude – and he constructed a psychedelic hip-hop soundscape around her vocals. (Similar to what Moby did on his
“Play” project.)
The result is pretty doggone cool.
Click here to hear “Let’s Make a Record” streaming on my Vox blog.
To download the track as a FREE MP3, click the song title below.
“Let’s Make a Record” (MP3)

Album available at
iTunes Music Store
Album available at
Album available at
Got to spend a few hours Record shopping with Britt in Toronto a few years back.
Really nice and humble guy.
NP:When The Funk Hits the Fan
I got a copy of that CD right as Katrina was unfolding. I wrote about it on my blog because Sister Gertrude become my soundtrack to the horrors of New Orleans. Plus, she's an interesting case, a self-taught visionary artist who walked around the French Quarter in a nurse's uniform for 20 years, street preaching and trying to save sinners.
^ Well done. Thanks for pointing to that.
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