For you: a FREE MP3 of Ms. Watley’s cover version of Chic’s “I Want Your Love.”
It came out as a single over the summer, and it spawned a remix disc. It originally appeared on Watley’s 2006 CD, “The Makeover,” on which she also covers tunes by Diana Ross, Madonna and Bob Marley.
To hear “I Want Your Love” streaming on my Vox site, click here.
See, to me, there’s something cold about Jody Watley’s singing. But on the plus side, Nile Rodgers went into the studio and re-performed his funky, chicken-scratch guitar part.
To download the track, click the song title below.

I have not through about her since 1987 or so...damn...
Shalimar was great! I love "Take That to the Bank" and "Night to Remember."
^ Yep, Lola... "Night to Remember" was it. I liked that whole Solar Records sound for a while... Dynasty, Carrie Lucas... reminds me of college days.
Anyone else remember watching Jody Watley dance on Soul Train?
I thought "Uptown Festival" was a really fun song. :-) But, "Take That to the Bank" is probably my favorite Shalamar joint. And of Jody's solo stuff, I love "Still A Thrill."
Wasn't she married to Andre Cymone?
I think she was married to Andre for a minute.
What happened to that brotha?
I used to be in love with Jody. Might still be. Jody, if you read this, give a brotha a holla!
What happened to that brotha?
Word. He's in one or two old Jody Watley videos.
I remember there was this rumor/urban legend that she had a child (a girl) by Magic Johnson. I know she has a son, but I think he's Andre's.
Man that synthesizer sounds kinda goofy. Guitar is good (of course it's *Nile Rodgers*) but I don't think Jody's feelin' the groove (she sounds as overprocessed as any white 90s pop tart you care to name)
The 70s disco people got that you either go all out with the synth or all out with the funk. This feels too blase.
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