Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Booker T. Washington speaks

“To those of my race who… underestimate the importance of cultivating friendly relations with the Southern white man, who is their next-door neighbor, I would say: ‘Cast down your bucket where you are’ – cast it down in making friends in every manly way of the people of all races by whom we are surrounded. …”

You know I love peculiar media artifacts. Especially those that make American history come alive (such as narratives by ex-slaves).

Well, imagine my shock and awe to come across an actual voice recording of Booker T. Washington from 1906! (It was recorded on an Edison cylinder, and it’s the only known record of Washington’s voice ever made.)

Washington, as president of the Tuskegee Institute, became the most prominent black American of his era. He rubbed elbows with U.S. presidents. Himself born a slave, Booker T. Washington advocated an up-by-the-bootstraps self-improvement philosophy that has resonated in the black community ever since.

On September 18, 1895, Prof. Washington addressed a largely white audience at the Cotton States and International Exposition in Atlanta. That speech is now known as the “Atlanta Exposition speech” (or, by some, as the “Atlanta Compromise”).

It’s the speech that made Booker T. Washington a national figure.

Because he didn’t push for “social equality” with whites, he was later attacked by W.E.B. Du Bois, who declared: “Mr. Washington represents in Negro thought the old attitude of adjustment and submission. ... [His] programme practically accepts the alleged inferiority of the Negro races.”

But most black leaders at the time praised the Atlanta Exposition speech.

White folks really praised it. President Grover Cleveland sent Booker T. Washington a congratulatory letter. The New York World newspaper called him “the Negro Moses.”

“As Prof. Washington strode forward to the edge of the stage,” wrote James Creelman in the New York World, “the low, descending sun shot fiery rays through the windows into his face. A great shout greeted him.”

The journalist continued: “There was a remarkable figure; tall, bony, straight as a Sioux chief, high forehead, straight nose, heavy jaws and strong, determined mouth, with big white teeth, piercing eyes and a commanding manner. The sinews stood out on his bronzed neck, and his muscular right arm swung high in the air with a lead pencil grasped in the clinched brown fist. … His voice rang out clear and true, and he paused impressively as he made each point. Within ten minutes the multitude was in an uproar of enthusiasm – handkerchiefs were waved, canes were flourished, hats were tossed in the air. The fairest women of Georgia stood up and cheered. It was as if the orator had bewitched them.”

Creelman also reported: “Most of the Negroes in the audience were crying, perhaps without knowing just why.”

Pulitzer Prize-winning historian David Levering Lewis calls the Atlanta Exposition speech “one of the most consequential pronouncements in American History.”

The voice recording I stumbled upon isn’t from the Atlanta Exposition itself. Washington recited parts of his speech 11 years later, in 1906, to make a phonograph record for reasons unknown.

Still, it’s a thrill to hear the words in his own voice (notwithstanding the surface noise of a 100-year-old cylinder).

To hear a three-and-a-half-minute streaming mp3 of Booker T. Washington’s speech, click here.

You can purchase it for download here, on eMusic. There’s also a shorter (and cleaner-sounding) version available on iTunes, from a CD titled “Every Tone a Testimony.”

You can read the entire Atlanta Exposition speech here, or read more about it here.


quirkychick said...

This is endlessly fascinating. It is very cool to hear his actual voice although it was hard for me to discern what he is saying.

I read the speech and wondered if he really believed that the largely white group of people he was exhorting to drop their bucket among his race would really stop trying to hang his people from trees?

It seems to me his ideas were beyond the moral comprehension of the white southernern mind, that he was operating from a belief that white southerners recognized the newly freed slaves as human beings with all of the rights and freedoms and value afforded any human life. And maybe those people there that day shared that belief - but when I look at history it seems that the majority of southern whites, for the most part, did not.

JustMeWriting said...

Excellent post, although I couldn't hear the audio. My thinking has aligned with that of W.E.B.D and Susie.

I'm all for brotherly love for humanity, but I think the idea of attempting to befriend those who've been against you for so long shouldn't be something we PLAN to do, but happens as it will. Assimilation should be natural...and not premeditated and I'm speaking solely from the perspective of Blacks making it their business to associated with Whites and not so much the other way around;it then becomes to hard to distinguish them from uncle tom's

great post...I look forward to your next.

Elyce said...

Booker T. Washington was such a fascinating man to me. Though he is widely viewed by the ideals expressed in this speech, interestly enough, Washignton exemplified the Negro that DuBois preached of. Washington was definitely one of the "Talented Tenth". But I think it's great to have both views, as it makes us a more diverse people.

Anonymous said...

"Cast down your bucket where your are." is an anti immigration speech. I've heard that quote before.

Sure makes sense.