Tuesday, September 11, 2007


On Wednesday (i.e., tomorrow), I’ll be joining fellow bloggers Michael Fauntroy and Gina McCauley (What About Our Daughters?) on National Public Radio’s “News & Notes” program, which is hosted by Farai Chideya.

They do a weekly bloggers’ roundtable, and this time my number got pulled. Don’t know yet what we’ll be talking about. Check your local NPR station for the time.

UPDATE (09/13/07): As I also mentioned in a post above, the “News & Notes” segment on which I appeared is streaming online. Follow this link to NPR’s website.


Anonymous said...

Good luck and have fun...remember the new FCC rules make the broadcaster responsible for any indecency fines, so don't start cussin' and think you can send the bill to NPR.

Undercover Black Man said...

Thanks, cjb.

Three words: Eddie Muthafuckin' Griffin!

Anonymous said...

Great subject to explore, just leave out the MF part while you are on the air...

Every mic is a live mic.

justjudith said...

how'd it go???

Undercover Black Man said...

Thanks for asking, justjudith. It was polite, civil, I guess interesting. I'll post a link to the streaming audio.

I'm impressed with Gina McCauley. I had already added What About Our Daughters? to my blogroll a few weeks ago. She's a shit-disturber... and that's not a bad thing to be if you blog.

But I think she may be a little too much into picking fights against big targets. She slammed Obama for speaking up in behalf of Genarlow Wilson... the young guy who got prison time for receiving a BJ from his underage girlfriend. Ms. McCauley apparently thinks objecting to Genarlow's prison sentence makes one an advocate of statutory rape...

bklyn6 said...

I wanted to download this but it wasn't yet available at Yahoo podcasts and my iTunes isn't loading properly.

I heard Gina McCauley on a previous edition of the Bloggers Roundtable on N&N and I was a little put off by her calling Genarlow Wilson a "child molester." If I've got the story right, the "BJ" was consensual; and he was 17 at the time, while his girlfriend was 15. Maybe by law it is molestation; maybe I watch a little too much "Too Catch a Predator" with Chris and think that only grown ass men trying to seduce prepubescent girls are child molesters.

justjudith said...

that is why i am vehemently opposed to parents letting kids get motel rooms without supervision. but a lot of us would not be here if 17 year olds and fifteen year olds didn't have consensual relationships. again, i'm with jena 6 on that one.